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"Solid Light" is the nickname given to strange solid/plasma objects that glow an extremely bright white and float around in Always. They host life and are half solid with 30% plasma, with the remaining 20% being made out of 60% a strange substance, 25% light, 10% Things, 4% Formless, and 1% -.. .. .. The life on it is mostly microbes and a few Omni-gods. Sometimes their temperature can increase drastically, sometimes even making it 1,000x as hot as normal, but this lasts for only 10-14 seconds on average. The shortest heat increase ever recorded was 3.2 billionths of a planck time and the longest being 4 days. This happens usually once every 2 OYC.

How it works[]

The solid and plasma are fused with all the light and the A strange substance and Formless are meshed together to squish the -.. .. .s in place to get their instability in check, as well as keeping the Things safe due to creatures living in them. The A strange substance’s instability is kept in check by the merge with something with no form, limiting possibilities, with the solids and plasma all around applying pressure.
