The 'thingy' is not a verse, but is also not something that is not a verse. Instead, this thing is a ____________. The 'Thingy' has countless verses on its surface.
There are 4 layers:
FIRST LAYER: The Crust[]
The crust is a thin layer of Ultraglue spread out evenly on the second layer's surface. This glue holds all the verses (not counting some Mayarollies and some The Abyss) and random other Heaas, Hekcs, and the dentists on the 'Thingy's surface.
SECOND LAYER: The Random compacted stuff[]
The Random Compacted Stuff is, like the name says, a bunch of random things squished together. The percentage of things in this layer are:
34% dark matter, 29% pure energy, 10% scented markers, 7% liquid helium, and 20% Trinioptconisensialitite (atom containing 128,392 protons, 232,832 neutrons, and 2,839,238,203,820 electrons).
THIRD LAYER: The Barrier[]
The Barrier is a indestructable sponge protecting the Core of the 'Thingy'. Many creatures live in the holes of the sponge. This is the only place that has life in the 'Thingy', not counting the life in the verses on the surface of it. Most of these creatures are extremely powerful, and they protect the Core from the Trinioptconisensialitite that constantly leak through the holes in the sponge, thus damaging the core.
This is at the center of the 'Thingy'. The Core contains endless numbers of The Abyss. The immense light coming from the Core lets the Barrier host life. The surface of the Core is made out of the same material as the sponge. The material gives the Core a shiny white look to it.