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βs are tiny worlds where αs and ζs live. Although they are usually flat, they appear to maintain some characteristics of a planet. Here are the following types:


Hyperbolic βs are strange, and their properties are exaggrated versions of what happens on a hyperbolic surface.   If you spin too much on a hyperbolic β, then you are sent to a random Heaa (with Dave on it) where you will get eaten by Dave as punishment.

Triangles are also forbidden here. All triangles will be downgraded into a line segment. This, however, has been exploited by some clever sentient αs to crush other αs, increasing the production rate of αs, which means more food for them.


Round βs constantly spin around at a rate that an object would go 10 ζs per second on average. The bigger the β is, the less this matters.

Towers of 1,000,000 αs have been built that when climbed up, can launch αs to other βs or even to other Σs!


Flat βs have a force limit of 10 ζs per second here. Any force greater that and the object that is exceeding speed limits will be immoblizilizfor 1 minute.


When a β is red, a vaccum is in the center that is slowly eating away at the β. It will also suck everything in, until eventually, the β dies out.

This kind of thing is more common is less massive βs.


When a β is green, it is in energy producing mode. 10% of matter will be converted into energy, then everything will return to normal.


When a β is blue, it will launch every object very high into the sky. This can lead to transportation of αs to other βs or even to other Σs!


When a β is purple, that means it is corrupted, It will spin at 570 ζs per hour and getting compressed by 1 α per second and it slowly turns into a black hole.
