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⌬Info about ATSL atoms

Size: 1 ATU[1]

Class: - ∅ Protoclass (0) ∅ -

Contains: ATSL elementary particles, ATSL subatomic particles

Hekc ATSL atomsATSL subatomic particles

kardashev scale: 8 level ATSL

Atoms at ATSL level are much, much smaller than protoverses, and act differently than normal atoms. It is the biggest particle in Absolutely Tiny Particles, but couldn't be found in Protoverses. It has a strange size, that is equal to Hecc diameters, meaning that it is not negative, but weirdly positive.

These atoms actually repel practically every single thing that gets close to it. That means no force can push it, and ATSL atoms aren't affected by gravity, radiation, or any bigger particle at all. Therefore, they are dangerous to ordinary verses, like universes.

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⌬Compositions of Atoms (ATSL)[]

Like ordinary atoms of countless verses, ATSL atoms are made of smaller compositions (elementary particles) of their own. A center core of stuck-together arrangements of particles, other arrangements of particles orbiting it, and a force keeping a balance between orbiter and center. A lot similar to common atoms inside verse!

WELL EXCEPT IT ISN'T :OOOO! actually, ATSL atoms are more like small verses distantly orbiting large, closely orbiting verses. Each particle (not elementary particles) making up the ATSL atom has different arrangements of ATSL elementary particles. In some cases, some sort of amazing verse-like particle can appear.

"Element Number"[]

Although individual components are nothing like ordinary, observably small atoms, ATSL atoms also have "element number". It is determined by the number of particles at the ATSL atom core. And there is another critical difference between ordinary atoms and ATSL atoms:

"Properties of ATSL atoms mostly follow numerical order (for example, every ATSL atom with element number of 100's multiple are Megasus), in contrast to ordinary atoms that do not."

Below is some important properties appearing according to the numerical pattern:

  • If the ATSL atom's atomic number is multiples of 2, 3, 5, or any prime number between 0 to Absolute Infinity (which is  ), then they will eventually decay over time to become the atomic number that is not multiples of prime numbers.
    However, the decay of these ATSL atoms is not regular. Some may just decay once then find equilibrium, and some may decay infinitely then pop out of existence. And in extreme cases, decay does not decrease ATSL atomic number. It is the exact opposite: it increases[2]!

  • If the ATSL atom's atomic number is any natural number beyond this :

    (where is )
    ... it will not be able to have any ATSL electron orbiting it. This is because the ATSL atom has too little binding force compared to its size.

  • If the ATSL atom's atomic number is a square number of any output of :

    (Tibor Rado's sigma function, AKA "Busy Beaver")
    ...ATSL atoms will slowly lose the core by the process of their particles disappearing away and become something like positronium.
    Oh, and by the way, positronium is not a hard concept[3] (at least painfully oversimplified literal description is) that will make you say "wtf" understanding it. It is just some sort of matter with one positive-charge electron (positron) and normal electron orbit each other. Weirdly enough, it forms (sort of) an atom similar to one we are made of.

  • If the ATSL atom's atomic number is bigger than , the whole atom collapses into a tiny tiny super-energetic particles called "Tinyparticle[4]", AKA the Tinion. The Tinions are much more common than you may think, since the element number of ATSL atoms are truly random, and the number of the ATSL atoms are regular across all atomic number.
    Still, some ATSL atoms can exist here, but they are rare, mutated ones which can withstand immense (of course compared to the Tinion's size) magnetic fielsdcreated on their own chonk core.

  • If the ATSL atom's atomic number is beyond Absolute infinity, it sure is some sort of illusion because that's just solid, absolute unchanging impossibility.

Tiny chain
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Possibly smallest hierarchy where super tiny particles elegantly float through it

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⌬Absolutely Tinier Particles⌬
Thingk - Mandelsok - .: - Periodk

⎊ Null class (-1) ⎊ <- ∅ Protoclass (0) ∅ -> ۞ Starter Class (1) ۞
Main Chain

Protoverse -> Uqraek fiber -> String -> Quark -> Proton -> Atom -> Star -> Galaxy

  1. One ATU (Absolutely tiny unit) is Heck diameters
  2. How surprising!!1!!1!!1!111!1!1!111 :OO
  3. Well this is a lie
  4. As said in the page, it can form extremely strong bonds and can explode if arranged in forbidden bonds.