The Absolutely tiny Particles are a chain of majorly scaled down particles in Class 0. Measuring scale, ATU (Absolutely Tiny Unit), is equal to Heck diameters. In other words, size of particles start at straight down infinitesimal scale.
Also, ATSL (Absolutely Tiny Scale Level) is to differentiate some particles from their homonym[1].
These atoms act like Repulsivematter. They repel practically every single thing that gets close to it. That means no force can push it, and the Absolutely tiny atoms aren't affected by gravity, radiation, or any particle at all.
ATSL Subatomic Particles are various kinds of small and fragile particles forming from collapses of protoverses. They are little tiny dangerous specs of dust that sometimes explode and damage nearby space.
Absolutely tiny elementary particles can be at all three states: quarks[6], leptons[7], and bosons[8] (All ATSL). If the particle comes in contact with a force, it collapses into one state among the three. This is because the particles are so tiny that normal, inter-versal wide forces can penetrate the particle, changing the vibration, which causes the particle to have multiple states at once.
ATSL strings are WAY more fragile than every single Absolutely tiny elementaryparticles[9]. They are raveled up in a skinny bundle in order to increase stability, but this does limit the string's vibration somewhat, reducing the number of possible particles. As a result of this, the only ATSL elementary particles are absolutely tiny electrons, up quarks, and down quarks.
ATSL Uqraek fiber is fiber so unfathomably small and unstable that it can not be tracked with any type of technology. Our Universe made entirely of absolutely tiny ATSL Uqraek fiber would almost instantly go into a state of "explosion" due to instability and the number of collisions between objects so small. It is too small to contain actual -verses, unlike the Uqraek fiber.
This is the "thing" that makes up ATSLUqraek fiber. As it is so small, it is insanely unstable. Atomic fabrics[10] do not have a naturally forming repulsive barrier. And due to its instability, it will violently explode into countless pieces of itself. Which can corrupt and destroy everything near it, even verses if it came to contact with.
There are also a few particles even smaller than the ones describable with ATU, HATU, and AHATU. Particles of these sizes are near-building blocks of reality, reaching the lowest level of ℶ[13] ordinals. They are lot smaller than ⎊Null class (-1) ⎊ particles of Pre-Hierarchy, since below listed particles are measured in units that cannot :
Thingk is the only component for minuscule fabrics. Every fabric of reality[17] can be broken down into one component particle: the Thingk. These specks of dust [18] bind to each other and create every sort of fabric EVERY. Similar to ATSL strings, Thingk produces different fabrics by vibrating and arranging in various combinations.
Mandelsok (or mandelbrotstuffisok) is a container for various anomalies, along with countless tiny particles[19]. It is also one of the most complicated particles. In fact, there are so many particles floating around inside Mandelsok, it almost looks like a normal verse (if one had the ability to look "inside of mandelsok")!
↑Well of course there are truly infinite uses for single word such as "atom" if search scale grows to insane scale...
↑Everything above Uqraek fiber is measured in ATU, and Uqraek fiber and below small objects are measured in HATU. And nonexistent particle is measured in AHATU.
↑One AHATU (Absolute-Hyper-Absolutely tiny unit) is Heck diameters
↑Up quark, down quark, strange quark, charm quark, bottom quark, top quark... total 6 discovered so far!
↑Electron family (AKA leptons): electron (so obvious lol), muon, and tauon... muon and tauon are just very fat electrons
↑SixFour Five horseman of apocalypse universe: Photon (electromagnetic force), W and Z boson (weak nuclear force), gluon (strong nuclear force), higgs boson (probably the most useless boson since it is only the field producing it is doing all actual work and higgs boson is just a lazy product that does nothing), gravitons (probably fake lol)
↑How impossible? information about Nonexistent particles cannot be found anywhere you might think there is, including inside The Box, QRverse, and everything that is able to expose any information.
↑Unlike the other ones, size of these particles are described much smaller functions than "ATU", "HATU", and "AHATU".
↑As expressed below, size of below particles are measured in this equation: , where (negative property size standard) is a size that has maximum negative properties. This concept has its roots at how the size of Zyoron is described.
↑(reverse hyperdimensions) is equal to hyperdimension of ordinal. In case where there are multiple layers of function, such as (or ), inner functions generate ordinal, then only outermost works according to original rule.