All dimensions Wiki

Always is a verse/void that is completely filled with extremely bright light. The picture shows the darkest part of Always ever found, which has 10 trillion lumens. The only way to get to Always is to corrupt Never using Glitchonicite, thus opening up a dimensional portal to get to Always.

It is unknown why Always is so bright. It is so bright that the temperature is hot enough to vaporize virtually every type of object, matter, or even void. The only material that can withstand this scorching temperature is Primordium Delta. There are some pockets of some unknown substance in Always that can host life. This is similar to the SPoMaS found in Never. However, these pockets, dubbed "solid light", are not made out of matter. All we know is that this "solid light" can create living things, and that it only has 2 states of matter: solid and plasma.

Some lifeforms that live on "Solid Light" are the Formless, Things, and some weird things known as "die" -.. .. ..
