An Antiverse is practically a universe full of anti-matter instead of your usual normal matter. Physics here might be different or still the same, Beings from this universe will think that the anti-matter they have is normal matter and our universe is anti-matter. It's size is 1.2 septillion light-years. Antiverse applies to all verses below the Voidverse i.e. Antixenoverse, Anti-etc... The largest antiverses are the AntiUNNAMEDverse (aka the unkown antiomniverse).
The antiverses are outside of the UNNAMEDverse but, they contained by the Absoluteverse.
Time goes backwards here, so the current year there is 2021 BCE, part of the Egyptian times. Technology is collapsing. A human lifetime goes old to young.
In this universe, colors are inverted. So this means humans are colored blue with white hair and scary eyes. Likewise, the Earth has yellow-orange oceans and skies, black clouds and ice, blue deserts, purple grass and forests, etc. The Sun is a cold star colored navy blue. The space is colored white. The stars are seen as black dots as if it were filled with black pepper.
Scientifically though, the above paragraph defies common Physics since firstly, the bluer a Sun is, the hotter that makes it, since it would be emitting light of higher frequencies therefore light of more energy, increasing its heating power. Secondly, in the Earthly night sky, our mostly black region means an absence of light being emitted from that region of the night sky (also understood as 'negligible light being emitted from that region of the night sky'). Stars could well be black, as if black holes, but a white night sky simply means the entire space (all regions of nothingness) does in fact emit light, which is a contradiction since when there is nothing is space, then nothing can emit light.