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Arthopida is an immense planet of arthopods which crawl all over its very lake-infested surface with more unique species then earth in both plants and animals. There are lizards and such but they are much less important. It is also home to many intelligent lifeforms, all of which are arthropoda.

Telekinetic powers are also a trademark of the planet, being used in all but the least intelligent of animals.

Notable Non-sapient Specimens (Animals)[]

These are the animals that are most often thought about when an Arthopidian hears the word animal, like how humans think of dogs, giraffes and elephants


Rexidus is a large lizard which preys upon many of the large flightless birds and mammals of Arthopida, in a rather tall 4-legged stature at 1ft tall and 8.5ft long with a gaping maw, it uses camoflauge with its leaf green skin and texture to hunt. Although it really doesn't need this, as it can easily take a bite out of anything else's meal. It's also omnivorous with a venomous and powerful selection of teeth and jaw muscles. Rexidi use contests of telekinetic and physical power to determine mates as well, with lower rates being paired with lower rates. Its only weakness is speed, maxing at 13 MPH in a desperate sprint.


These are medium, lightfooted, mammals which are similar in size to an adolescent hyena, and are cat-like herbivores with teeth alike a gorilla, used to munch on leaves and hunt other species to serve as fertilizer for vast gardens of plants like lettuce and other leafy greens. They use they psionic abilities to plant plants in their gardens and communicate friendliness with other Unothidonts.


A Tunief is a small, very odd organism found in oceans and land alike with a great swimming speed and rat-mole mix body type, with 5 inches length and 1 inch height of oddball, it preys upon small plants and algae, with it being a very annoying pest in a Unothidont's gardens. It also gets its jaws on kelp occasionally, and dines on small reptiles and worms to boot. Tunie use psionic prowess to communicate and form defensive groups, as well as manipulate water for swimming.


The Zanod it a large fish/eel-like creature which is very slim and speedy in its habitat, composing of all the lakes and rivers in the Uoth hydrosystem. It loves to snack on swimming Tuniefs and loves hiding in nooks and crannies to chomp up small fish even more. They give birth to live young 1/100 their size in groups of 4. They don't have a use for their telekinetic abilities as observations have shown.


A Fondes is a very small, pack-hunting land shark with sleek skin and no fins. Measuring a little less then 2 inches, when in packs they can easily take down prey hundreds of times their size, even taking out Rexidi and Unothidonts if in large enough numbers. They use telekinesis for communications, and considering "networks" of Fondes thoughts get hundreads large, it's quite hard to imagine life as one. They also tend to die of stress when left alone to be studied.

Notable Non-sapient Specimens (Plants)[]


Thulius is a rather active and deceptive plant, with banana-like fruits growing on various branches, in a very scattered way. Whenever the leaves of the Thulius are under attack, all the bananas will move toward the predator, splitting their peels in four. This reveals suction cups in the inside of the tentacles and a very sharp object on the tip of the banana, used to pierce important organs. It has been revealed that this is all possible because the Thulius is in the minority of plantae on Arthopida which use telekinesis, and they do so in order to manipulate the fruits. Unothidonts tend to plant Thulius trees around their gardens if they can get a fruit off to plant there. Tuniefs are their most numerous victims


Elaxis is a very odd type of purple grass similar to bamboo. It does not grow fruits, but its branches contain a very large amount of seeds. The branches of the plant are often munched on by animals, while leaving the poisonous stem alone. Elaxis stems are used as ammo for large weapons by the sapient species on Arthopida. Essentially, the branches are its fruit, and because it's a grass, it can't have real fruits. It is also notable for being a grass with branches in the first place. Even the intelligent life like the a n t s love to eat it for its sugar content.


The Kino is a large shrub which is hiding an even bigger secret, as it has a symbiotic relationship with moving fungi in its roots. A Kino plant has very sought-after leaves and absolutely defends them by having a large fungal root system sprout out of the ground to attack attackers. They are then fertilizer. Because the fungi are so large, active, and deadly, they turn on over 25% of Kino they pair with. However, the Kino's leaves are very large and take in lots of water thanks to their natural position in wet areas, so tons of sugar comes the fungus's way when it stays. The Kino can also use telekinesis to keep the fungus under their roots.


A Vena is a small flower much alike a buttercup in our world, with pink leaves. Only imagine it mixed with the Pando trees. Vena flowers are all one organism in a tangle of roots together, being able to compete with the largest of trees by strangling its roots in a team effort. Vena are most often found in plains though, which are rare on Arthopida. There are currently 20 separated patches of the one Vena, and they seem to be connecting back together. Estimates say that by 2050, the Vena wull be down to 5 major clumps.


Arthopida is a very stable planet geographically, not having a lot of highs or lows. The entire planet is connected by land, and the water comes from various lakes and rivers littering the surface. These are connected to each other in a hydrosystem. A hydrosystem is any series of lakes and rivers that are connected year-round. Sometimes, during floods, hydrosystems cross. and there are about 9 hydrosystems on Arthopida.

  1. Uoth, the largest taking up 1/5 of the water
  2. Radix
  3. Tulon
  4. Rythis, the smallest taking up 1/15 of the water
  5. Yuton
  6. Wuto
  7. Qantur
  8. Iaxin
  9. Fubila

Another large part of Arthopidinian geography is the near total lack of mountains and abundance of trees. Rainforests and sprawling savannahs are found all over the surface, with areas lacking trees entirely being extremely rare. To suit, animals only tend to cross plains during migration periods.

Finally, Arthopida is but a moon of the larger planets Inx-4, the 4th planet from the Inx star. Inx-4, also called Gudof, is about 10,678km, and has had multiple colonization efforts made. The Spidens esxaped here for a little before the a n t s got to them there too.

Intelligent Life and its Modern History[]

There are 3 major parts of intelligent species on Arthopida: Arachnins, Insetas, and Crusaceans.


were easily the least intelligent and most powerful of the 3, being able to do little more then 6th grade math but can easily wipe the floor with any individual of another species. They come in only Crads and Lodsterk, like their Terran equals but much larger. These have gone away as a society and are now under the absolute dominance of the a n t s.


were the most diverse faction, consisting of unique species like Hopgrassers, jellyflies, and the ever-hungry a n t s. These creatures had great intelligence, but were rather weak compared to the others, even arachnins. They are the most plentiful, and their strategies and technologies were unmatched by all.


are the most balanced, and well known Arthopidan intelligence, being sent to other species to contact them. Not much notable, but the fleas and ticks made up the minority, going extinct from lack of them. Spidens and Scorps rule their home now, but it seems like it won't be for much longer...

A n t Takeover[]

The a n t s had been slowly increasing their population underground, feeding on the other Insetas until they turned all of them either into food or an enslaved food species, like we do to chickens but worse because they were smarter. The a n t s are a very telekinetically gifted species, along with their above average fighting power for an Inseta. They were able to do this with a swarm, a sea of a n t s which each individual resembled a supermajor army ant and bullet ant mix on Terra. The crusaceans didn't last long either, Lodsterk were the next targets for enslavement, their nation annexed and citizens eaten, they stood no chance. They made good cattle at least. Another factor on how it is so easy to conquer things as an a n t is the fact new solders come more often thanks to a rapidly growing number of queens from genetic diversity that had lasted a while. Also ant genetics.

Next would be the Arachnins, who are still fighting today againts the a n t s in a hopeless struggle. They fled to the main planet that Arthopida orbits, with the a n t s taking that tech and chasing after them, there's no hope. And as arachnins that were stranded are bred to be dumber and dumber, a recovery might not be possible. Hail the a n t s. Some spiders escaped to the Ryakverse, and the a n t s are tracking them there well.
