Barrelplazia is the set of Barrelplockinaguianas. This is the only barrel in the series that can change colour via a function.
The Barrelplazia is divided into objects the size of a square millimeter, called Daniels. Every time Barrelplazia is touched by an object, every Daniel of its surface follows the following convention:
- Take the current colour of the Daniel's hex code, and convert it to binary.
- Take the binary code of any neighbouring Daniel and apply the NAND operator with it to receive a new binary code.
- Convert the binary code back to hex, and then convert it to an RGB value (from 0 to 255).
- Set the R value to 255 - R.
- Set the G value to 255 - G.
- Set the B value to 255 - B.
- Convert the value back to hex, and then to binary.
- Pick any other neighbouring Daniel and use the XOR operator with it.
- Convert the resulting binary code back to hex, and make that the Daniel's new colour.
When alpha god mega doodle OOOOOO (Bongus, but pretending to be a different god) created this, he put a set of crap cards in it for people to find. However, they yeeted themselves out and turned into barrelblockinaguianas. The existing barrelplockinaguians also happened to be in it.