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My own hierarchy
Ok i'm gonna stablish some rules for myself before starting the hierarchy:
1) not spam exageratedly small or big verses
2) To be added
now we can start...
City district
Metropolitan area
Adminisrative division
Planet surface
Planet orbit
Inner/outer solar system
Solar system
star cluster
spiral arm (on spiral galaxies)
Galaxy cluster
Galaxy supercluster
Galaxy filmament
Observable universe sectors
observable universe
Universe group
Universe supergroup
Universe hypergroup
Archverses based from number
The archverses based from numbers starts from 1: Universe, and ends at Absolute Infinity: The Box.
- 1 Class 1: Countable
- 1.1 1: Universe
- 1.2 2: Multiverse
- 1.3 3: Metaverse
- 1.4 4: Xenoverse
- 1.5 5: Hyperverse
- 1.6 6: Megaverse
- 2 Class 2: Exponential
- 2.1 10^100: Googolverse
- 2.1.1 Properties
- 2.1 10^100: Googolverse
- 3 Class 3: Up to f_w(10)
- 4 Class 4: Up to f_w^w(10)
- 4.1 G64: Grahamverse
- 5 Class 5: Up to f_e0(10)
- 6 Class 6: Up to f_Gamma_0(10)
- 7 Class 7: Beyond...
- 7.1 TREE(3): TREEverse
- 7.2 Rayo's Number: Rayoverse
Full page - Here.
Full page - here.
Contained by: 10^100+1th Archverse
Contains: 10^100-1th Archverse
A Void Stretching An Immense Amount of Space, Few Mega Black Holes (Up To 10^10^10^309.655 Light Years Big), And Sometimes Small 10^100-1th Archverses.
Contained By: G64-1th Archverse
Contains: G64+1t…
Extended Divergent Archverses (11sD Tile Remix)
I hope this blog is will have 320 Kb+ -11sD Tile
- 1 Creator (11sD Tile)'s Notes
- 2 Short level reading
- 2.1 Level 0: Normal Archverses
- 2.2 Level 1: Start of normal EDA
- 2.3 Level 2: New Ideas
- 2.4 Level 3: More Levels
- 2.5 Level 4: Weird Level
- 2.6 Level 5: Trans-Chimeverse
- 2.7 Level 6: Extended Ones
- 2.8 Level 7: Ending, or is it?
- 2.9 Level 8: Infinite Class
- 2.10 Level 9: End of Normal EDA
- 2.11 Level 10: Beyord Normal EDA
- 2.12 Level 11: Pre-Final Level
- 2.13 Level 12: THE TRUE ENDING
- 3 EDAR Level 0
- 3.1 Normal Archverses
- 3.1.1 Universe
- Information
- Universe Border
- Our Universe
- See Also/Similar Pages
- Cosmic uncertainty
- Types
- General
- Forming Types
- 3.1…
- 3.1.1 Universe
- 3.1 Normal Archverses
Infinite journey
This blog is an infinite space journey, see “A relaxing journey from the beginning in the All Dimensions wiki to outside the universe and more, with precautions (Dave and his friends, and there are also two people with Dave, namely Kanil, Arko, and Border).
Let it be
These are for me only!
Kim Cartoon Password: zt@tAM6>B*zmVR^
Kim Cartoon Username: Prime Bunny
The Ellipsisverse is a verse Containing The Dotverse three times.
Its EUSI is DOT + 1. (The DOT is a number with The Cosmic Wall Size × ∞)
The Ellipsisverse is small compared to the Underscore.
The DOTverse
The DOTverse is a Verse and it's a single dot.
Some say it's the ↑0 terminator but others will say that the Ellipsis is next.
NOTE: If you don't end a SENTENCEverse with a DOTverse, the SENTENCEverse won't make sense.
Most say it's 2D because it looks like it.
The Last Important Part of the Universe
- 1 The Origin of the Last Important Part of the Universe
- 2 [The Last Important Part of the Universe] Necessary 'Gears'
- 3 [Core] Driven Worldview Energy
- 4 [Dimension]
- 5 [Nothingness]
- 6 [Chaos]
- 7 【Fiction and true】
- 8 The Will Body of [Dimension]
- 9 The existence of nothingness
- 10 [Chaotic] Will Body
- 11 The role of [Essence]
- 12 [Essence] Conceptual Formal Representation Explanation
- 13 Willpower level, class difference
- 14 Void Point
- 14.1 Von Neumann Universe V:
- 14.2 The last important part of the universe:
- 15 【 Upper Dome 】
- 16 【Between 0 and 1】
- 17 【 Divine Domain · at mostverse 】
When it comes to the existence of a concept, it begins to progress like gears, becoming the existence of optimality in argumentation. It cannot escape from the fundamental attribute inherent in the most bas…
thh if i made it
(kinda, images making up this image are not Universe2011’s or made by Universe2011)|right|thumb|250x250px]]
This hierarchy compiles all other hierarchies from the smallest to the biggest one. Credits to Someone who owns a fish for originally creating the page.
(Hn) is the Hierarchy Rank of a given hierarchy (e.g The Official Hierarchy has hierarchy rank 0, therefore it is ranked at (H0), and The Meta-Hierarchy has hierarchy rank ω, therefore it is ranked at (Hω).)
By the way, this hierarchy never ends, so you can make hierarchies past class 5, 6, 7, 8, TREE(3), ω, Π, and classes beyond.
- 1 Class Miscellaneous
- 2 Pre-Class (Class -1) Pre-Hierarchies
- 3 ⬖ Finity Class (Class 0) ⬖ Finite Hierarchies
- 3.1 Multi and Hecto Hierarchies
- 3.2 Prefixed Hierarchies
- 3.3 B…
my personal links
These are for me only.
Kim Cartoon Password: kiss27275917
Avoiding the FG wiki's fate (dont ask)
Everything contains every thing. No thing could go beyond this hierarchy. You cannot make a thing and say it will be beyond everything. Everything itself is a thing. It cannot even bypass itself! This does not mean it is smaller than anything though, it is a limit. You cannot go beyond this limit no matter how hard you try. As, if you did you would make a thing. And that thing would be contained by everything.
The Archetarium serves as a collective of every Archetype present inside of everything contained inside of it. The Archetarium is composed of 2 fields, an Archetypal field and a reality field. Each archetype is present in the Archetypal field and has a lower set of everything it contains inside of the Archetarium, which in the reality field. An archetype in the Archetarium is an absolute framework or blueprint for every something that the Archetype presents, a perfect and absolute embodiment of said something. The Archetypal field holds an . With it including every cardinal and ordinal there can be, and including that with the absolute infinity.
Blog posts that need Nav category
User blog:Fuzzo the fuzzy bee/Extensionverse
User blog:Fuzzo the fuzzy bee/Dilly Dally Dog’s Dog House
User blog:Fuzzo the fuzzy bee/Gayparticle
User blog:SodafizzIGuess/Collection of Hyperspaces
User blog:Oofandfoo/Hyperspace of Systems
User blog:Oofandfoo/The Flower Field of Existence
User blog:SodafizzIGuess/The Hyper Leaf
User blog:SodafizzIGuess/The E
The Wekaverse (formerly known as the Wekaverse), is a cluster of Xennaverses. The potential glitchiness here now goes beyond strings. Coordinates (including time) are now inconsistent, meaning that things can go in random directions at the speed of 0.01 ly per second (usually). This even applies to leptons and nueclons, making them collide into each other a lot. As a result, this verse has 1 googolplex times the atomic explosions.
Really thick Metabubbles have to be used pretty much everywhere in order to prevent atoms from exploding, which very few atoms here have.
Life is pretty much non-existent, as everything blows up constantly. Multiple attempts have been made to stabilize this verse, but all they did was make the Wekaverse even more gli…
The Xennaverse (formerly known as Ronnaverse) is a collection of multiple Yottaverses and is contained by a Wekaverse.
The Xennaverse is quite unstable. Strings here are so broken that they can seemingly exist and not exist at the same time, or neither exist nor not exist. However, despite this, it is still infrequent that you will manage to escape the Box by teleporting into another reality using this.
The strings can even teleport things to them like Glitchonicite. Unfortunately, this means that the Xennaverse has a substantial amount of Glitchonicite, which constantly corrupts the Metabubble that it's in.
That has made surviving in this verse harder than usual and also means that the next few verses are "mashed" together somewhat.
Conclusion: a div cannot have multiple groups.
This is an AND gate.
This is an OR gate.
What about... a combination lock???
The combination is hidden you'll have to find it :)
.]] This is the fourth hierarchy, after The Official Hierarchy, The Extended Hierarchy and The Post-Hierarchy, containing classes 23 to 32. If you haven't noticed yet, all logic is completely gone by this point. If you want to see Rank H4 You need see at end of this page.
For a list of the numbers used: The Extended Post-Hierarchy/Numbers
The Hierarchy Rank of this hierarchy ranks at (H3).
- 1 ‽ Loupicial Class (23)‽
- 1.1 The Rubiksplexus
- 1.2 Void’s Chain
- 1.3 Hwago-Chain
- 1.4 Kala-Chain
- 2 Ꝟ Lanternfish Class (24) Ꝟ
- 2.1 Universe2011’s Factorials Superchain
- 3 Ꞥ Capybara Class (25) Ꞥ
- 3.1 Organized part of this class
- 4 Ω 1X1 Lego Piece Class (26) Ω
- 4.1 To-Be-Reach Cycloops
- 4.2 Cyclooped Chain
- 4.2.1 The Start
- 4.2.2 Cyclooped -Verses (You can skip it)
- 4.2.3 Part 2: More Cycl…
So big size and diameter = TEl^^^^^^^^^^absolute aperindal^^^^^^^ethereal class^^^^^^^Fg$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
thh (some one who owns a fish)
(kinda, images making up this image are not Universe2011’s or made by Universe2011)]]
This hierarchy compiles all other hierarchies from the smallest to the biggest one. Credits to Someone who owns a fish for originally creating the page.
(Hn) is the Hierarchy Rank of a given hierarchy (e.g The Official Hierarchy has hierarchy rank 0, therefore it is ranked at (H0), and The Meta-Hierarchy has hierarchy rank ω, therefore it is ranked at (Hω).)
- 1 ⬖ Finity Class (Class 0) ⬖ Finite Hierarchies
- 1.1 Multi and Hecto Hierarchies
- 1.2 Prefixed Hierarchies
- 1.3 Beyond Prefixed Hierarchies
- 1.3.1 Googologically Large Hierarchies
- 2 ω Infinity Class (Class 1) ω Omega-Hierarchies
- 2.1 Meta-Hierarchies
- 2.2 Xeno-Hierarchies
- 2.3 Omni-Hierarchies
- 2.4 Outside Hierarchies
- 2.5 Monocosm Hie…
The CaseOh Hierarchy
verse so big what fuck concepts
power set of (BB(rayo(g(tree(TREE(gerflo(sam(ultimate🧌^^^^^^^^🐢^^^^🦠^^^^^^🦟^^^^^^🌌$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ with 🌌^^^^^^absolute aperindal supremefactorials behind it
(kinda, images making up this image are not Universe2011’s or made by Universe2011)|right|thumb|250x250px]]
This hierarchy compiles all other hierarchies from the smallest to the biggest one. Credits to Someone who owns a fish for originally creating the page.
(Hn) is the Hierarchy Rank of a given hierarchy (e.g The Official Hierarchy has hierarchy rank 0, therefore it is ranked at (H0), and The Meta-Hierarchy has hierarchy rank ω, therefore it is ranked at (Hω).)
By the way, this hierarchy never ends, so you can make hierarchies past class 5, 6, 7, 8, TREE(3), ω, Π, and classes beyond.
- 1 Class Unimaginable
- 2 Class Miscellaneous
- 3 Pre-Class (Class -1) Pre-Hierarchies
- 4 ⬖ Finity Class (Class 0) ⬖ Finite Hierarchies
- 4.1 Multi and Hecto Hierarchies
- 4.2 Prefi…
An Apple Is Healthy, It Can be eaten by humans. But Bananas Are More Healthy. - Emman1987-2
The Creator Of An Unknown Reality Called Cosmical And Galatic Portal Which Sends us to The JJT Dimesion.
I put myself here so why not
Emman1987-2 Was Found In Another Realm in 200,000,000,000,000,088 OYC.
The Realm Was His Home.
Sincerely Speaking, The almighty
Top of everything
The top of everything is the largest verse bigger than Indefinite, Or is it? The Creator and The Destroyer are the creators of this, this is the house of them, But this wiki contains Infinity. The largest verse. But what is this? The creation of the top of everything will be never understanded as it will be destroyed by The True Destroyer. Later, The 2 Guys will have a new fabric network with eachother. The biggest verse known is called "Heaven". And the others are too late to reach it. The strongest person is He. But cannot destroy it. It contains 2,000,000 atoms. that is the biggest thing ever known. Who is stronger to destroy it? But the strongest person is somebody else who is Galactic. The Top of Everything is the most Unbeatable Pla…
Motaversal Key
Alright, so the motaversal key is a key to enter the 1296th prefix-based archverse (or 69fardhaha calls it, Omicrondeltaparralelohyperverse). It is unobtainable currently but will be obtainable in around 45.22 untrigintinano-tredecioctingentimillillion years (we will call this time the CYC, cetaversal year calendar). But due to repeating big bangs in our universe, it MIGHT take longer (could be 69,420 CYC, or even 78.15 tredecimicrillion CYC). If you are sad because you are unable to obtain it, don't worry! there are many motaversal keys in archverses beyond udekaverses (~98.4425% are unobtainable, but there are nearly a novemvigintikililions of motaversal keys scattered around the Zimaverse.)
These keys are not hard to find, as they are atle…
Indefinite is the most largest verse bigger than Infinity, since transfinity has been deleted, this is my new verse to ever exist. Well... you may think it's not the largest verse, some people think its The God. But others dosent know...
It's the only verse that is ω Size. Infinity is bigger, but not bigger than that... we know what is bigger and bigger than that. But we don't know if we time traveled the the next travel.
The Property is, it was the largest universe ever to be known. There is the ending line if you want to.
they have ω dimension because they're bigger than Infinity, The reason why it is big because its THE GOD OF THE PROCESSER.
The largest verse bigger than this is the Abyss. The True void to be the biggest void than all voids,…
Arabic Quran full
- 1 Al Fatihah
- 2 Al Baqarah
- 3 Ali Imran
- 4 An Nisa
- 5 Al Maidah
- 6 Al Anam
- 7 Al Araf
- 8 Al Anfal
- 9 At Taubah
- 10 Yunus
- 11 Hud
- 12 Yusuf
- 13 Ar Ra'd
- 14 Ibrahim
- 15 Al Hijr
- 16 An Nahl
- 17 Al Isra
- 18 Al Kahfi
- 19 Maryam
- 20 Taha
- 21 Al Anbiya
- 22 Al Hajj
- 23 Al Mu'minun
- 24 An Nur
- 25 Al Furqan
- 26 Asy Syu'araa
- 27 An Naml
- 28 Al Qasas
- 29 Al Ankabut
- 30 Ar Rum
- 31 Luqman
- 32 As Sajdah
- 33 Al Ahzab
- 34 Saba
- 35 Fatir
- 36 Yasin
- 37 As Saffat
- 38 Sad
- 39 Az Zumar
- 40 Ghafir
- 41 Fussilat
- 42 Asy Shura
- 43 Az Zukhruf
- 44 Ad Dukhan
- 45 Al Jasyiah
- 46 Al Ahqaf
- 47 Muhammad
- 48 Al Fath
- 49 Al Hujarat
- 50 Qaf
- 51 Az Zariyat
- 52 At Tur
- 53 An Najm
- 54 Al Qamar
- 55 Ar Rahman
- 56 Al Waqiah
- 57 Al Hadid
- 58 Al Mujadilah
- 59 Al Hasyr
- 60 Al Mumatahanah
- 61 As Saf
- 62 Al Jumuah
- 63 Al Munafiqun
- 64 At Taghabun
- 65 At Talaq
- 66 At Tahrim
- 67 Al Mulk
- 68 Al Qalam
- 69 Al Haqqah
- 70 Al Maarij
- 71 Nuh
- 72 Al Jin
- 73 Al Muzzamil
- 74 Al Muddatsir
بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَـٰن…
The Database Sponge
Welcome to the Omniversal Terminal-Net™, for all your needs, ever. What would you like to do? Type "access commandsList" for a list of all commands.
"access files
Insert the name of a file you would like to access, or type "access fileList" for a list of all files.
"access TheDatabaseSponge.verseinfo/en
The Database Sponge is a pre-Omniversal object shaped like a common cleaning sponge from Our Universe. When touched by an object, the object will "imprint" its full dataB
When The Database Sponge is in its "Overloaded" State, it will start shaking and soon explode, deleting all of the data within. The more data over its limit, the more violently it will start shak…
About the box
Yes they are a lot of things bigger than the box.
- there only larger than the box but. not above the box
- bro what they gonna do if it’s the fg a_0
it (only this wiki version) or the omniumverse might be an exception maybe more to
is anything beyond the official hieracrchy canon or is it just non-canon/fanon
History of goofy ahh old it version
- 1 V1
- 1.1 v1.1
- 1.2 v1.2
- 2 godfiesr version ever (V2)
This is just so big nothing no matter what can imagine it. This thing is so big I cant even make the number up. All numbers in fictional Googology combined would still be less than less than less than less than less than nothing
This is just so big nothing no matter what can imagine it. This thing is so big I cant even make the number up. All numbers in fictional Googology combined would still be less than less than less than less than less than nothing. It warps reality 1 time in Negative Beyond Cardinal Unit seconds or maybe beyond
it’s the biggest structure that might be ever named in all dimensions wiki and now when I’m writing this it currently is
It’s dimensionality is ◬D
It is also is both…
{{Verse_(YM_extension)|title1=THE END OF EVERYTHING|caption1=END.|image1=Infinitesimal speck.jpg|size=ω^Omninfinity (unimaginably large)|eusi=END. (unimaginably large)|finality_index=IMPOSSIBLE (unimaginably large)|foei=IMPOSSIBLE (unimaginably large)|dimensionality=15401295012391235R32r? @#:fgewasG;SDGKIOSDAJG8SGHωωωωωωωωωωωωωωωωωωωωωωωωω (unimaginably large)|kardashev_scale=ωω^^ωωω^^ω`^ωω^^ωωωωωωω∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ ABSOLUTE COW OMNI OMNI (unimaginably large)|temperature=
A K-Invar is a Kalagrid which, instead of containing Kalanomnihedrons, contains Kalanomnihedron-sized clumps of invar (An alloy between nickel and iron). They are most commonly found in the cores of Kalaplanets like Kalatlanticus.
They are practically the same as a regular Kalagrid except for what they contain. K-Invars have the same Kalacasings, the same repulsive force between the clumps, etc.