The Bnathverse is the last verse in Miner's chain.
In appearance, it is mostly red and green, with other colors covering the actual surface, like blue, black and yellow.
The Bnathverse is created out of organic material from its containing body, which after a long enough time, developed a fractal structure.
There is a strong connection between the Bnathverse and The Flower, as they were both made under similiar circumstances. Difference being, the Bnathverse isn't made out of cellular automata, but much more complex, semi-living creatures.
The Bnathverse is made out of arms that diverdge into a circular path, but get suddenly cut off half way. This may seem like the fault of the organisms, but it is actually due to the warping of The Most of Everything, which makes every straight line turn in a circle (the circle radius depending on the diameter of the object traveling forward), however, in the middle of the circle is a void, which ends the object instantly.
The Bnathverse should look like a colored toothpick-sequence, but gets turned into a wheel shape due to this disturbance of space.
Pre-chain | Cetaverse | Mandelbrotverse | Mega-box | Ultra-box | The Great Triangle | The Great Square | The Super Space | The Absolute Space | The Near Everything | Bnathverse | The Most of Everything | The Absolute Everything |
Superverses () | THE atom | The Infinite Everything | Knathsuperverse | Kolmnasuperverse | Altahsuperverse | The Great Superpentagon | Ujkasuperverse | Bhatsuperverse | Ghuipsuperverse | Terminal Icosahedron | ||
Hyperverses () | Omnistructure 1 | THE galaxy | Kappahyperverse | Upsilonhyperverse | Gammahyperverse | Icosahyperverse | Arkahyperverse | Ghayahyperverse | Terminal Rhombicuboctahedron | |||
Ultraverses () | Iotaultraverse | Arkthaultraverse | Hakarultraverse | The Ultra Black | Nullainterparesultraverse | Perpendicularultraverse | ||||||
Teraverses () | Øpałatyœñ | Ťāzræŵo | Taparék | THE Qwerty | Tyažonteraverse | Pas̀kateraverse | Zatàteraverse | Ẍakkateraverse | Ÿanateraverse | Ŵasàteraverse | Terminal Thing | |
Xettaverses | THE Floating Ƕ | Nìllaxettaverse | Dimanttxettaverse | Merkuriumxettaverse | Orbitalexettaverse | Gradientxettaverse | Jadrkexettaverse | |||||
Goymaverses | THE red square | Asimagoymaverse | Nalkgoymaverse | Klaçagoymaverse | Bsëteagoymaverse | Rolmeegoymaverse | Pœliuxgoymaverse | |||||
Fëllx | Haggafëllxverse | Ytayafëllxverse | Pakafëllxverse | |||||||||
Beyond | Å | The Last Verse | The Last Plane | The Last Void | ||||||||
The Five Great Barriers | The Bottle | The Shelf | Terminal Nonacontanonagon | The Bubble | The Greater Triangle | |||||||
Cascadaverses | Percudicascadaverse | Zapaiyecascadaverse | Doniabcascadaverse | Vepanoncascadaverse | Cryonicocascadaverse | ???? | Terminal Truncated Nonacontaconagon | |||||
Noniaverses | Ulankinoniaverse | Possemaononiaverse | Zormnoniaverse | Vüqanoniaverse | Hogtowarnoniaverse | Anäaknoniaverse | Kaleidononiaverse | The Final Space | ||||
Dretcaverses | Terminal Orb | Londiadretcaverse | Phfünitdretcaverse | Nahdiidretcaverse | IIki'akdretcaverse | Hoøyadretcaverse | ||||||
Shape-Verses | The Great Triangle | The Great Square | The Great Superpentagon | The Greater Triangle | ||||||||
Relicverses | Pēnchearelicverse | |||||||||||
Large ones here | Detokroanawakaisinghaverse | Policiahsewverse | ||||||||||
Miscellaneous | Multiversal Planet | Big chungus | The Inaccessible Cardinal |