All dimensions Wiki

Who is Carl The Redeemer?

Carl The redeemer is the reviewer of this wiki, he reviews everything that the editors do, ranging from pages to absolutely random comments, and if Carl gives you a 0/10 review on one of your pages, then you better pack-up and move to a new wiki since you won’t be able to show your face to Carl anymore.

Carl will delete any spam page he finds, every 2 months Carl's true form awakens and goes on a rampage finding as many spam pages as possible, and sending them to Page Hell.

Rating System

Carl reviews pages using the 0/10 rating scale. He gives the 0/10 rating to spam-pages or extremely bad pages.

These are what the ratings mean.

  • 1/10 - if it’s a poorly written page, or 1 infobox with just a few sentences.
  • 2/10- if it’s way under your average page, or just a generic page.
  • 3/10 - if it’s below average.
  • 4/10 - if it’s a decent page.
  • 5/10 - if it’s an above average page.
  • 6/10 - if it’s a good page.
  • 7/10 - if it’s a very good page overall.
  • 8/10 - it’s an extremely good page with good content and stuff.
  • 9/10 - if it’s one of the best pages this wiki has ever seen
  • 10/10 - if it’s the best page in all of fandom.

The requirements for a page to get the 10/10 rating, it has to be the most creative, amazingly written, so good that it makes other editors jealous, and cool page in all of fandom.

  • 11/10 - You literally can’t get this one, it needs to be 1,000,000 kilobytes of pure insane quality that is super fun to read and is perfect with 100% details and no typos or errors and full of every template that would improve it and written perfectly.

Awarded Pages

These are pages that got a very high rating by Carl The Redeemer, for it to be here it either has to have a 7/10 or above rating or the page is very detailed, with good content and amazing, so amazing that everyone in this wiki also thinks it’s amazing.

List -


All of these facts were approved by Carl the redeemer.

I’m Carl Wheezer the Redeemer, and I approve this message” - Carl.

  • The Highest Rating Carl ever gave to a page was 9.9/10.
  • Carl only reviews a page after the editor confirms that it is completed.
  • This page got a 3/10 review by Carl The redeemer.