All dimensions Wiki

Ch04s is a type of dimension. Ch04s types of dimensions are very weird and it doesn't matter what dimension they are. They usually have different stuff in the same place, and they break every rule in the entire wiki, because they can. No one likes these dimensions.

List of known Ch04s[]

Currently, four Ch04s-type dimensions are known.


  • 50000 - Way too much Ch04s
  • 10000 - Terrifyingly Ch04s
  • 5000 - Extremely Ch04s
  • 1000 - Very Ch04s
  • 500 - A little bit too much Ch04s
  • 200 - Ch04s
  • 100 - Halfway Ch04s
  • 50 - Little Ch04s
  • 10 - Very Little Ch04s
  • 5 - Barely Ch04s
  • 1 - Not Ch04s