Chirae are weird verses that contain ♦ nests of themselves, thus they are larger than themselves, but ♦ > A0, so they can't have size. Or can they? Yes, they can. Is it chirae or chiraes?
They're spreaded trough all of the wiki, being one of the most numerous structures ever!
composition of chirae[]
The composition of a chirae is obvious: some% chirae. just kidding, it's more complex. as it turns out the surface of a chirae is immeasurably cold, but the inside is filled with an element called Chirium which to date has only been found inside of chirae. The outside of a chirae is made of another element called Aeigenes
part 2: what is... wait is this in parts? no? ok. WHAT IS CHIRIUM[]
Chirium is an incredibly weird material that gives off tons and tons of ionizing radiation, but does not decay. If you do it right, you can harness this ionizing radiation and use it as fuel for anything forever. but if you don't do it right, you and everything around you will be completely erased instantly from all of the ionizing radiation. A spewing of this ionizing radiation is more dangerous to things that are nearby than the edge of The blade. Fun fact: the ionizing radiation spewed out is not ionizing radiation, but is similar. It's actually something else! That means the other thing i said, meaning this! The chirium inside of a chirae, located in the inside is only accessible via p o k i n g a h o l e in the outside and s u c k i n g up the chirium that spews out. unfortunately chirium destroys everything basically so you need special types of obamium and related elements used in specific ways timed perfectly and if you get lucky you can actually use the chirium that you may or may not get.
The outside[]
The outside is made of an incredibly hard to destroy material called Aeigenes. aeigenes is actually the hardest thing to destroy as of 2/15/2022 and so far only 2 chirae have ever been successfully drilled into, them being CLA-2981 and CLA-3459.
Chirae containment[]
Chirae are actually contained through chirae, so inside of a chirae there are ♦ chirae, but also ♦ chirae are on the outside, but they are the inside and are the outside, so really a chirae is ♦ chirae but a chirae contains ♦ chirae over and over but chirae are larger than themselves help my brain is melting i dont know what im saying chirae contains itself ♦ times so it must be bigger than sasdhaywdiagwd]awyodywahiodhuawhyiawhdyiawudyaiowyhd
Chirae are very big.
Abnormal chirae[]
Abnormal chirae are chirae that are different from others. While most chirae are blue, some are of different colors, and may be hollow, may contain cave systems, may be inverted, etc.
CLA Chirae Observatory & Research[]
CLA is a chirae observatory that observes far away chirae. It has found over 9,000 anomalous chirae, with the most notable being CLA 5891, CLA 2981, and CLA 3459. CLA 1002 is also very well known.
Notable (mostly) anomalous chirae[]
CLA 5891 is completely hollow, containing only more chirae. CLA 2981 is just green, and CLA 3459 is the largest chirae yet found, being absurdly large in comparison to all other chirae ever found. CLA 1002 is too weird to explain. CLA 0009 is not anomalous, but it has 452 chirae orbiting it, which is the highest found. CLA 3998 is the largest known chirae.
Description of a chirae[]
Massive, cold blue balls (lol) that float around through space at proportionally fast speeds, with an incredibly hard and durable surface, with smaller yet similar blue balls orbiting it at also proportionally fast speeds.
Chirae as transportation[]
Chirae can be used as transportation due to how fast they are. Some have attempted to use infinite thrust devices to make chirae go noticeably faster, but the best that has been done is an 11.519x increase in speed. Since chirae are incredibly large, they need lots of POWA to make them have a real change in speed.
Chirae are incredibly dense, and can also be magnetic. Since chirae are very dense, they are obviously very heavy since they are not only very b i g but very dense, basically making them immovable. This also causes most objects to crash into chirae at very very fast speeds, so flying around a chirae in something like a Universal Transportation Ship can cause it to crash into the chirae and obviously be completely obliterated.
chirae worms[]
chirae worms eat chirae. they are usually around 12,000-30,000 chiraes in length. chirae worms typically have hard yet flexible shells around 5 chiraes thick around them to prevent damage from radioactive material in chirae and chiraes flying into them, since they often live in large clusters of them. they also use this shell for protection against anything else that pops up. a chirae worm can live forever, and as such they can also grow forever. The largest chirae worm is 10^73 chiraes in length. Chirae worms subsist on eachother, chirae, and sometimes verses to get more NUTrition. Obviously they also have epic gaming superpowers and big chungus brains because this is an entity.