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Corruptite is an element that can be identified by pure black with glowing swirls of neon blue and hot pink. Anything that is near it except Omegite will have their properties messed around with, with changes such as property injection, removal, or overwriting. These properties are really random, like a Corruptite matter corruption could give matter a property that it becomes transparent when exposed to hydrogen. Some of the properties from these corruptions can be very bad, like emitting energy that can incinerate matter. All matter except Corruptite itself and Omegite can be affected by this.


Omegite is an element that can resist the destructive effects of Corruptite. It is usually used to make Corruptite blasters. It does this by blocking nearby Corruptite from doing it's thing. This also makes Omegite able to make Corruptite unable to corrupt any matter while it's near the Omegite. Omegite doesn't affect the properties of matter in any way other than resisting Corruptite, so it's safe to make a compound consisting of Omegite if the compound without the Omegite is safe. When Corruptite has to be dealt with, life forms usually wear suits of Omegite rubber, and if it's something like Sentient Substance or Trosinium Sentide, it's heated together with Omegite.
