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A cosmic consumer is a cosmic entity that consumes matter and continues to get bigger and bigger. A newborn cosmic consumer is 1 centimeter big and nibbles on whatever material it can find, usually eating the fabric of a Universe if it starts off in a Multiverse. Eventually it starts swallowing entire verses whole. Big enough cosmic consumers usually get caught by The Cosmological Recycler and recycled into verses it swallowed the matter of or even new entities. They are also cannibals, so a newborn may nibble on a bigger one that's nearby or a big one may swallow smaller cosmic consumers. When hit with extremely sharp objects, it may pop and spew out all it's matter. This matter spewed out from a cosmic consumer popping is called "Consumer Death Remnants". Consumer death remnants are a mix of all the contents of a cosmic consumer in the right amounts. For example, if a cosmic consumer pops containing 75% Iron and 25% Silicate, a piece of it's death remnants would be 75% Iron and 25% Silicate. Nearby consumer death remnants of a huge cosmic consumer can be like Heaven for a newborn cosmic consumer.


  • The largest cosmic consumer to be recycled by The Cosmological Recycler was named CC-Ceta, getting it's name after swallowing 2 Cetaverses whole before being recycled.
  • The smallest cosmic consumer to be recycled by TCR was named CC-Uni-1/2, getting it's name after nibbling on half a universe's fabric of spacetime before being recycled.