Czclznz is a small galaxy located in the Shreddedwheatverse. It is home to a humanoid intelligent species, Czclznzlet. In terms of position, it is located slightly right of the Greater Shreddedwheatverse Nebula. And for structure, it is similar to many galaxies in that it is composed of many arms. These revolve around a nebula-like cloud in the center, enshrouding a yellow “core”. it contains terrestrial and gas giant planets, which are quite tightly packed together.
Valuable Materials[]
Facliarhil is a unique Metal harvested from underground on terrestrial planets here. It is unique in the fact that it begins soft and squishy, allowing for sculpting and such, but when it comes into contact with either water or oxygen, it will harden allowing for different uses.
Osmityne is a liquid with various culinary (example: Asseribusfalcerperians are a tasty treat here, if they’re dead of course, and Osmityne is used both for boiling and sauce for neutralizing the scythes in dishes including them) and industrial (example: extrauniversal gliders use a combo of it and Wotreydian as fuel) uses. It can be found below the water layer on this galaxy’s terrestrial planets.