The Flying Universe is a huge, arching structure that envelops and contains The Other Room. It is a barren, overheated hellscape full of high-magnitude Sproyongs. These Sproyongs make the Flying Universe fly, and have needlessly bounced against the repulsive field encompassing Flying and preventing them from leaving. This does not destroy them, but still causes their cataclysmic effects, causing this verse to fly.
In fact, an extremely rare Magnitute 6 Sproyong resides within The Flying Universe. This Sproyong lies dormant at the centre of the ring of Sproyongs at the centre of The Flying Universe. It has never been activated, however if it was it would probably be powerful enough to damage The Other Room even through it’s clever Thread-reinforced barrier.
All attempts to gain a picture of The Flying Universe from within have failed horrendously, with Sproyongs destroying everything again and again. And if the Sproyongs don’t get it, the heat most certainly will.
However, we do have some knowledge of what it’s like inside.
What It’s Like Inside[]
The Flying Universe is constantly scorching, with planets erupting into flame regularly. There is a ring of Sproyongs at the centre of The Flying Universe, each ready to be flung out at any second. All Sproyongs return here after bouncing off the repulsive field, to be launched out again.
Almost all planets are entirely solid, with no signs of 𝓯𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓪 or fauna on them. There is only sand, huge rocks, caves, and crags. Seas of lava on the Flying Universe's planets are not uncommon.
However, there are some Gas Giants in The Flying Universe. These are usually very large and hot. They normally will appear red in color. not Very special.
There are many stars and solar systems in The Flying Universe, however the majority of planets are actually rogue. The stars here are endothermic, letting the planets around them cool to a temperature in which flora can grow. Miraculously, these flora have developed to resist the toxicity of the Sproyongs. This is a big part of why scientists all across reality want to access The Flying Universe, to find out these plants’ secrets and develop anti-Sproyong barriers for their Verses.
The Flying Universe is also one of the most unstable Verses in existence. Sometimes, massive rips in existence will occur with no reason. The ENTIRE VERSE has been destroyed at random for seemingly no reason on several occasions, leaving only a black spot and Sproyongs. However, these Sproyongs continue to bounce against the still-existent repulsive field, regenerating the new The Flying Universe again. This cycle endlessly repeats. However, The Other Room, contained by Defiled Universe, is able to not be destroyed due to an extremely powerful barrier encompassing it. When it says "Telp" it explodes
Shape & Appearance[]
The Flying Universe is in the shape of a massive arch with, in the centre, The Other Room dangling from a rogue Thred which is integral to The Other Room’s barrier, as it does not allow any unauthorized changes to The Other Room’s Essence. From the outside, the arch appears to have red fractal patterns, caused by Sproyongs constantly infecting the Universe over and over. Many huge purple cracks can also be seen in the arch at almost all times. This is because The Flying Universe is incredibly unstable and the part that represents it’s existence on every Thread is constantly being torn. There is also constantly, huge, red and purple, flashing explosions.
The reason there are 2 "Dark Spaces" that both contain The Flying Universe is because 2 of them collided, having the Flying Infinities inside one of the Dark Spaces glitching out of reality and landing in the other Dark Space.