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The diceverse is a small verse inside the multiverse, with an average of 3 per multiverse. It is less than 1/93 of the universe in size. There are also 1,000 dices in a diceverse., these dice being about 20,000 ly each, so they don’t take up much space in the diceverse.

20% of dice are single, 40% of dice are 2 dice orbiting around each other, 30% of dice are 3 dice orbiting around each other, and 10% of dice are 4 dice orbiting around each other.

The dice’s black dots are holes that lead into the dice, where you will find dicemen. Each dice is hard to destroy, being 30x as strong as diamond. the dicemen are separated into 6 groups: dicemanL1, dicemanL2, dicemanL3, dicemanL4, dicemanL5, and, you guessed it, dicemanL6. We will refer to them as just DL1, DL2, DL3, DL4, DL5, and DL6, respectively.

The DL1s are soldiers that are half the size and strength of a human. The DL2s are warriors 3x the size and power of a human. The DL3s are strong commanders that are 25x the strength of a human, and DL4s are generals that have 350x the strength of a human. DL5s are royal servants and guards of the DL6, and the DL5s have 5,000x the strength of a human. a single DL6 rules each dice in a diceverse, and each DL6 is 100,000x the strength of a human. All dicemen have an average lifespan of 100,000 years.
