Dogy is a dog. Dogy lives in The Ball of The Existence and a close friend of The Emerald Bird. Its only enemy is Cat. It is also 4D. Dogy is one of 🐕's friends.
It can speak all languages and it is smart. However, everything that Dogy says is corrupt in many ways due to constantly adjusting to many languages. Many times, it can be impossible to decipher what Dogy is saying.
It can detect broken matter in The Fried Egg that were broken by Cat, but only Poorly Misplaced bBee can fix the matter.
Dogy can also destroy "infected" parts of The Glitch Space, but chooses to use this power to a lesser extent, as it is less powerful than The Tiger, and Dogy is more "innocent" and less "aggresive".
There is no specific way to pronounce his name, in fact, he may have no real name, and “Dogy” is a placeholder name.