All dimensions Wiki


Nothing from this verse has reached our universe other than a few documents.

There is a small probability that if you noclip out of reality in the wrong areas of any verse, you may enter this walmart. A exact copy of you will then be put in the exact place where you were before however you have no control over it. During night (when the lights come off), Mysterious beings and creatures will suddenly appear and begin ripping and tearing people apart on sensing. The people in this verse have established gigantic civilizations due to the number of people that have gotten into this verse by accident and they are usually nice and work together (as seen by a document that reached our universe by shear probability) There is no exit to this Walmart either. This may seem contrary to the documents that entered our universe getting into our universe in the first place, but it has an explanation, the documents were deliberately put in our universe by a cosmic entity. There is no way to break out of this walmart because outside of it is an endless void and the walls of the walmart are made out of the exact same material as the outer shell of the O r b, so some weak gods cant even leave.
