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The Energyverse is a huge verse that generates tons of energy. It also contains many stars and nebulae, as

those stars generate all the energy inside the Energyverse. This verse has also been fought over by many civilizations due to the ridiculous amounts of energy this verse can produce.


There are exactly 5 types of stars and 1... large type of star in the Energyverse. They can vary in brightness, size, and energy production.

Class U stars[]

The first type of star is a Class U star. These stars are the brightest, and glow a bright blue color. A Class U star produces the most energy out of all the star types, and they are valued in the entire Multiverse. Class U stars are usually the youngest stars as well.

These stars can produce up to 280 septillion watts of energy.

Class Z stars[]

The second type of star are the Class Z stars. These stars are average, and can be seen everywhere in the Energyverse. Even though Class Z stars glow a deep red (which usually means that they are less hot and therefore will produce less energy), they still produce more energy than 3 types of stars.

These stars can produce up to 78 septillion watts of energy.

Class F stars[]

The third type of star are Class F stars. These stars are quite rare, and only 26 have been seen in the entire Energyverse. These stars appear to be dark gray. Class F stars almost don't produce any energy at all (hence the color), but they are still valued as they provide an area for life inside the Energyverse to gather and settle. Class F stars have been considered Class P stars before, because both classes resemble/are failed stars.

These stars usually only produce at least 2830 watts of energy. NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH THE STARS CLASS F STARS IN THE UNIVERSE.

Class & stars[]

The fourth type of star are Class & stars. They have been given the symbol '&' because these stars are very weird and strange. They produce matter, not energy. These stars are even more rare than the Class F stars, with only 5 being seen throughout the entire Energyverse. The matter that Class & stars produce are commonly used to build artificial planets, since natural planets are very rare.

These stars can produce up to 35732 tons of matter per second.

Class P stars[]

The fifth type of star are the Class P stars. These stars are failed stars, and are just entirely black. These stars are not very common. These stars do not produce any matter or energy.

Class Ω stars[]

The major type of star is the class Ω stars. They are ONLY produced by the Central Nebula. They generate 472 quintillion watts of energy and can produce up to 423 tons of matter per 0.243 seconds. They generate 4 stars per minute, making them stars that generate other stars. It is thought that Class Ω stars are an artificial form of a Class & star, and that the Central Nebulae are alien objects put into the Energyverse by outside civilizations.


There are 4 types of nebulae in the Energyverse. These nebulae are responsible for creating stars.

White Nebulae[]

White Nebulae, as the name suggests, are white-colored. They produce the most stars out of all the other types, at 379 stars per second. White Nebulae have a tendency of producing more Class U and Class Z stars than any other type. White Nebulae are also the least common, and are the smallest, at most being only 0.7 LY across. White Nebulae are currently the only known nebula type being able to produce Class & stars.

Green Nebulae[]

Green Nebulae are the most common, and are green-colored. They can produce all kinds of stars (except for Class & stars), and are at least usually 5 LY across. Green Nebulae produce stars at a steady rate of 265 stars per second. Somehow, Green Nebulae have produced small amounts of Sentient Substance and, twice, even produced Glitchonicite before. No one knows why this happens.

Blue Nebulae[]

Blue Nebulae are blue-colored nebulae that produce the least stars, at only 78 stars per second. Blue Nebulae have the highest chance of producing Class P and Class F stars, the dimmest and least efficient stars in the entire Energyverse. Blue Nebulae are the least valued out of all types of nebulae in the Energyverse, and have constantly been recycled to the black holes in the Black Nebulae.

Black Nebulae[]

Black Nebulae are quite rare, only being outmatched by White Nebulae. Black Nebulae are the only place where you can find black holes in the Energyverse. Most of the black holes are small, and have never caused serious damage to any Black Nebula or surrounding areas. Black Nebulae almost always produce Class Z stars, but they have a small chance of producing Class U stars every so often.

Central Nebula[]

The only central nebula exists in the center of the energyverse. It is 300x as large as the largest nebulae, and it can produce class Ω stars and it can even produce other Nebulae! If it is destroyed somehow, it will reform after a certain amount of OYC depending on how hard it is to repair. It is thought that Central Nebulae are alien objects put into the Energyverse by outside civilizations.


The life in the Energyverse has adapted to searing heat and constant bombardment of their planets by space rocks, comets, and meteorites. They have used the stars in the Energyverse to produce huge amounts of energy, and created huge Dyson Sphere-like structures to harvest huge amounts of energy. They gained Multiversal fame when the Energyverse was found.

Star Harvesters[]

Many star harvesters have been constructed to harvest energy from the stars in the Energyverse. Here are some of the most famous star harvesters ever used in the Energyverse.

The "Structure"[]

The "Structure" was the name given to one of the biggest star harvesters at its time. It was built in 54 OYC, when star harvester technology only recently came to the Energyverse. That happened when creatures from all over the Multiverse realized the Energyverse's usefulness and began harvesting the stars in it. The native life in the Energyverse used this star harvester, soon nicknamed The "Structure" to get tons of energy and build huge structures afterwards, soon constructing their own star harvesters.


Hggas (pronounced Hwass) was the first star harvester to be built by the native life in the Energyverse. It was built in 67 OYC. Since this was their first attempt, Hggas wasn't very efficient, and it soon broke down after only harvesting 9 stars. Still, Hggas was a major technological achievement for the native life in the Energyverse.


Uyrqx (pronounced Orcss) was a huge star harvester that was built in 108 OYC. It was deadly efficient in its time, and was known for being big enough to harvest multiple stars at once. This was constructed by the native population inside of the Energyverse, along with a little outside help. Uyrqx lasted all the way until 765 OYC, until which then it exploded when harvesting a huge Class U star.
