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"Era" (aka DLT-0.991-v2 ww002 [DD01] Omega) is a septendecuple star system in outer layer of DLT-0.991-v2 ww002 galaxy. It is made out of a hypermassive neutron star and 16 other stars.

Star list[]

  • Hypermassive Neutron Star: A ginormous neutron star with it's surface gravity being 5.6 * 1015 G (approx 5.6 quadrillion times stronger than gravity of the Earth). It's diameter is 15 AU. It is not yet confirmed to be a neutron star, as it is too massive to be one.
  • Blue Giant 1: A 230 million years old star.
  • Blue Giant 2: Indifferent.
  • White Giant: A star ten times more massive than our Sun.
  • Yellow Supergiant: Set to explode in under 10 million years.
  • Red Hypergiant: Largest object of the system. However, thousand times less massive than the core object.
  • 7 Main sequence stars: Red, Red, Yellow, White, Blue, Navy, Red.
  • 4 Unregistered stars: [Unknown]

Miscellanous information[]

  • Core neutron star of the system is about 56% of the mass of the entire system.
  • Core neutron star's luminosity is insane. Seen from a distance of 50 light years, it would appear as bright as the Sun to Earth.
  • The hypermassive neutron star's core environment is unknown, but physical laws are theorised to break down there.