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Existence ranks

Example of a cube in the existence ranks of 1, 0.5, 0, corresponding to existent, half-existent and non-existent.

Existence Ranks are a number given to an object to show on what level of existence it is on. Existence Ranks can also be described as the number of chaos particles and order particles exclusively contained by an object's Omnipockets (described on The Supremum of Chaos article).

Existence Ranks are denoted as existence-n, where n is any real, imaginary, complex, etc, number. However, most objects of significance only require real numbers. 

In the dualistic english language, we only have 2 examples to show in words, that being:

Existence-0 = non-existence

Existence-1 = existence

Other ranks aren't accurately describable in the english language. This, however, doesn't stop them in any way from being real, it only stops us from being able to visualize it easily. Here are three more popular examples:

Existence-0.5 = being somewhere in the middle, half existent, half not.

Existence-2 = an entire rank of existence beyond existence itself

Existence-(-1) = an entire rank of nonexistence below nonexistence itself



Objects under the title of "existence-1" exist. Generally, it is said that things exist or don't exist, instead of saying whether something is real or not, since for us humans, there is no difference. Existence ranks start to matter as soon as a civilization exits their Universe, examples including Terminal Spheres and all universes, and things they contain, being existence-1. Existence-1 is the focus point of 1-finality, with finality being an important property of our reality, and bodies which exist and fairly easily pass into non-existence, unlike with other existence ranks.


Objects which are existence-0 hold the title of being non-existent. Most beings which exist can't interact with non-existing things naturally, requiring artificial and advanced upgrades. When something or someone breaks the laws of the Archverse they are in, one of the common methods that Archverses deploy to circumnavigate the law-breaking is to turn the existing object into a non-existing one. However, for Universes in which no new energy can be added or removed, an existing body becoming non-existent still means that they are under the influence of that universe's more basic laws.

A great example of this is dark matter. Dark Matter doesn't interact with electromagnetism or any matter, but still influences the way galactic-scale structures behave, thanks to their forces which are a direct byproduct of the laws of our universe and therefore do not violate any law, meaning they never became non-existent.

The Box and the Omniverse[]

The Omniverse contains everything that exists. This may seem like a lot for a single verse, but the amount of objects with the existence rank of exactly 1 is , all of whom are finite, making the Omniverse's size equal to as well. Everything outside of the Omniverse doesn't exist. The Box is a similar matter, containing everything that exists and doesn't exist, aka, existence 1 and existence 0 objects. The amount of existence-0 objects turned out to be much, much larger than itself, The Box thus stands with a size of units. Everything outside of The Box has non-0 and non-1 existence ranks.

Protospatial particles[]

There are many Protospatial particles, assigning for different existence ranks. There are 2 major Protospatial Particles for The Box, as it holds existence and non-existence. Those particles should only be constructed by Uqraek fiber, as the only object which jumps from Microdimensions to spacetime.

Existence comes with Protoverses, the local minimum of our Omniverse. And non-existence comes with Nullirotos, the local minimum of nonexistent Omniverses, found in our Allomniverse.

Other specific existence ranks[]

Superexistence (existence-2)[]

Protospatial Particle: Metaproto

Superexistence objects are of an entire existence rank above existence itself. Objects of existence-2 are perfectly capable of interacting with simple existing objects, however, existing and superexisting objects are never created from the same source. The definition of "source" here is very specific, but in a broad example, one will never find two objects birthed from the same Universe of existence-1 and 2. Existing and superexisting objects don't have any patterns which could discern them only through visuals, just like any other existence ranks, but it's their properties which set them apart.

Negaexistence / Subexistence (existence-(-1))[]

(See also: Negaexistence)

Protospatial Particle: N/A (Acic Field)

Negaexistence is the existence rank of a whole rank below non-existence. Non-existent and Negaexistent objects do not interact, much like existence-0 and 1's can't. The only way to easily construct Negaexistence is to find a negaexistence counterpart of Higgs, as it give negamass to existence. Negaexistent objects appear to be much more abstract than things we humans know of. Negaexistent objects have slightly similar visual properties to second Realmly structures. However, they are in no way correlated, and so, it is meerly a coincidence and perfectly logical and symmetrical objects are allowed without error.

Null existence | Void existence (existence-∅)[]

(See also: Null existence)

Protospatial Particle: N/A

Null existence is what one really doesn't exist in spacetime, as a thing never occupy spacetime. It neither exists nor doesn't exist, as the existence rank is nothing compared to non-existence, which is existence-0. It is not negative, but it contains a empty / null set of existence ranks.

Existence-4 and existence-5[]

Protospatial Particle: N/A (Acic Fields)

Existence-4 and existence-5 objects have a very special property, which is that they attract each other. Similar to magnets, but the if the magnetic force was as weak as gravity. Existence-4 and existece-5 objects are infamous for causing the creation of the Omniverse. The attractive Acic Fields of those existence ranks make them have sizes and have the same shape of icosahedron.


Protospatial Particle: N/A (Acic Field)

Existence-(-2) objects also have a similar property to existence-4 and existence-5, as existence-(-2) and negaexistence repel each other. Existence-(-2) and negaexistence objects are infamous for causing the creation of the Other Box. The repellent Acic Fields of existence-(-2) and negaexistence make them have sizes and have the same shape of icosahedron.


Cetaverse is where several existence ranks live in, ranging from -2 to 5, besides with ∅. This verse was formed by both ends of those existence ranks, which is -2 and 5.

Anything outside of Cetaverse contains unknown, dangerous existence ranks, and therefore, shouldn't be enter until one scientist tells you that one existence rank is safe with unknown existence ranks.

Fractional Existence Singularity (FES)[]

Objects whose existence ranks change naturally often do so by bouncing back between an infinite amount of them, converging onto one in a finite amount of time. This converging point, called a singularity, is always a fraction, and the fraction can always be written in the form of (in our mathematical system. In others, the value is always between whatever represents existence and non-existence). This is because objects which go through this bouncing phenomenon always bounce away from >1 fractional existence ranks, they are too weak for any attraction. Some FESs are weaker and stronger, the strongest of which, as mentioned above, is semiexistence, attracting most existence rank varying objects (depends heavily on the variables).

Due to attractions of existence ranks, there are no Protospatial particles for fractional existence ranks, and should be constructed with multiple kinds.

The degree of an FES, shown as FES(n), describes how strong or weak an FES is, with higher = weaker. Here is a quick step by step method to find the degree of any fraction:

  1. Begin at f = 0.5, n = 2, your desired fraction = m
  2. . If you still haven't reached your desired fraction, repeat this step
  3. The degree is now equal to FES(n - 2)

For any n, the attractivity will be the same, but depending on whether a bouncing object will actually converge onto it is another thing, best described with many other parameters. An interesting property of this rule of degrees, is that many seemingly common fractions are actually infinitely weak. For example: or . In fact, the only FESs that aren't infinitely weak are in the form of , which still leaves an amount of strong FESs.

Semiexistence (existence-0.5 | existence-1/2)[]

The first fractional existence rank described in any detail on this page. Semiexistence is the strongest fractional existence singularity (FES, described below in the article) and a sort of mid-point between existing and non-existing objects. To existing beings, semiexisting objects are closer to non-existing objects than something of their existence rank. In most cases, existing objects are unable to interact with semiexisting objects, however, the ratio between can and can't is higher than that of interactibility between existing and non-existing.

Other types of Existence ranks[]

  • (a, b, c, d ... n)-existence: partitions, even overlapping ones, of one object have a, b, c, d ... n-existence ranks
  • Forcibly existence-n: object is existence-n and only n, because laws guide it as such
  • Naturally existence-n: object is existence-n because of something that naturally occured, but can be changed to other possible existence ranks within the containing system
  • Artifically existence-n: object is existence-n because it was artificially altered as so

What existence ranks can do[]

Existence Ranks can be used to many interesting things. Listed below are a few of them.

  • Allow for instantaneous travel, like in the case of Wormhole Ships used by The Hugghiguyughiyuguhi
  • Able to create Chained Verses under certain circumstances.
  • Allow for reality glitching, but only works for some Hyperatoms, like having a hyperradioactivity level of at least 4.

Patrick Martin Alexandra King Caulkerverse
