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There are Universes in our Multiverse, Hyperverses in our Omniverse, and so on. So far so good, but what if we want to describe a collision between verses. How do we do that?

Step 1: Define a function[]

We will define a function, c(x, y). This function will take in two verses, x any y, and output the verse that would result if those verses collided. We have got our function down, what do we do next? Next, we must define a numeric way of representing a verse? How do we do that?

Step 2: Numerically writing verses[]

How will we write our Universes numerically? What we can do is something clever. We will write a matrix. Every row is a different force, and every column is where the force takes you. A force should be thought of as a vector like this: [x, y, z]. These are the coordinates the object will go to if the force is applied on the object. If n forces are applied on an object, just add the vectors. The more columns a verse has, the more dimensions it has.

Step 3: Define the function[]

The function, c(x, y) is now ready to be defined. To define the function, you just add the matrices. There are some things that need to be worth mentioning.

  • Any cell position that is not in the other matrix will be added into the new matrix
  • To complete the rectangle, the extra cells with be numbered with zeros, of course


This function only shows how the verse behaves. A more well defined function would contain the size of the output as another matrix. But hey, Universes come in all different shapes and sizes. So the size of the verse is only useful in very particular cases, of course.
