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The Ferroverse is one of the verses that created the Palladiumverse. 3.1% of all matter in it is iron. The iron is concentrated in planet's crusts and galaxy dust, however, most of the iron is in iron planets.

Iron planets are 79% iron on average, and they were formed when the gained iron got smashed by the Ferroverse's boundaries.


The reason it has so much iron is that a superplanet the size of 5.2 billion ly. It was composed of 98% iron and 2% titanium collided with the Ferroverse. Because the Ferroverse's boundaries are a grid of polygons that are ~30,000 km apart, the superplanet smashed in the boundaries and shattered the superplanet in ~300 km wide iron asteroids.

The iron planets formed the same way as normal planets. They collided with each other and formed the planets. The reason it is 79% iron, is because rock asteroids also collided with the iron asteroids.

Iron also ended up in the crusts of some planets, while still retaining the shape of the planet. This is because when the asteroids entered the polygon border, some of them smahed into ~300 m pieces, that are called mini-asteroids, that don't do very much damage to the planet, and in the planets that got collided by the mini-asteroids, there are 300 meter iron depositsin their crust.
