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The goboplexverse is the last verse in the [)}] hierachy

The [)}] hierachy[]

  1. take the goboverse and pretend its at the beginning of TOH, once you get to the goboverse of THAT hierarchy you place it in the beginning of TOH again. (the start of TOH is the protoverse)
  2. Repeat the rules in step 1 Ω times.
  3. take the amount of protoverse's can fit in the output of step 2, then take that number and Repeat the rules in step 1 that number of times.
  4. Repeat the rules in step 3 Ω times.
  5. take the amount of protoverse's can fit in the output of step 4, then take that number and Repeat the rules in step 3 that number of times.
  6. Repeat the pattern going on with steps 2,3,4, and 5 Ω times.
  7. Replace the growth rate of the rules above from * to
  8. Repeat the rules above Ω¶ΩΩ times
  9. Repeat the rules above Ω¶ΩΩ times
  10. Repeat the rules above Ω¶ΩΩ times


Ω¶ΩΩ. Repeat the rules above Ω¶ΩΩ  times, define the final output as the Goboplexverse


  • The biggest blades of grass can be found here. the blades of grass come from a thegatus from a diffrent multiverse.
  • Yellow squares made out of antimatter are found here
  • An orb called ogimattphi10 is what keeps the verse together
  • Flying fish are born here.