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A Kleinverse is a verse that is created when two Möbiverses with very similar sizes collide when there is a foruhole near them. This event is extremely rare, so it is unknown how far away the foruhole would have to be for it to occur. It creates a shape that looks like a Klein bottle, which is where the name comes from.


When a Kleinverse is formed, it expands over a billionfold, very likely becoming much larger than MO-89. The two Möbiverses it is made up of have to both be at least 0.75 miles long, because this is the minimum size for a Möbiverse to have a structure depth of 16. Because of this very fast expansion, it folds into the 4th dimension so that it doesn't intersect itself.

Inside a Kleinverse[]

When a Kleinverse expands in size and folds, it's Möbiverses turn into a solid surface that is usually semi-transparent, although the current theory is that the amount of transparency is based on how small the Möbiverses the Kleinverse was made of. There is no 'inside' of a Kleinverse, because the inside face is the same as the outside face, so you'd be able to see outside even if it was completely opaque. If you penetrated from the 'outside' into the 'inside' of a Kleinverse (the area where in 3D it has to intersect), this is usually called the 'inside hull' of the Kleinverse, and generally known as the inside.

Kleinverses In Kleinverses[]

Sometimes (but very rarely), Kleinverses form within other Kleinverses. This is usually known as a 'nested Kleinverse' and if it touches the normal Kleinverse, it gives off extremely large amounts of light and all of the Möbiverses from the nested Kleinverse are spewed outside it. This is sometimes called a 'Kleinova', but the event is so rare that it's name can change depending on who you're talking to.
