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The Freedomverse is a small verse that contains a lot of Freedom Weed and bread. It constantly plays a song about Freedom Weed and bread, and anyone within a 5 meter radius outside of it will hear the song.

The song[]

Anyone within a 5 meter radius from the Freedomverse will hear a song about Freedom Weed. The song is meant to be calming and relaxing, and it plays on loop forever. The lyrics to the song are:

freedom weed it makes things right


This song is consistently played by the Speakers inside the Freedomverse. The song was created by Imaginary Ambition on November 10, 2017, in the YouTube video "how to bill wurtz". This song was chosen by the speakers because it was considered the most relevant song to Freedom Weed and bread.[1]


The speakers are small generators that create sound waves and they are all around the outside of the Freedomverse. The sound waves travel until they stop when they are 5 meters away. The speakers were installed by Dygdyg Duthoxyyk, for reasons unknown. However, the speakers were originally installed to pick a song from the Omniversal database of intentionally-created music, and there was a neural network to try to figure out which song would be most relevant to this verse. The winner was the song listed above, because its ratio of [stuff related to freedom weed or bread]:[stuff not related to freedom weed or bread] was 3:4, which was the highest ratio out of any song in the database.

The speakers are here because sound waves are necessary to keep the Freedom Weed growing properly.

Freedom Weed[]

Despite the small size, this verse is 92% covered in soil, and there are very small plants that act as weed. This is the Freedom Weed. They provide a lot of weed, because it is unexpected for plants to show up in a verse that is only three centimeters in length. The weed can only grow by taking sound waves and converting them into glucose equivalents, which help them become bigger.

How they fall[]

After a few days, every Freedom Weed plant will do the Fall Down process. It does this the moment it has created a certain amount of material. It starts by burning the bottom of itself via turning itself in the soil around it, and then that causes the rest of the plant to fall off. Most of the weed will have to sit for a few days before it becomes good enough to be used in other scenarios. After that, the burnt part of the Freedom Weed plant will have to take about a day to dry up again, until it can continue to consume sound waves and create more Freedom Weed. The Freedom Weed that is left behind will then be collected by the Freedomverse Freedom Weed Collection Service Commission, or FFWCSC for short.

What Freedom Weed is used for[]

Freedom weed is used in a couple of situations related to the Freedomverse:

  1. The Freedom Weed is most commonly used in the Freedomverse Bread Factory, as a method of creating more bread very efficiently and quickly. The Freedom Weed is the most crucial ingredient to the Freedomverse Bread Factory.
  2. Freedom Weed can also be combined with a couple of other particles to become a clay-like substance which can be used for multiple other purposes. In the Freedomverse, it is sometimes used to fix up holes in a broken speaker if it is possible.
  3. Freedom Weed looks very cool, so it is sometimes used as decoration on organic-based projects that are on display.

Freedomverse Freedom Weed Collection Service Commission[]

The FFWCSC is a device in the Freedomverse that formed naturally. At periodic intervals, it creates a current that lifts the Freedom Weed from the floor that had fallen off the Freedom Weed plant earlier. This current will push all of the stuff not stuck to the ground up around 0.25 millimeters. However, there is stronger current near the middle than the edge, and a gradient from the middle to the edge, so this causes the Freedom Weed to move away from the middle and eventually to the edge.

All of the Freedom Weed ends up at the rim of the Freedomverse.

The Rim[]

The Rim is a gutter that goes around the bottom of the Freedomverse. It was also installed by Dygdyg Duthoxyyk, around 3 days after the Speakers were installed. Its purpose is to collect all of the Freedom Weed that gets transported by the FFWCSC to the edge. Before it was installed, a lot of Freedom Weed got dropped in random and unpredictable places, so it was difficult to collect them. With the Rim in place, the Freedom Weed can be easily collected by holding one's hand underneath it and the Rim will dump all of the Freedom Weed out.

Freedomverse Bread Factory[]

The Freedomverse Bread Factory is a small factory inside the Freedomverse that can create bread out of Freedom Weed. The bread is called Freedom Bread and it tastes slightly different to wheat bread. The Freedom Bread tastes a lot like garlic.

Input System[]

When the Freedom Weed is collected from the Rim, any amount of Freedom Weed can then be placed into a hole in the top of the Freedomverse Bread Factory to put it into the unclogger. This unclogger is simply a thing that turns to make sure the Freedom Weed is evenly distributed when it goes down the next hole and into the Weed Smashing Mechanism.

Some of the Freedom Weed that goes into the Input System does not actually go to the Unclogger. When this happens, it goes down a separate tube to make its way to the Crust Generation Device.

Freedom Weed Smashing Mechanism[]

The Weed Smashing Mechanism is a mechanism that smashes the Freedom Weed. It has a block that crushes the Freedom Weed into a sieve-shaped floor and that causes most of the Freedom Weed to turn into powder. However, if there is ever any Freedom Weed that does not fall through the hole, it is very likely to fall the next time the Freedom Weed Smashing Mechanism smashes into the sieve. This mechanism is very similar to a garlic press, and it works by using the same motor that is used in the unclogger.

Freedom Weed Packer[]

The Freedom Weed, after being pushed through the sieve, goes to a bread-shaped hole that fills up with the Freedom Weed. After it gets to a certain height, the Freedom Weed is packed into that shape to make the Freedom Weed stick together. Then, it goes into a cold room to make sure it stays that way. After this, it gets dumped into the Crust Generation Device.

Crust Generation Device[]

The Crust Generation Device is a device that generates crust. It uses the Freedom Weed that didn't make it onto the unclogger from before and chucks it all onto the side of the Freedom Bread. It needs to do this on all sides, so the Freedom Bread is slowly spinning while this happens. The Freedom Bread, after a few minutes, is brought to the Exit Hole.

Exit Hole[]

The Freedom Bread falls down here and falls onto a door that needs to be manually opened. This is because a basket needs to be added below it to catch the Freedom Bread. The door can be opened by hand or by pressing another button. However, after this, the Freedom Bread is ready to be eaten, distributed, or sent to the Freedomverse Freedom Bread Shop.

Freedomverse Freedom Bread Shop[]

The Freedomverse Freedom Bread Shop is a shop in the Freedomverse that sells Freedom Bread. It sits on the very top of the Freedomverse, above both the Freedomverse Bread Factory and the speakers.

Freedom Bread Collector[]

Anyone with access to the Freedom Bread Collector can go inside and take the Freedom Bread from the basket and put it into the hole in the Freedom Bread Collector. The Freedom Bread will fall down to the tube inside the Freedom Bread Dispensing Machine, where it can be dispensed. This is considered the reloading system.

Currency Exchange Collection System[]

If one wants to buy some Freedom Bread, all they need to do is place any form of currency exchange into the system. There is a hole in the top, and all of the currency falls to the scanner. The scanner will figure out which currency it is based on a database of over 120,000 different currencies and convert the value to the cost of the Freedom Bread. After the currency has been scanned, any extra or unnecessary currency is given back to the customer via a hole in the side. The change comes from the extra currency in the bank.

For example, one regular-sized loaf of Freedom Bread would be around 2.45 EUR or 2.56 USD.

The currency always gets placed into the Currency Bank, where only the creators of the Freedomverse Freedom Bread Shop can access it.

Freedom Bread Dispensing Machine[]

The Freedom Bread Dispensing Machine activates after the currency is scanned. First, the user needs to select the desired size of Freedom Bread by pressing one out of five buttons. Then, the knife machine cuts the Freedom Bread to the correct size, and then the correct amount of the five pushing machines will push the Freedom Bread out into the hole. Then, it will fall onto a ramp and be delivered onto the tray for the customer to pick up. After this, the pushing machines will retract, allowing the next Freedom Bread to fall down for the next customer.

Currency Bank[]

The Currency Bank is where the currency goes after it is dropped into the hole. It is quite high, so there is an upwards conveyor contraption that brings it there. It can be collected by the owners of the Freedomverse Freedom Bread Shop, or it could also dispense some of its currency to act as change for the customer in case they brought too much.

Freedomverse Outside[]

The outside of the Freedomverse is made of a material that cannot be touched, but it has a temperature of around 14.285 degrees celsius. It is not spherical, but is made of a few rectangle shapes that are fused together. However, the rectangular shapes are not perfect and they are slightly bumpy. The bottom of it now contains all of the Freedom Weed, and the rest of it contains speakers, with the Rim on the outside of the bottom and the Freedomverse Bread Factory and Freedomverse Freedom Bread Shop are all on the top.
