All dimensions Wiki

A Googolia is a type of "verse" that changes size in a constant ratio every planck-time, most of these started at the Bigger Bang but some were started in another close timeframe. Their size ratio is usually some form of Googolism.[1]

Here is a complete list of all of them (smallest to largest)

Okojo-Erminiverse [ƒ^(-(ω^ω))(53)^-1]

Anti-Googoltriplexiverse [10^(-100^100^100^100^100]

Anti-Googolduplexiverse [10^(-100^100^100^100)]

Anti-Googolplexiverse [10^(-100^100^100)]

Anti-Googoliverse [10^(-100^100)]

Googol-Minutiaverse [10^-100]

Gogol-Minutiaverse [10^-50]

Guppy-Minutiaverse [10^-20]
