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Hughuhi is a language used by the Hugghiguyughiyuguhians. It uses single characters for a single concept/thing, but one character can have multiple syllables.

Basic Pronunciation

Let's say a horizontal line makes the 'h' sound. A line can extend downwards from either the middle, left, or right point of the starting line.

If the line goes down from the leftmost point, it will add the long 'i' sound to the beginning 'h' sound

If the line goes down from the middle point, it will make the short 'a' sound to the beginning 'h' sound.

if the line goes down from the rightmost point, it will make the long 'u' sound to the beginning 'h' sound.

2 horizontal lines placed on top of each other makes the hard 'g' sound (sometimes this rule does not apply).

3 horizontal lines place on top of each other will make the 'y' sound (sometimes this rule does not apply).


  • If a character is just a vertical line, it will default to the short 'a' sound.
  • The order of pronunciation is top-to-bottom and left-to-right.
  • If in a character there are 2 'h' sounds right next to each other ("hh"), then change that into a hard "g" sound. Adding an apostrophe between the 2 'h's can
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    The order of pronunciation (going in rainbow order)

    prevent this rule from happening.
  • If in a character there are 3 'h' sounds right next to each other ("hhh"), then always change that into the "y" sound.

Character Add-ons


The characters for the add-ons of positivity, negativity, comparative adjectives, the present, the past, the future, less things, and more things, each pronounced "iuh", "ag", "hi", "hiuha", "huhi", "hiahu", "hihu", and "hiah".

Characters can have "add-ons". These "add-ons" are usually used to create comparative adjectives, such as "better", "best", "worse", or "worst". If a word using an add-on is transliterated, it will have an apostrophe divide the add-on's pronunciation and the main word's one.

A bunch of characters

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The characters for "is/am/are", "the", and "a", each pronounced "hahu", "hiha", and "hau".

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The characters for 1 all the way to 10, each pronounced "ha", "ga", "ya", "hiau", "giau", "yiau", "ahhau", "ahhiuh", "yhiu", and "iauh".

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The characters for "you", "me", "it", "her", and "him", each pronounced "hihu", "hahuh", "ah", "ahhu", and "aghu".

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The character for "do", pronounced "hiaug".

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The characters for "small" and "big", each pronounced "hiuhu" and "haiuh".

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The characters for "yes" and "no", each pronounced "ihuh" and "ahhuh".

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The character for "I", pronounced "a".

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The characters for "life" and "death", each pronounced "ahiu" and "ag".

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The characters for "earth", "air", "fire", and "water", each pronounced "hug", "gu", "ahiuhu", and "giug".

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The characters for "good", "bad", "better", "worse", "best", and "worst", each pronounced "hiah", "ihah", "hi'hiah", "hi'ihah", "iuh'hiah", and "ah-h'ihah".

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The characters for "than" and "because", each pronounced "huiaia" and "ahih".

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The character for "time", pronounced "huy".

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The characters for "to" and "for", each pronounced "hi" and "hu".

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The characters for "who", "where", "when", "what", and "how, each pronounced "ihug", "yhuh", "huh'huh", "huag", and "huah'huh".
