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Public image of Infinitesimal

Infinitesimal does not refer to a quantity less than any finite quantity yet not zero, rather an extremely small particle contained inside a Microest. The particle is so unstable that it is somehow stable at the same time. In fact, it is so stable that it is most likely the most stable thing in existence, making it impossible for even the strongest gods and entities to destroy it.

Using a new and special kind of microscope using the explosion energy from Microests, scientists were able to view this particle. Only 2 images exist, 1 is available to the public, and the other one is in a vault made with an indestructible material with a 50 number combination, with a smaller 20 number combination inside of the vault with the 50 number combination, and is floating somewhere outside of The Box. People who somehow manage to open the two vaults will be warned by security and will get arrested before if not get a heart attack being able to upload the image. Recently, a group of 6 were arrested for showing the vaulted picture of Infinitesimal to the public by Nobezian police.


Infinitesimal is far too small to contain any entities. If an entity were to be shrunken down to fit inside this particle, it would disappear for an unknown reason.
