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The Junkverse is a crappier Deleted Zone.

Its poorly misplaced version: Poorly Misplaced Junkverse


The Junkverse was initially formed when a couple of really terrible objects collided together. This is a decently rare phenomenon, since it is uncommon for objects of close proximity to one another to collide and create a verse. However, someone jammed an axe into it and that caused it to increase in size and allow other really bad objects to attract to it. However, the Junkverse had the unique property of only attracting bad objects and not the good ones (using objective qualities as a measurement base, under a manually chosen criteria bar).

This caused the Junkverse to increase in size rapidly until it eventually became a hub for an extremely large quantity of really terrible objects. Therefore, it is often advised by experts to stay away from this verse, because it contains many gross and dangerous objects, as those are usually considered bad qualities.

Bad Verses[]

There is a small quantity of bad verses inside the Junkverse, including the Multiomniverse, the Pyaverse, and the Toesverse. The Multiomniverse scored 6.5 units below the required line for goodness, the Pyaverse scored 5.1 units below it, and the Toes verse scored 10.4 units below it. Therefore, all three of them were pulled towards the Junkverse, and they happened to be the only three that got pulled to the inside of it.


The axe is the largest thing in the Junkverse, because it increases in size in proportion to the sizes of the bad stuff that comes into the Junkverse. If someone changes the dial on it, the standards in the Junkverse can change, but it is very difficult to access due to all of the junk that surrounds it.
