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Kicsi are incredibly tiny particles that are either in a 1 or a 0 state. They are often called binary particles for working the same as a bit. Some computers have been made that utilize kicsi, but due to how tiny kicsi are, the most powerful computer could only run Super Mario World. Theoretically, a very tiny computer that uses kicsi could be extremely powerful, capable of running any program, but Kicsi manipulation is EXPENSIVE. Unlike other particles, which are often seen as orbs or very weird things, Kicsi have no shape. They also have an average temperature of 0 C, but it ranges from big chungus to -big chungus. Over 99.9999999999999976% of Kicsi contained inside of a Zeron are in their 0 state, and can only be changed to a 1 state with extremely precise manipulation. Despite the fact that kicsi are far smaller than zerons, only 1 of them can be found inside of each zeron, which means that finding a natural 1 kicsi would take a very long time. There's also the óendanlega lítil ögn, which roughly translates to "infinity small particle" or something. ISPs are just like kicsi, but extremely rare, and they have N1 possible states, so they can be used to make incredibly fast computers. Unfortunately only 2 have ever been found, and there doesn't seem to be a way to detect them. Kicsi can be visualized as orbs with either a 1 or a 0 on them, as that makes it easier to understand contraptions that use kicsi. Since kicsi are just as powerful as 1 bit, and kicsi are so small, they make it possible, yet hard, to store infinite computing power, even in the weak variants that are binary, in a space smaller than a Zeron. That's crazy.
