Lordnumber is a googologism created by Lord Aspect.
- Lordnumber uses the Q(n) system. Q(n) = Q(n - 1) (five arrows) Q(n - 1).
- So, Q(2) = Q(1) ^^^^^ Q(1)
- 3^3 = 3 to the power of 3
- 3^^3 = 3 to the power of 3 to the power of 3
- 3^^^3 = 3 to the power of 3 to the power of 3 to the power of 3 to the power of 3 to the power of 3 to the power of 3 to the power of 3................ until it's 3^^3 three's out there.
- 3^^^^3 = Same, but with 3^^^3 threes.
- 3^^^^^3 = Guess?
- Q(1) = 10
- Qn(m) = Q(Q(......(m)...) with n Q's in total.
- Lordnumber: QQ(10^^10^^10^^10^^10^^10^^10^^998)(Q(99))