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A Lvthxverse (DH) is a hypothetical universe, where everything gets hotter by 1,000 K every second. When the temperature is 1 decillion K, everything gets cooler by 1 million K every 10 seconds, until it reaches 0 K (-273.15°C). If life here is possible, tell us about it here at all dimensions!




A Homegaverse (DH), is an extremely hot Lvthxverse, with an approximate temperature of over 1 quadrillion K.

Kell 1[]

Kell 1 is a Lvthxverse that is still very young, you see its birth was in 12/01/2017 so its ~2 years old (Kell 1 is the youngest lvthxverse yet discovered), in a few googolplexianitetheron years it will collide with Kell 34, which itself is 10 years old and is very hot.

Its temperature is 12 million K.

Kell 2[]

A Lvthxverse that is close to becoming a Homegaverse. Born at 12:56, it has collided with DH643 causing it to dissapear.

An image of the Kell 2

05/21/2001 - Its temperature is 1 quadrillion K (Also in a group of 4 lvthxverses, and is already a Homegaverse).

Kell 34[]

Kell 34 is a Lvthxverse that is a googolplexianitetheron years old and the thing that makes it unique is that in a googolplexianitetheron years it will collide with Kell 1.


DH424 is a Lvthxverse (Lvthx) that is still young. Its age is only 6 days (second youngest discovered) and it will collide with Kell 1 in the year 2999.


Its temperature is 142 nonillion K (hottest discovered yet).


DH677355 Is a Lvthxverse that is old. It's the largest ever discovered, at about googolplexianitetheron light years in size.

12/01/2017 - Its temperature is 11 billion K (It's the largest one discovered).


DH783966 is a Lvthxverse that was born at 20:00/12/01/2017, and is only 54 Deegres kelvin! Well the thing that makes it unique is that it lies on the edge of The Outside. The other thing is that it gets hotter by 5 deegres celcius every 10 minutes.

01/01/2016 - Its temperature is 71.28 billion K (It doubles in temperature by 5 K instead of 10, thats what makes it unique).


DH1 is a Lvthxverse that is already at the planck temperature, it's the hottest one discovered.

Its temperature is 548 quintilion K (second hottest yet discovered).


DH3, or "Triluthoxverse", is a group of Lvthxverseses. DH3's temperature is 948 trillion kelvin.

It contains the following Lvthxverseses:

  • DH3A
  • DH3B
  • DH3C


DH3A is a Lvthxverse that is in the group of Lvthxverseses called DH3 and it's nearly at the planck temperature.

12/01/2017 - Its temperature is 11 trillion K.


DH3A is a Lvthxverse that is in the group of Lvthxverseses called DH3 and it's at the string temperature.

06/12/2016 - Its temperature is 18 trillion K.



An image of the DH3C

DH3A is a Lvthxverse that is in the group of Lvthxverseses called DH3 and it's at 948 trillion K.

01/01/2016 - Its temperature is 2 quintillion K (and it is already a Homegaverse)


A inlvthxverse is a Lvthxverse that does not cool down after reaching a temperature of 1 decillion K (1 trillion YK) like normal lvthxverses. It instead reaches 1 nanillion (103000000003) K (which takes 10 terayears of heating) and starts shrinking, where it cools at 10 YK per second and shrinks to nothing by 1020.
