The Mandelbrotverse contains every fractal you can imagine, as well as Cetaverses. Because of this, it also contains itself, similar to The Box.
The largest fractal (the Mandelbrotverse) is a mandelbrot, because at the beginning of the planning process for its creation, the creators wanted the simplest fractals to be the largest and the fastest accessible ones.
Thus, they made the mandelbrot the map onto which every other fractal is mapped, because the mandelbrot set is the simplest fractal that contains complex structures.
Every single other fractal can be found in the center of a convergence point (singularity).
During the planning process, scientists found a simple formula, using which every single fractal could be mapped onto the mandelbrot set, using the fractal's fornula and the mandelbrot set formula.
This was further expanded upon with the Frucz-Klepniw theorem, which states that every single fractal with a finite formula and can be mapped onto a fractal with a finite formula and more than 0 convergence points. It is widely believed that this can be applied to fractals with infinite formulas, but just this problem turned out just like the collatz conjecture (the difference being, that the collatz conjecture was actually solved and proven later on).
Pre-chain | Cetaverse | Mandelbrotverse | Mega-box | Ultra-box | The Great Triangle | The Great Square | The Super Space | The Absolute Space | The Near Everything | Bnathverse | The Most of Everything | The Absolute Everything |
Superverses () | THE atom | The Infinite Everything | Knathsuperverse | Kolmnasuperverse | Altahsuperverse | The Great Superpentagon | Ujkasuperverse | Bhatsuperverse | Ghuipsuperverse | Terminal Icosahedron | ||
Hyperverses () | Omnistructure 1 | THE galaxy | Kappahyperverse | Upsilonhyperverse | Gammahyperverse | Icosahyperverse | Arkahyperverse | Ghayahyperverse | Terminal Rhombicuboctahedron | |||
Ultraverses () | Iotaultraverse | Arkthaultraverse | Hakarultraverse | The Ultra Black | Nullainterparesultraverse | Perpendicularultraverse | ||||||
Teraverses () | Øpałatyœñ | Ťāzræŵo | Taparék | THE Qwerty | Tyažonteraverse | Pas̀kateraverse | Zatàteraverse | Ẍakkateraverse | Ÿanateraverse | Ŵasàteraverse | Terminal Thing | |
Xettaverses | THE Floating Ƕ | Nìllaxettaverse | Dimanttxettaverse | Merkuriumxettaverse | Orbitalexettaverse | Gradientxettaverse | Jadrkexettaverse | |||||
Goymaverses | THE red square | Asimagoymaverse | Nalkgoymaverse | Klaçagoymaverse | Bsëteagoymaverse | Rolmeegoymaverse | Pœliuxgoymaverse | |||||
Fëllx | Haggafëllxverse | Ytayafëllxverse | Pakafëllxverse | |||||||||
Beyond | Å | The Last Verse | The Last Plane | The Last Void | ||||||||
The Five Great Barriers | The Bottle | The Shelf | Terminal Nonacontanonagon | The Bubble | The Greater Triangle | |||||||
Cascadaverses | Percudicascadaverse | Zapaiyecascadaverse | Doniabcascadaverse | Vepanoncascadaverse | Cryonicocascadaverse | ???? | Terminal Truncated Nonacontaconagon | |||||
Noniaverses | Ulankinoniaverse | Possemaononiaverse | Zormnoniaverse | Vüqanoniaverse | Hogtowarnoniaverse | Anäaknoniaverse | Kaleidononiaverse | The Final Space | ||||
Dretcaverses | Terminal Orb | Londiadretcaverse | Phfünitdretcaverse | Nahdiidretcaverse | IIki'akdretcaverse | Hoøyadretcaverse | ||||||
Shape-Verses | The Great Triangle | The Great Square | The Great Superpentagon | The Greater Triangle | ||||||||
Relicverses | Pēnchearelicverse | |||||||||||
Large ones here | Detokroanawakaisinghaverse | Policiahsewverse | ||||||||||
Miscellaneous | Multiversal Planet | Big chungus | The Inaccessible Cardinal |