All dimensions Wiki

This is my Hierarchy for verses: (hypothetical) Enjoy!

  1. The Nothing
  2. The Square
  3. Planckverse
  4. Universe
  5. Multiverse
  6. Metaverse
  7. Xenoverse
  8. Omniverse
  9. The Box
  10. Cetaverse
  11. Mandelbrotverse
  12. Mega-box
  13. Ultra-Box
  14. The Great Triangle
  15. The Great Square
  16. The Super Space
  17. The Absolute Space
  18. The Near Everything
  19. Bnathverse
  20. The Most of Everything
  21. The Absolute Existence
  22. THE atom
  23. i don't want to write all my things
  24. Absoverse
  25. Ketabsoverse
  26. Cuhabsoverse
  27. Untabsoverse
  28. Zamabsoverse
  29. Cloudverse
  30. The Math Field