The Multiparallelverse is a multiverse made of universes which all have the exact same atom arrangements. A multiparallelverse is considered a multiverse, however multiparallelverses are so rare and act so strange that they have their own category of multiverse. Multiparallelverses are estimated to occur once for every multiverses. Currently, advanced civilizations have tracked 7,912 multiparallelverses.
Multiparallelverses are known for how they act. Every multiparallelverse have exactly 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419... times less as many universes than the average for multiverses. Multiparallelverses also have strange and absolutely unpredictable movement in them and their universes, colliding with different multiverses due to their movements, causing a catastrophic explosion, named hydroexplose^2^2. Multiparallelverses also have a odd trait of "splitting," a trait that allows dark matter to puncture holes in universes, which created a new element, hyperoxidensimensen 3903, which does not freeze at absolute zero and has no known boiling point, only three millionths of a milligram of the element have been tested.