The numberverse contains all numbers ever. It is literally the largest verse on this wiki, and contains all of the other ones, since they are all numbers.
All of the numbers have a dedicated area somewhere in the Numberverse, in which the numbers can be represented using quantities of objects or other depictions.
Numbered Sections[]
Throughout the diameter of the Countingverse, one can find the real numbers. These are represented using physical objects, and all numbers on the number line are there (although, the sections depicting integers are much larger in size due to their tendency to be represented as indexes rather than quantities).
The area inside the equator can be considered the complex plane, where all complex numbers are depicted (except for one of them, which will be noted in a later section).
Throughout the verse, there are sections dotted around that signify a different group of numbers. One of them depicts quaternions, one depicts octonions, one of them contains all infinite cardinals and ordinals, and it even contains sections for groups of non-numbers, such as the set of all sets.
In OYC 21, it was found that the Numberverse does not include any of the Surreal Numbers, due to the fact that there are too many of them. These would have been difficult to represent exhaustively, which has been cited as the reason they are not included in the Numberverse.
Also, someone discovered that the irrational complex number approximately equal to -153,720,997,372.5829521 + 782,426,832,672,103,163.6108729i did not have a section in the Numberverse. It is not currently known why this is the case, but the same person who discovered it decided to artificially create a new section in the Numberverse to complete the series. It has been proven that no other numbers in the complex plane are missing from the Numberverse, meaning this is the only one, but the other areas have not been exhaustively searched due to a lack of notable findings for a long period of time.
Ukulele-themed clock.
Intuitive Proof[]
The Numberverse has been confirmed to contain every complex number except for one of them using the following notation:
Assuming the sections are arranged in circles around the Numberverse, every circle contains any number of sections, but there will always be some space left over due to the fact that circle circumferences are always irrational (with the exception of circles with certain irrational diameters, but since the diameters are always made of whole numbers in this case, this situation is not applicable). However, this can be filled in using a smaller section. The reason one was missing was because it happened to be the only circle with a remainder smaller than the minimum-sized possible section, as it was part of the smallest circle in the Numberverse.
From the outside, the Numberverse looks like a blue ball, similarly to many of the other poorly made pages at this time. The blue layer acts as a cover and does not contribute to the numbers inside the Numberverse.
Other verses[]
There was a small quantity of extra space in the Numberverse not taken up by any number usage, so someone named Egg took the opportunity and put it to good use. Using a mighty TruckTM, Egg took a few verses, such as the Letterverse, pressure-washed them, and shoved them into the TruckTM. The pressure-washing was done as a method to remove all of the unnecessary empty space from the verses, to compact them and allow them to fit into the TruckTM. Unfortunately, the TruckTM was not designed to handle such tasks, so it ended up jiggling in its place for 5 hours. Egg had enough of this, so Egg went out and bought a device that sticks to the floor but can move along it using inputted translations, and placed it right next to the TruckTM to stop it from moving. This allowed Egg to move the TruckTM properly with reasonable accuracy, and managed to drag it all the way to the Numberverse. Now for the hard part. Egg had to bring the verses from the TruckTM all the way to the extra space. This was done by installing a tube from the outside of the Numberverse to the section, with the help of a couple of friends. Unfortunately, to get this task done, Egg and friends were required to extract a small number of numbers from the numberverse in order to create an opening while also leaving all of the numbers in. This was done by carefully piling up all of the numbered sections on top of the previous ones, meaning they were all still connected properly. After that, the next task was to get the verses out of the TruckTM. Luckily, the TruckTM has a button on it that opens the door on it. Egg had not pressed this button before, but after doing it for the first time for this special occasion, the door revealed another door which had a passcode on it. Unfortunately, nobody knew the passcode, so it was required to be brute forced for a few hours. The code ended up being 2951. After opening the door, Egg brought the verses out and threaded them through the newly created hole. There was only one last problem, in that the verses were constantly in motion and would have touched the numbered segments, screwing them all up. Therefore, Egg had to find a way to stabilize them. Egg attached a large flexible metal stick to the TruckTM and wrapped the stick around each of the verses, and then after it was done, hot glue was added to make sure it didn't move. This completed the formation.
The whole endeavour turned out to be decently pointless, as nobody typically cares about the verses, and being required to go in the Numberverse to visit them was considered to be irritating by several people's standards. However, Egg has stated that Egg doesn't care and that Egg really enjoyed putting the verses inside the Numberverse because it provided a decent challenge for Egg.
Some sub-verses:
Googolverse: ly
Googolbiverse: ly
Googoltriverse: ly
Pentapentaverse: ly
; ; ;
Decadecaverse: ly
Values are in light years, population size, watts/litre and value2 bytes and log dimension size.