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The Obamaverse is a place where Obamium is very common and is highly abundant. Obamium is the reason why all planets and moons and even asteroids in this verse are colonized. It is also a source of obamite as it can create infinite amounts of obamite and obamite clusters every nanosecond from NOTHING. Obamite, however, is very dangerous and so unstable that it can explode if you touch it. It also produces roughly 100 Boxes of obamium every Voidsecond,[1] and produces another obamaverse every 7 hours too fast to measure anymore. The life here areis called Obamites, and are made largely of obamium and/or related elements which compose their cells.


Obamium is an incredibly versatile and powerful substance that can decay into useful crystals that can make anything. Pure obamium and isotopes of it is/are incredibly dangerous but can be utilized by most kardashev scale 11+ civilizations to make very useful and powerful things that can easily speed up the progress of said civilizations. There are also hundreds of similar elements to obamium that can be used in similar ways, but are far more radioactive and are harder and more dangerous to use. Outside of the obama field, it can be expected that there are around 1-2 atoms (of obamium / related elements) per blade sized area.

obamium is alive[]

There are actually many living isotopes of obamium. That is all.


Barack Obama + -verse - Barack

obama verse
obama verse no yes
yes yes no yes


The appearance of the Obamaverse is a big, blue sphere. It also glows a bright red, even though the color of it is blue. The reason for that is because the color of solid Obamium is blue. The color of Obamium in its gas state is red. The Obamaverse also is slightly translucent. The obamaverse used to glow reddish brown due to all of the liquid and gas obamium bottling up on the outside for unknown reasons but eventually that spread out and expanded causing it to no longer appear reddish brown and now it is blue from the outside.

From outside the obama field[]

From outside of the obama field, the verse actually still appears reddish brown if you have good enough eyes / have a super good telescope, but since the obama field is so much larger than the obamaverse, being outside of the obama field means you can't see the obamaverse.


The Obamaverse is divided into an uncountably infinite number of layers. These layers get thinner and thinner the deeper you go into the Obamaverse. Each layer holds a certain type of verse, just like how The Too Big's rings hold a certain type of verse/reality/void. All of the cosmic objects like the planets and stars are usually kept in the middle layers. At the center of the Obamaverse, there is a singularity that acts like a black hole. Anyone who hates Obama will be pulled into it. So far, exactly 1,209 creatures have met their fates in the singularity. The surface of the Obamaverse is also extremely hot due to many Obama stars and nebulas being born in this layer. In the center of the singularity, which is negative sized, continues a larger negative intangible "fake" Obamaverse that is far larger than the "real" obamaverse. No one has entered the fake obamaverse because everyone who tries to get to the singularity gets repelled or teleported back.

Structure of the obama field[]

The obama field is also made of layers, but a lot more layers and the main difference between layers is that inner layers are more concentrated and thicker. The structure of the obama field is, however, not that simple, as the structure of the obama field is literally impossible to fully describe on fandom because the servers are too small.


Complexes are areas that form inside of the obamaverse as well as the obama field that are a result of obamium tearing apart the metaphorical and literal fabric of reality, often from particles getting wedged inside of eachother and changing existence ranks and finality indexes simultaneously. Complexes lead to copies of the obamaverse which suck in non-Obamium Related matter / antimatter / quasimatter etc. into versions of the obamaverse that have different properties and existence ranks. These complexes can also lead to themselves and through themselves or even back into the "normal" obamaverse / field and can result in an infinite loop of teleportation. While some complexes can slowly dissipate over time, others can grow larger up until a certain point or just stay forever. Obamians regularly use complex clearing devices to destroy complex "teleportals" to prevent trapping[2]


Warpers exist in lower layers of the obamaverse that prevent entities and objects from entering the singularity. At first there were no warpers but tourists kept falling into the singularity and fucking dying so obama decided to place a sphere of warpers that teleport people away from the singularity because he didn't want stupid tourists to keep killing themselves because that was cutting into their revenue (and he also didn't like the fact that tourists kept killing themselves among other things).


Tradiols do not exist within the obamaverse but exist within a parallel dimension that takes the place of the obamaverse but have small amounts of life and can't be entered from other dimensions without a specific device that there are only 60,000 of. Tradiols can be used to harvest extra obamium in case supply manages to somehow run out. Tradiols have an endless void around the obamaverse in those parallel dimensions because there is no obama field.

Rods and Tunnels[]

Rods and Tunnels form inside of the obamaverse in Protoverse sized balls that are floating around the obamaverse at infinite speeds. These rods and tunnels are around the size of The Box but they are condensed down into null. These rods and tunnels are formed entirely out of obamium, and can occasionally cause the super tiny ball to temporarily collapse and result in it being spewed out in a random direction at infinite speeds. The rods and tunnels are distinctly different from eachother because:

  1. If a rod exists in a ball, no tunnels will exist in the same ball.
  2. If a tunnel exists in a ball, no rods will exist in the ball.
  3. Tunnels have corners. Rods do not have corners.
  4. Tunnels are blue. Rods are red.

Rods and tunnels can enter Folds and condense back down to the size of a ball, eventually becoming a ball over trillions of OYC. Balls have mass. Balls will not turn back into rods or tunnels. An infinite amount of rods OR tunnels can exist in a ball at the same time.

The Obama Ring(s)[]

There are obama rings that form in the obama field and obamaverse that can redirect particles and teleport them instantly. This creates a pseudo void inside of the ring where there is little to no matter at all. These obama rings come in multiple different types lmao. The most common, the obamium rings, will simply change the trajectory of particles and/or teleport them to another location in the obamaverse. On all rings there is writing on the edges to give information about the trajectory change on specific particles as well as the location that they teleport to and the distance from the ring. There are also quasobamite rings which change the properties and structure of particles. There are also surrounding rings that surround the obamaverse and the obama field. The obama field ring is constantly expanding to keep up with the everchanging size of the obama field.


Obusi are extremely weird non-euclidean labyrinths full of tunnels that are almost impossible to navigate, as navigation technology, like most technology, glitches out in these. They are also infinitely large, and on the outside appear entirely as obama faces. On the inside, they are very colorful. There are some entities in Obusi. It is unknown how they form, but there have been ideas.

Obama Planets[]

There are many obama planets flying around in the obama field. In fact, there are many verses, stars, etc. in the obama field. These obama planets, however, are rogue obama planets travelling at extremely fast speeds, orbiting around the center of the obamaverse.


O-O are infinitely recurring, nested obama crystals that formed in such a powerful collision that they got scattered across spacetime itself, causing copies of them to form throughout the obamaverse and the obama field. They are mostly stuck in time. These rarely form, only forming once every 40,000,000 OYC in the obamaverse, but they form more in the obama field. Don't worry about the sentient, sapient obama particles. They stop being conscious in the collision.

The String[]

The String connect particles in the obamaverse and obama field together, and are infinitely thin. Despite this, they are stronger than 99% of verse shells (transfinite verses).


Flats are funny rings that form around clusters of obama particles. They spin at RPM. These have a strange property of changing positions of entities, but only certain entities. How the position is determined depends on a whole bunch of things.


Cardae are polyhedra that form out of concentrated obama particles. They can be used to generate vast quantities of power.


The life here is a ton. 100% of the planets, stars, and other objects have life on them. This life is extremely loyal to Obama, and they worship him as a god. This life isn't omnipotent, but they are quite powerful. They are known as the Obamians. Obamians typically look like obama crystals but often have limbs and are composed largely of obamium and obama related elements that form their cells. The composition of these cells is varied. Most are composed of O-DNA, which is like DNA, but based on obamium or obamogen / obamyxilum. Obamians are some of the most advanced lifeforms, being even more advanced than the Perfect Imperium. Most technology in the obamaverse is based on obama elements such as obamium because it is really versatile and is also infinite.


There used to be more verses like the obamaverse such as the bushverse and the trumpverse, and even a bidenverse but the obama field expanded so much that those other verses got sucked into the obamaverse in ~3 OYC

Obama Field[]

The obama field is a name given to the extent of "excreted" obamium particles which form out of themselves and other particles as well as from nothing. This is not of much importance and is only considered by some to be part of the obamaverse. The obama field's particles on its exterior are attracted to all matter outside of the field, and if they are close enough to it, will stick to it, but only if it is a verse shell[3]. Parts of the obama field are spinning around the obamaverse in different directions, and others are staying pretty much still. This is confusing.


In every most basic particle in the obamaverse is another, smaller copy of the obamaverse. This nests forever. There is no more reason to continue this section, because it is really that simple. The same infinite nestation also exists in every particle that isn't the most basic.


Seyenovovysk is a very weird abstract concept existing in the obama field that causes realities (verses with transfinite EUSI or 0 EUSI that have an existence rank that is an integer >0) to form infinite copies of themselves existing in a singularity that are not different in the actual objects themselves existing but have slightly different physical laws, contained by every axion in the obama field as a small copy that just has smaller size, somehow, but manages to have its properties and other things in perfect "detail". It is similar to chiroglovysk in that it effects realities and exists in a self containing singularity as well as an intangible object that can have influences on things outside of itself or its containing verse. Seyenovovysk has influences on other basic particles (smaller than blueprint particles) that changes the laws they conform to. It has no effects on the obama field or obamaverse but it can have effects on the particles existing in other verses. It is unknown if it has any effects on Ontological Museums. Seyenovovysk has a very large gravity well that can pull in external objects (ones that formed outside of the obama field and obamaverse) and send them into the altered verses. Every layer of seyenovovysk has more heavily altered realities and eventually the objects in them stop being the same (likely at layer ), often resulting in every atom being split and causing another universe to form or something.

Obama Entities Below[]

Obama Entities will almost always be below this sign.


Obamiel is an ancient god that looks like Ramiel, but brown and obama. It is capable of manipulating all obamium related elements and particles to change both itself and the things around it. Because of this, it is able to phase through solid matter and do almost anything, but really only in the obamaverse and obama field. You may now be thinking to yourself: "but how powerful is it?" well since it can manipulate obamium in any way it is High Absolute God level in the obamaverse, and slightly weaker in the obama field. It is only 657,483,236 Vsaue outside of the obamaverse. Obamiel is also obviously very smart since it can manipulate itself with obamium, so it is omniscient because of course it is.


Gar-Obama is a mysterious entity that lives in the Obama Field, and it seems to be a producer of obamium structures, as wherever it goes it leaves behind large Multiversal Planets made entirely of elements in the obamium family. Gar-Obama also turns verses into obamium. It is about as powerful as everything in the 137th Everything Layer and below, combined. Its appearance is constantly changing, but its most common form is a spinning red-orange obama sphere. It is unknown what gar-obama's gender is, if it even has one. Gar-Obama has only been seen twice by lower entities.


Gutga is sittin' there. He has 60,000,000,000,000 Vsaue.

Barack Obama[]

Barack Obama is the god of the obamaverse. It is unknown how powerful he actually is. He created the obamaverse a long time ago, and still controls it. He lives in the singularity at the center of the obamaverse.

  1. It makes more now.
  2. trapping altdef: getting sucked into a complex and becoming trapped forever
  3. A verse shell is a solid exterior of a verse.