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The Omnipyramid is a pyramid on top of The Box.

It is made out of Unpentnulloctium (unoficially known as Myonmyunium), the 1508th element, making it one of the most durable, stable and indestructible structures of this Realm. It was built by Lord Hujo'xiffu to keep The Box in one position. Until then, The Box was known to move omnidirectionaly, now, it rests in one place, only moved on special occasions. The pyramid has allowed many, many cultures, civilizations and life forms to flourish and dissipate out into the abyss to spread their colonization. There have been occasional disputes on whether the Omnipyramid is part of The Omni Chain, but the common consensus is that it is not.

However, the pyramid doesn't only possess positives.


27 OD 4452 OYC[]

On 27 OD 4452 OYC, a fatal event occurred when a rogue Berryverse struck the Omnipyramid at a never-before-seen speed. This caused a chunk of the pyramid to break off.

The Omnipyramid collapsed and temporarily damaged The Box.

The piece has never been spotted since and has likely been lost forever. Luckily, it was repaired quickly thanks to swift community efforts.

46 OD 220 OYC[]

War broke out on the 46 OD 220 OYC, one of the opposing sides decided to destroy part of The Box to tip the Omnipyramid over as a defense mechanism. This led to a victory, although a highly controversial one.

53 OD 111 OYC

Structural Support failed On 53 OD 111 OYC

The poor Omni pyramid slid off the Top of the Box and crashed into another Box instantly getting destroyed but being quickly rebuilt by community efforts

⧉ The Official Hierarchy ⧉
֍ Class 2 ֍
(category) - Also known as Miner's Class.


Omnipyramid - The Omni Chain


(All subsequent sections are part of Miner's Chain.)
Cetaverse - Infinity - Mandelbrotverse - Mega-box - Ultra-box - The Great Triangle - The Great Square - The Super Space - The Absolute Space - The Near Everything - Bnathverse - The Most of Everything - The Absolute Everything


THE atom - The Infinite Everything - Knathsuperverse - Kolmnasuperverse - Altahsuperverse - Ujkasuperverse - Bhatsuperverse - Ghuipsuperverse - Terminal Icosahedron


Omnistructure 1 - THE galaxy - Kappahyperverse - Upsilonhyperverse - Gammahyperverse - Icosahyperverse - Arkahyperverse - Ghayahyperverse - Terminal Rhombicuboctahedron


Iotaultraverse - Arkthaultraverse - Hakarultraverse - The Ultra Black - Nullainterparesultraverse - Perpendicularultraverse - Actual Realm - THE black circle


Øpałatyœñ - Ťāzræŵo - Taparék - THE Qwerty - Tyažonteraverse - Pas̀kateraverse - Zatàteraverse - Ẍakkateraverse - Ÿanateraverse - Ŵasàteraverse - Terminal Thing


THE Floating Ƕ - Nìllaxettaverse - Dimanttxettaverse - Merkuriumxettaverse - Orbitalexettaverse - Gradientxettaverse - Jadrkexettaverse - Terminal Truncated Rhombicuboctahedron


THE red square - Asimagoymaverse - Nalkgoymaverse - Klaçagoymaverse - Bsëteagoymaverse - Rolmeegoymaverse - Pœliuxgoymaverse


Haggafëllxverse - Ytayafëllxverse - Pakafëllxverse


Å - The Last Verse - The Last Plane - The Last Void

Multiversal Planet - Big chungus - The Inaccessible Cardinal
⍟ Class 5 ⍟
(category) - Also known as Keltaibague Class.

The Ring Hierarchy

Tier One
Time and reality - Time, Reality, and... The Other Thing, MORE, Bandiverse
Rings I
Blue Ring - Red Ring - Green Ring - Yellow Ring - The Double Existence - Orange Ring - Purple Ring - Pink Ring - Brown Ring - Cyan Ring - White Ring - Grey Ring
Rings II
Black Ring - Gamma Ring - X-Ring - Ultraviolet Ring - Light Ring - Infrared Ring - Microwave Ring - Radio Ring - Final Ring - The Triple Existence
Tier Four
The Quadruple Existence - Cceh - Kceh - The Big - Bignoseverse - DDonut - ??? - The Great Tesseractagonverse - Lemekea Thetastructure

YellowMarkers1's Chain

The Wall of the Black Void - The Green Void - Greennoseverse - Bluenoseverse - Purplenoseverse - Yellownoseverse - Orangenoseverse
Tier Two
In Silico - Silico - The Orb - Uncannyverse - Dêaśaverse - Bauverse - 003
Tier Three
Absobox - Almost-a-box - Verybox - - Boxbox - Boxboxplex - The Charm

Home Items I

The Bowl - The Cabinet

Oofandfoo's Intervention

The Verse - Ultima Existence - Line Hierarchy

Home Items II

The Fubinet - The Chabinet


Quadtiroulsidonverse - Quintiroulsidonverse - Cuaniiyouoityuionverse

Randomuser66's Pair

Cyoob - Tessoract

Finals III

Noinuoloocverse - The Red Barrier - Obice Novissimo
♁ Class 6 ♁
(category) - Also known as Terran Class.

The Varience

The Blue Barrier - The Bigger - Biggernoseverse - In Observatorio - The Green Barrier - THE ULTIMATE BARRIER. - 3RR0RV3RS3


Macrobox - Macrobottle - Macroperaomniversal Complex - Macrotime and Macroreality

Organisms I

Maior Ultima Obice - The buttfrickverse

Boxes I

Ultima Box - Alphabox - Betabox - Gammabox - Deltabox - Epsilonbox

Knitting Chain

The Thread - The Spool


InSaNiTyVeRsE - Dodecahedron of CHAIR - Terminal Rhombicosidodecahedron

Boxes II

The True Box - Terminal Box


Pure "Void" - Loweffortverse - Transillud Omnistructure

Probability Containers

Hexaprobability Orbital - Theta-Fabric


The Magma Realm - Magma Central

Brick Chain

The Brick - The Wall

Organisms II

Ducks - Quod Infinita


V - Trueverse

The Drum

The Drum

ⶍ The Pre-Hierarchy ⶍ - ⧉ The Official Hierarchy ⧉ - ⍍ The Extended Hierarchy ⍍ - ⍬ The Post-Hierarchy ⍬ - ✤ The Extended Post-Hierarchy ✤

Physical Realms (Realmic Stripes) - Archrealities (Protoparticles, Inanes)

The Novachain

Nothing - The Hierarchy Hierarchy - Reality - The Structure of Everything
