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The Organismverse is a massive rogue verse in the Cetaverse. It contains many different kinds of lifeforms.

The Organismverse is quite empty, and contains 3 planets that orbit a supermassive black hole at the center. Each of these planets all host insane amounts of life.

Each species of animal on each planet are very broad, so many individual species are not listed.

Planet B-280, otherwise known as The Ocean Planet, is the biggest rogue planet in the Organismverse, and is completely covered by a massive ocean. Life is abundant here, and many underwater plants and fish live here.


The Blue Planet has 3 layers. The structure of The Blue Planet much resembles the structure of Earth, with a few key differences.

The Ocean[]

The First Layer is the ocean, and is the only layer to have any life. It and stretches down for about 1000 km, until you hit a thin barrier of solid rock, which divides the Ocean and the Mantle.

The Mantle[]

The Second Layer of The Blue Planet is the Mantle, and is quite hot, with temperatures reaching up to 10,000,000,000 Kelvin. It consists of mostly magma, and small holes in the barrier between the First and Second Layer has occasionally let magma spew out at the bottom of the Ocean.

The Core[]

The Core is the last layer, and the Mantle completely surrounds it. No life can possibly survive here due to the insane temperatures. The Core is made out of an unnamed metal with a ridiculously high melting point.


The Blue Planet has possibly the most life out of every planet in the Organismverse. Much of this life is very diverse.

Sea Plants[]

Many different types of sea plants exist in the ocean. Most are bioluminescent, since The Blue Planet does not orbit a star, thus not allowing photosynthesis to happen. Many organisms feast on this plant life, and some even depend on them to survive and keep reproducing.


Jawfish have small bodies and fins, but their mouths are ridiculously huge. A Jawfish's mouth can open up to

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A picture of The Ocean Planet

over 300 meters, and can swallow most creatures whole. However, Jawfish move relatively slow and are quite easy to spot due to their abnormally large mouths, so Jawfish are regularly consumed by predators.

Tube Worms[]

Tube Worms are small worm-like creatures that reside at the bottom of the ocean. Tube worms usually do not interact with organisms above, and just eat cooled-down magma being vented out by mini-volcanoes at the bottom.


Inkfish are another common type of fish, and usually travel in large groups. Inkfish will eat Sea Plants for food. When in danger, they will emit a dark substance that can corrode materials, including other organisms' skin. However, many creatures living in the ocean have developed defenses against the corrosion, and the Inkfishes' ability is now not as effective as before.


Blobs are small, squishy, and pinkish creatures that usually like to stay in the shallow areas of the ocean. They resemble blobfish, and have been found to be able to eat a variety of things, such as Sea Plants, Inkfish, Jawfish, Tube Worms, and even just the water in the ocean itself. Blobs have a poison inside them that makes any organism that eats them get sick and die, so Blobs themselves have little to no natural predators.


Flatfishes are another type of fish that reside in the Ocean. They are the rarest type of creature in The Blue Planet, and can blend in with the environment very well, so finding one is very hard. Flatfish will wait for organisms to get close to them, and uses bait, such as Sea Plants and Inkfish to lure them close. After the organism is close enough, the Flatfish will open its mouth and stick out its long and spiky tongue to latch on and eat them.

Planet R-012, also called The Magma Planet, is the second rogue planet in the Organismverse. It is quite small compared to the other planets, and has countless volcanoes and lava springs on its surface. Life is still very common here.


The Red Planet has only 2 layers, compared to The Blue Planet's 3. However, both layers are extremely thick,

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A picture of the Magma Planet

and all layers have life.

The Crust[]

This layer is the first layer of The Red Planet, and is filled with volcanoes, lava lakes, and even lava oceans. Many different species thrive in here, and temperatures can reach up to ridiculous amounts. Volcanoes can spew hot magma everywhere, making avoiding the lava a primary goal for the life.

The Internal Lava Ocean[]

This is the second layer of The Magma Planet, and acts like the core of the planet. This layer resembles a massive lava ocean, and is full of weird and alien life. The way how the Internal Lava Ocean can still stay as an ocean and somehow support the entire Magma Planet without causing instability is still unknown.


The Magma Planet has less life than The Ocean Planet, but still has many species nevertheless. All life living on or inside The Magma Planet are very adapted to hot temperatures and are usually are very tough and hard to kill.

Death Scorpion[]

Death Scorpions, true to their name, are very powerful and deadly creatures that reside on The Crust of The Magma Planet. They resemble oversized scorpions, and have extremely powerful claws that can even crush some of the strongest known materials, such as Omega Porcelain, and even variants of Primordium Delta. Death Scorpions have been seen to violently kill almost any creature that tries to attack them, but a few species are able to successfully eat Death Scorpions without getting injured too much.

Spike Worm[]

Spike Worms are another life form on The Magma Planet. These creatures can live everywhere in The Magma Planet, and usually do not attack other creatures unless they feel threatened, which is almost never. However, when Spike Worms are in combat, they can vomit extremely corrosive matter at other life, causing heavy injuries to the other life. Spike Worms can also hit things very hard with their spiky body. Spike Worms most likely have a much bigger arsenal than just spikes and corrosive vomit, since they have been seen at times to hint at another ability.

Red Claw[]

Red Claws are one of the more weird and obscure organisms that live on The Magma Planet. Red Claws vaguely resemble massive hands with extremely curved and sharp fingers and a mouth centered on it. They reside in The Internal Lava Ocean, and will stealthily track prey above them. Once the Red Claw is close enough to its prey, it will immediately grab the victim and drag it down to be eaten. Red Claws have also been occasionally been attacked by Spike Worms.


Tanks are medium-sized creatures that live in The Crust of The Magma Planet. Tanks have an extremely tough exoskeleton, and also move very slow compared to other creatures in the Organismverse. A Tank's exoskeleton is strong enough to deflect even the strongest lasers, and if a Tank's exoskeleton is broken, it will immediately regenerate a few seconds later. So far, Tanks have not been seen to need any form of food, and lack many senses that most creatures would have, such as hearing and sight.

Planet G-001, which is also known as The Forest Planet, is the 3rd planet in the Organismverse, and is filled with plant life, such as trees, bushes, grass, and shrubs. The Forest Planet is the 2nd biggest planet, only being outmatched by The Ocean Planet, and has a very vibrant and colorful landscape. The Forest Planet also is the only planet in the Organismverse to have a moon.

The Moon[]

The Forest Planet has one moon. This moon, also called The Orbiting Star, has been seen to routinely give off massive amounts of light and energy, allowing photosynthesis to occur for all plant life on The Surface of The Forest Planet. The Orbiting Star orbits The Forest Planet quite slowly, and also provides a day and night cycle for The Forest Planet.


The Forest Planet has a very peculiar set of layers, and also has the most layers out of any planet in the Organismverse, at 5 layers total.

The Surface[]

The Surface is the first layer of The Forest Planet, and has a mostly flat terrain with occasional hills and

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An up-close image of The Forest Planet

valleys. Most of the plant life on The Forest Planet reside here, and a few types of insects also live here. The Surface is also quite thin, at only 10 kilometers thick.

The Void[]

This area is the space between The Debris Layer and The Surface, and divides the two layers. No life lives here. The Void is quite small, and the gap between The Surface and The Debris Layer is only 100 meters.

The Debris Layer[]

This is the 3rd layer of The Forest Planet. This layer is composed of many small rocks, some of which have hit the underside of The Surface Layer. This ring of small rocks is kept in orbit around The Inner Planet, another strange layer of The Forest Planet.

The Inner Planet[]

Somehow, The Forest Planet has a smaller copy of itself inside of it, known as The Inner Planet. This copy has the exact same lifeforms, plants, and terrain, just shrunk down slightly. Every time something changes on The Surface of The Forest Planet, that exact change will be seen on the copy. How this works is unknown, and research is being conducted on The Inner Planet to try to figure out why.

The Core[]

The Core is the center of The Forest Planet. It somehow exists in another dimension which is possibly even an imaginary one, making observing The Core basically impossible. The Core can still hold The Forest Planet together though through unknown properties.


Life on The Forest Planet is mostly plant life, with most of those plants relying on photosynthesis to survive. Insect life also appears on The Forest Planet, but is much less common.

Umbrella Tree[]

Umbrella Trees are trees that resemble umbrellas. These trees reside on The Surface, can grow ridiculously long branches. Umbrella Trees will use those branches to block other plant life from getting light, preventing them from growing. That has made Umbrella Trees known and feared because their aggressive tactics.

Acid Shrub[]

Acid Shrubs are small plants that usually grow in clumps. Acid Shrubs will simply corrode anything with an extremely strong acid that gets in their way of growing, including Umbrella Tree branches. Acid Shrubs and Umbrella Trees have fought for control over which species gets light, sometimes resulting in mass extinction of neighboring life.

Root Plant[]

Root Plants are an example of a plant in The Forest Planet that does not rely on photosynthesis, and instead gets all of its energy from a currently unknown source. If you follow a Root Plant's roots deep enough, you will end up in an unknown location that does not appear to be part of even Time and reality. Root Plants do not seem to be natural, as they appear to be made out of artificial material, and can do things that are not possible for a natural plant, such as changing existence states.

Tree Eaters[]

Tree Eaters are a type of parasite vine that can latch onto other plant life. Once a Tree Eater is successfully latched on, it will spray a dangerous chemical at its host, which sucks out all the nutrients from the Tree Eater's victim. The Tree Eater will then take all the nutrients for itself, and drop off to find new hosts. Tree Eaters can move by themselves, albeit for a relatively short distance.

Article by ICantEdit[]
Tabber by BestNoobReborn[]