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This page is part of Structures Throughout Transinfinite Spaces

⌬ About probabilistic The Box supercluster[]

probabilistical "The Box" Supercluster is an unstable "structue", a region enveloped by border interacting with out side world. Indescribable amount of boxes are contained inside Probabilistic The Box Supercluster. The supercluster always go through impossible positions and shapes.

⌬ Supercluster's temperature []

Due to energy from insane activities and dimensional crumbling, the coolest place on probabilistic The Box supercluster is around 1/10000 of Planck temperature, the temperature inside largest voids. Varying intensity of temperature creates many actions associated with various physics fields.

⌬ Spacetime web's importance[]

Box formation rate gets higher closer to spacetime web's dense region, and decreases farther away from dense region, or in the void. The spacetime web acts as a ramp of supercluster's spacetime, and dimensional gas likes to flow to a region where there is that "ramp".

⌬ Size of probabilistic The Box supercluster[]

The size of supercluster is estimated to be cardinal absolute infinite, and to minus. Infinite size is only the case when infinite variety of supercluster is included (more on that later, explained in "cores" part). THIS supercluster's size is about the smallest ordinal absolute infinite. In this case, absolute infinity is not necessarily the limit of numbers; the concept of "transinfinity" can extend the number line far beyond absolute infinity!

⌬Boxes []

Boxes come in various size, each one varying unthinkably in size. When someone sees them from inside, they are infinite times smaller than the box of bigger kind, while someone in space of Supercluster sees them as only little bigger and smaller; just like miniverses. They come in extremely diverse types too; not only there are tens of so-called "normal types" of boxes, there are absolutely countless "abnormal" ones with bizarre forms and physics.

⌬The Box []

The Box V2
The Box contains everything possible and impossible. It also contains a blue "stars". They are the most fundamental building block of probabilistic The Box supercluster. It is component of The Box, which itself, is one of fundamental building block of probabilistic The Box supercluster. Blue stars radiate various dimensions. Star's dimensions varies dramatically, and is an act of The Box's inner physics destabilizing these tiny stars.

⌬The Megabox []

The Megabox
The Megabox contains endless world of boxes and verses floating around. Inside, the Boxes melt and twist, releasing verses and creating new physics. The megabox is, in fact, has very similar condition to Probabilistic The Box Supercluster itself, where uncountable number and types of objects interacting with each other.

⌬The Ultrabox []

The Ultrabox
The Ultrabox is another higher type of box that contains world of megaboxes, their components, and beyond infinite number of verses and normal Box. The Ultrabox's border is very unstable compared to two lower levels of boxes, sometimes breaking loose and exploding into fragments. Which happens a lot in the Supercluster, and is quite important trait of The Ultrabox because its inside is rich in material for new objects to form.

⌬Higher level boxes []

White Box

In measuring scale defined by transinfinite ordinals, there can be gigabox, terabox, petabox, ... until layers of box reaches dimensionality of probabilistic The Box supercluster. Over the Ultrabox, number of higher level boxes are completely random, since they are generated by very rare activities. There can be higher level boxes as many as normal boxes in supercluster, in other times, to negative.

With unlimited amounts, one-to-infinite types of boxes, there are a lot of variations in them.

⌬Special polyhedrons []

Polyhedrons are supercluster's way of not being destroyed completely. If there is a thing with too much energy that can open a void or destroy the supercluster completely (something that is achievable with infinite energy that is always infinite in any dimension), the polyhedron forms around it.

⌬The tetrahedron[]

First is the tetrahedron. It briefly forms when two The Box collide. Tetrahedron is unstable, and it can only evolve to maximum 54 dimensions (see the pattern at "Collision of megaboxes" part). The tetrahedron immediately collapses, releasing just a tiny amount of energy (how tiny? just enough to destroy few The Box around the collision site) then disappears.

⌬The hexahedron[]

It is just another word for "box shape". Boxes are hexahedrons, but this hexahedron is a thing that forms around the black hole born from megabox collision. Hexahedron evolves into higher dimension as it stores black hole's energy and releases it little slower than receiving amount. Don't know what happens when black hole is about to die? Well, the hexahedron shatters from inside layers and stops evolving in dimension. When the hexahedron's outer layer shatters... BAAM!

⌬The octahedron[]

The octahedron is extremely faint. It forms slowly around the black hole or white hole, and acts as a container for EXTREMELY high energy radiation from the black hole or white hole, which can form another of itself. Octahedron captures (ridiculously) high energy dimensional radiation and stretches it to invisible (off the few hundred nanometer range) radiation. Octahedron gets little less-fainter each time it absorbs radiation. When the octahedron has absorbed enough light to become visible, the black hole or white hole already started collapsing. Shockwave strikes the octahedron and it shatters, spreading energy fragment everywhere like ultra-powerful fragment grenade By the way, octahedron is bigger than dodecahedron or hexahedron around black hole or white hole.

⌬The dodecahedron[]

Dodecahedron.svg (1)

The dodecahedron is energy decreaser of white hole. It captures the white hole's enormous energy (much greater than black hole's energy) and radiated dimensions away at constant rate. Of course, it also evolves in dimension. Interesting thing about the dodecahedron is that it only appears in light blue color due to extreme energy and has megaboxes as the corner (that collapses as the white hole instablize. Don't care about this, because there is better explanation at "Collisions of ultraboxes").

This polyhedron also evolves in dimension, and gets extra megaboxes per one dimension increase.

⌬The icosahedron and above []


The icosahedron or above level polyhedrons appear when there is surprising amount of energy concentration. Icosahedron is the first, and appears when two star collides and merges to one. Sudden shockwave of white hole collision causes whole star to fuse in fraction of moment. Luminous light-blue isocahedron appears and tries to absorb the energy of expanding star, but it fails and is engulfed immediately by star. the hyperdimensional icosahedron shatters all at once, and flings out tremendous mass out of the star. More detail explained in "Collision of two meganova-caused black holes, ultranova-caused white holes, or white hole star".

Higher the energy, higher the number of corner of enveloping polyhedron. For example, very high energy collision can cause a shape like small retrosnub icosicosidodecahedron to appear, which is so complex that each dimension increase gives the polyhedron to be much more brain-frying. Below is list that lists fraction of polyhedron that can form during collisions:

Check out here for list

⌬Fields & forces []

Yes, fields & force in physics, literally. Just a little violently altered.

In [./ Observable Universe (yours)], there are four forces (REAL AUTHOR NOTE: I doubt that there is dark energy fource. Although it seem like there is only 1 person in the world who believes that dark energy is one of fundamental force, my opinion is solid) that governs how the universe works. Gravity is main force at the largest scale, electromagnetic force at star to molecular scale, weak force and strong nuclear force governs how atom or things below that scale, behaves. Just like your universe, there are fundamental forces and fields in vast space of box realm, that controls everything.

You may wanna check out "probabilistic field (energy field)" first, because explanation of matter field will include many sentences that involves probabilistic field.

⌬Box formation field (matter field) []

When probabilistic field gives especially big energy to polyhedron field, it excites box formation field, creating several The Box. This field activates everywhere in every region of supercluster. Because this field has lowest energy to be activated, boxes are everywhere. Everywhere!

⌬Megabox formation field (matter field) []

This field requires highest excitation in dimensional magnetic field than other two to be activated. Once excited, it generates ripple. That ripple not only creates bunch of megabox, the ripple can pass on to box formation field if its energy is too low to continue in megabox field. The wimpy energy ripple in megabox field is STRON⑨ in box formation field. This leads to few of megaboxes, and BUNCH of The Box.

⌬Ultrabox formation field (matter field) []

This field requires especially crazy level of excitation of attraction field. Similar to how the ripples pass on to box formation field, ripples of ultrabox field passes on to megabox field, then to box formation field. I am sure you know how much boxes and megaboxes will be created with few ultraboxes.

⌬Higher level box formation field (matter field) []

Higher level boxes are formed by excitation of higher level box formation field. This field requires truly catastrophic sequence to be excited: the probabilistic field must rupture (freak out). This is achievable by huge explosions. What is interesting about this field, is if highest level of box formed in the event is for example 25, ripple can pass on 24 times more! truly TREMENDOUS amount of boxes are born in this process.

⌬probabilistical field (energy field)[]

This is first and only energy field (not sure if I can call this field "energy field") that exists in box space normally. probabilistical field is evenly spread around from dimension positive to negative infinity. When certain amount of energy resonates the probabilistic field, and the probabilistic field divides into three different typed of sub field: the polyhedron field, attraction field, and dimensional magnetic field. All three are also energy field, and probabilistic field divides its energy to three divided fields. When three fields release their matching bosons and forces, they join again to return to original probabilistic field.

The probabilistic field has direct effect of box formation fields. Ripples of probabilistic field can transfer to all three box formation fields. And of course, when box formation fields are excited, they create boxes. Actually, box formation fields cannot be activated without excitation of probabilistic field.

⌬Polyhedron field (sub energy field)[]

the polyhedron field that forms energy polyhedrons around energetic object (that is at the verge of exploding), decreases final explosion power of energetic object contained inside polyhedron by few billion times. This prevents the supercluster from being filled with void (I will explain voids in detail below). Polyhedron does this by absorbing energy and radiating it with violent but stable rate. When accumulated energy of polyhedron reaches maximum capacity, it evolves in dimensions (pattern explained in "Interactions between boxes & objects inside supercluster"). But polyhedron is not eternal. As contained object loses energy, polygon shatters from inner layer. This boosts death of contained object, and the object explodes with huge explosion and power contained in polyhedron.

By the way, polyhedron formation field works in many, many ranges, from box supercluster scale to... imaginary dodecahedron, which protects (?) your universe and close others.

⌬Attraction field (sub energy field)[]

Attraction is like spacetime of our universe (that generates gravity by curving), but acts like actual field. Everything inside the supercluster has dimensional gas particles around it (pretty much countless), that is resonating hundreds, millions, QUINTILLIONS of dimensions per every moment. But objects making up the supercluster all has so strong curving force on space, that dimensional gas cannot fly away from those objects. Dimensional gas likes to be connected to closest dimensional gas particle(s) with 1D string.

Then connected particles try to resonate through dimensions as they "always has been" (gunshot sound). But strings are 1D, and they cannot resonate through dimensions with it. That unstable glitch-like situations ultimately annihilates dimensional gas particles. This generates BIG amount of energy. The glow around boxes are result of annihilation of dimensional gas particles. When two boxes get close to each other, few VERY lucky dimensional gas particles are connected each other, trying to drag two boxes closer (strings are invisible, for obvious facts). This effect accumulates per every moment, and ultimately leads two objects to collide or form stable binary system.

⌬Dimensional magnetic field (sub energy field)[]

Dimensional magnetic force is carried by unknown bosons that is generated by dimensional magnetic field, and acts like combined electromagnetic, strong and weak nuclear force combined. It controls magnetic field of the objects inside box supercluster, which can be surprisingly strong in some cases like rotation of dodecahedron around white hole that is about to shatter (its magnetic field is strong enough to vaporize the megabox into countless fragments with 10 sec energy output). This force also bonds dimensional gas atoms. The important thing is, that dimensional magnetic force can work between multiple dimensions at once, so dimensional gas atoms do not fall apart instantly.

⌬Hyperdimensional elementary particles []

I saw that your universe builds matter because of arrangement of quarks and electrons (F for you. Those beautiful systems of force is about to get destroyed maliciously due to billions of light years far vacuum decay that is currently expanding near your galaxy). I know that you are even unfamiliar with your universe's own material builders, so lemme explain in easy sentences below.

(still not sure about what dimensional gas particles looks like. it is something like hyperdimensional dodecahedron or icosahedron with some glowy hyperdimensional polyhedron thing circling around it. That "atom" of dimensional gas is far, far smaller than plank particle, possibly just an arrangement of probability)

⌬Quarks of supercluster space []


(image is energy ripple from destruction of quark going through influential area of itself)

Quarks at supercluster space are what builds dimensional gas atom cores, consisting of few particles I will explain below. Your scientists seems like they discovered six different types of them currently. Quarks can bind in two, three, four, hexagon, icosidodecahedron, ... ok let's stop here before it gets to infinity. I will get into main quarks after one sentence: these hyperdimensional polyhedrons are unimaginably tiny, tiny, TINY and joins together to make atom (?) cores of dimensional gases. Images next to descriptions are 3D or 4D visualization of quark.

⌬Hyperdimensional tetrahedron[]

Most common quarks in supercluster. It naturally and spontaneously forms from excitation of any field and calmly vibes around the space (relatively) slow, calm rate until it finds another quark and bind with it to form dimensional gas atom.

⌬Hyperdimensional hexahedron[]

Hexahedron quark holds little more energy, and is very stable. It does not naturally form anywhere like tetrahedron quark, but it can form in large quantities when there is even small excitation like collision of two inside-box "stars". With tetrahedron, this quark bonds to create most stable and common dimensional gas particle. Two different quarks are tightly bound by dimensional magnetic force boson, and each time two rotates around each other, atom core of dimensional gas particles goes through drastic dimension change. Pattern of dimension change is monochromatic.

⌬Hyperdimensional octahedron[]

This quark is little unstable and form when two box collision or higher level events. It immediately decays when there is nothing to stabilize it. However, this quark can be stabilized when three or more lower level quarks are attached next to it. It will hold octahedron quark from decaying away... for few moments. This quark can form stable atomic core of dimensional gas atom when it has nowhere to escape and surrounded by tons of quarks. You can imagine dimensional pulse of dimensional gas atom core consisting of one of this quark and smaller level quarks: there are one more change of dimensions between one repetition of monochromatic pattern. Also, small amount of this quark decaying all at once will create bright flash equivalent that of the fluorescent lamp this lamp is such a old skool technology.

Still haven't figured out how much octahedron quarks are needed to create visible bright flash.

Maybe 10^7...?

Or only 16...?


🌕 🔮 🌎



⌬Hyperdimensional dodecahedron[]

Rs=w 360
Dodcahedron quark is quite unstable and does not stay for long even though there are lower level quarks trapping it inside polyhedron. This quark is usually created by explosion of white hole or above energy explosion. There is no way to form stable dimensional gas atom core with dodecahedron quark, no matter how many monochromatic+1 pattern dimensional gas atom cores are trapping dodecahedron quark. However, even though atom explodes few moments later, atom core that has this quark will show monochromatic+1 pattern with one random dimensional pattern.

(Was unable to visualize as 3D or 4D. So instead of non-understandable image, here is pixellated :D)

⌬Hyperdimensional icosahedron[]

Trying to make dimensional gas atom with icosahedron quark is very bad idea. It will not only shatter whole atom and shoot atomic-bomb-energy-holding-lepton to random direction (this topic is currently being researched as power plant tech), but will briefly create strong concentration of spacetime web, making everything around it become tiny void. Catastrophical power of void is precisely explained in "voids" part. There is a reason why this quark is so rebellious is that it is actually created when spacetime web collapse from shockwave of supercluster core.

⌬Leptons of supercluster space []


(image is energy ripple from destruction of lepton going through influential area of itself. You see, leptons and quarks inside supercluster share pretty much traits together. That's why energy ripple pattern looks almost same)

Electrons (or with their heavier cousins tauon, muon, and three neutrinos, they are all called "leptons") in your universe are yeeting around the atom core with crazy speed faster than rockets. They get excited and yeets into higher energy level when they receive some photons. Other interactions are too complicated for "normal" people on planet earth, so you will be grateful that I am not mentioning electron property clouds and quantum mechanics.

Unlike polyhedrons around things like white or black hole, lepton polyhedron does not evolve dimensions and can only evolve into higher dimension if it interacts with other particles.

⌬Hyperdimensional small dodecicosahedron []

60px-Small dodecicosahedron

Explosions of black holes or white holes form this kind of lepton. This lepton commonly has energy of atomic bomb in it, and is most common lepton circling around the atom core of dimensional gas particles. Lepton's dimensions normally range from 3 to approximately 134^33995^17.

⌬Hyperdimensional icositruncated dodecadodecahedron []


This lepton's most usual formation site is collision of two white hole star or shockwave of duality core (explained in "cores" part). Explosions of black holes or white holes have too low energy to form this kind of lepton. This lepton commonly has energy equivalent to supernova in it, and gets easily kicked out of dimensional gas atoms due to high instability. Lepton's dimensions normally range from 59 to approximately 79^225^196^348^205.

⌬Hyperdimensional great truncated icosidodecahedron []

60px-Great truncated icosidodecahedron

This lepton cannot be formed outside events like hypevoid's final explosion or rare shockwave release of supercluster core. NON OF THIS LEPTON is found in other energetic explosion site (less powerful than two listed above). This lepton commonly has energy more powerful than big bang in it, and just cannot form dimensional gas atoms due to immense repulsion. Because lepton is very unstable, it quickly dissolves, creating universe (that universe don't last long). Lepton's dimensions normally range from 4096 to approximately ((2895^1544547)-2)↑↑↑923.

⌬Other hyperdimensional dodecahedrons[]

Lower or higher level hyperdimensional dodecahedrons forms through decay or absorption. How these two happens is simple: if dimensional radiation higher than lepton's dimension strikes certain lepton, lepton's dimension is (current lepton dimension)+(radiation's dimension), or absorption. If it is opposite, so dimensional radiation that is lower than lepton's dimension strikes lepton, lepton's dimension is (current lepton dimension)-(radiation's dimension), or decay. Then what happens when duality radiation from spacetime web (see "Bosons of supercluster space" part for info about what this is) strikes lepton? It is simple, lepton just disappears immediately.

⌬Bosons of supercluster space []


(image is energy ripple from destruction of boson going through influential area of itself)

Bosons in your universe is what builds everything, from stars to atoms. They are currently being generated by your brain, computer, or even your breath! ANY movement generates electromagnetic force, and is carried by photons. Then you may ask: they our body should glow powerfully if our bodies emit photons 0_0. What is the answer to that? YOU GLOW. Kind of. Your body emits something called infrared light, which is very invisible to your eye. Did you think that cold blanket in night warms automatically? no! blanket contains infrared light from your body and that's what warms you! Three other bosons of your universe works in weird quantum mechanics world. Those three are not that important in your everyday life, so just don't care about them.

Bosons (not traditional ones in your universe, I mean bosons of HERE) are very important players of supercluster's interaction. How important? Every energy fields inside supercluster relies on bosons.

Images on left are influential area visualizations of each bosons, without polyhedron shape (polyhedron shapes are only theoretical. These were all we saw when observed with ultra-high 586^344^2067k resolution microscope)

⌬Polyhedron bosons[]


Polyhedrons that form around energetic objects are the result of unimaginable amount of polyhedron bosons colliding with each other countless times. Those bosons form polyhedron because of polyhedron field curvature. Polyhedron itself cannot generate massive polyhedron itself, it is polyhedron bosons firing out of field curvature and constantly colliding with each other. That's what makes polyhedron have mass, and be able to control energies of contained objects.

⌬Dimensional magnetic force bosons[]


These bosons are like your universe's photons, but just governing everything when attraction does not play well. These bosons are randomly being born by constant ripples from every movement in the supercluster. Dimensional electromagnetic bosons build dimensional gas particles and acts like attraction over small distance. Just imagine a huge magnet. How it attracts other magnet is good way to picture how dimensional magnetic force bosons make things be close together like attraction (although it is not EXACT same way to picture it). Just like electromagnetic force, lot of dimensional magnetic force bosons can cause destructive effect like shattering of box.

Spacetime web which aligns almost perfectly with box clusters' arrangement, constantly radiates dimensional magnetic force bosons (or simply dimensional radiation) that has weird duality of infinite (non-ordinal) dimension to 0 dimension.

⌬Attraction bosons[]

Graviton seems non-likely to exist in your universe, but graviton-like particle exists in supercluster space! It is also being generated by spontaneous ripple from various always makes attraction field active, and create attraction bosons. Attraction bosons randomly travel from particle to particle, and has about 1/10 chance (duodecillion decimal digits after 10 omitted) of connecting striked dimensional gas particle and other dimensional gas particle that it started jumping with 1D string. If attraction boson successfully connects two dimensional gas particle, it goes away. I explained what 1D strings do in "Attraction field (sub energy field)".

⌬Interactions of particles that are perfectly explainable with current theories []


⌬Rare random jumbling between influential area of quarks[]

With older theories, quarks' influential areas had to be always sphere, and it was not possible to merge two quarks' influential area without enormous energy. However, this theory's foundation was ignoring that quantum tunneling also works inside supercluster space, and dimensional magnetic force was not discovered yet. Many smart physicists fixed the theory little and this interaction became explainable.


⌬Rare random shattering of dimensional gas atom core[]

This shortly became explainable as new theory did not ignore quantum tunneling.

⌬Various experiments conducted with particles []

Many explosive situations during experiments. They often partially or entirely blow up equipment that test happened but of course for science.

⌬Collision of twoicosahedron quarks[]


Two icosahedron quarks are accelerated in particle accelerator powered by white hole for weeks, and they collide, giving out interesting shapes.

That ultra-bright spot is where two icosahedron quarks collided together. Waves are visualization of fluctuations caused by collisions. Tip of wave that is fading away is icosahedron quark that collided with one another and disintegrating into oblivion.

Many tangled lines and circles of various size and color are particles' route, speed, and temperature. temperature is lowest at blue and highest at violets and white. When particle has higher speed, circle representing particle becomes bigger. That lines are simply estimated routes that formed particles will possibly follow. Color of route is "when particles continue to go their route, they will likely collide with certain particle with this temperature".

⌬Collision of severaldimensional gas atoms[]


meaning of lines and waves and etc are the same as above experiment picture, and this time, particles are accelerated for months in particle accelerator using several white holes to speed up the particle. Yellow and violet glows are high (violet) and low (yellow) energy minivoids that are spreading from center. Unlike voids of HUGE scale, minivoids act like particles, just having a lot of negative energy.

⌬Collision of two minivoids[]


The result was more interesting than expected. Several theories suspected that collision between two minivoid cannot create particles with positive mass or energy. Although several theories were thrown into oblivion, it revolutionized understanding of minivoids and negative energies.

⌬Wave collision experiment[]


This is wave created by unimaginably powerful dimensional radiation hitting dodecahedron quark. See those bluish frequencies? Those were previously thought to be impossible.

⌬Several hyperdimensional small dodecicosahedron collision experiment[]


One of greatest unsolved theoretical mystery. Atomic bomb level energy release were not a concern because it's radiation is easily absorbed by vacuum around it, but something was wrong. Those patterns of particle routes must not be formed in experiment. It was first thought to be equipment error, but after testing it with millions of various equipment, it became the biggest headache.

⌬Interactions between boxes & objects inside supercluster []

Boxes inside supercluster only destroy each other. It is the only interaction going on between boxes. However, destruction of boxes have very interesting effect on each other, and creates very unique objects.

⌬Collision of The Box []

Boxes travel with unimaginable speed, and occasionally collide. This causes dimensional instability, and completely shatter or severely damage two collided boxes. Shattered fragment (which have various dimensions in it) of boxes are converted into tremendous energy, and that energy causes violent wave to probabilistic field which gives birth to bunch of The Box with exotic dimensions (such as negative number dimensions). Collisions rarely create Megaboxes or Ultraboxes if it has sufficiently large energy. Survived box collides with shattered box's stars and those stars are instantly disintegrated to dimensional gas.

If both boxes were completely shattered, there is nothing that holds energy of stars inside the boxes. Stars with less dimensional bound goes sort of "hypernova", and creates tremendous nebula made of dimensional gas. Colliding stars tangle the dimensions so much, that probabilistic field cannot hold two stars' bond, and one of them turn into antimatter. Simply put, two stars will be transformed into pure energy, and addition to that, dimensional entanglement energy will add even more energy to explosion.

⌬Collision of megaboxes []


Left image is a black hole right after being born. Its event horizon is not yet engulfed by its immense attraction, and is very rare observation picture of black hole that does not have hyperdimensional cube around it. Everything I mentioned in these three sentences will be precisely explained below.

If there are collisions between Megaboxes, they shake the probabilistic field so much, that two collided boxes collapse into naked singularity black hole, a black hole that engulfed even its event horizon with insane attraction force. Dimensional magnetic force try to counteract attraction, but instability between dimensional magnetic force and attraction makes singularity completely engulf its event horizon (so it is 0-dimensional). The black hole's attraction is so immense, that material making accretion disk around it will have heated so much that it will constantly form blue stars (that is something inside The Box) and destroy it.

All the energy will slowly create a visible cube around naked singularity black hole that constantly changes its dimension. Dimension changing of cube follows this rule: (1+4+3+5+6+9)+(35+54+77+32+65+43)+... , or in English, it is "pick 6 random number smaller than 10, add all them together. Then again pick a 6 random number smaller than 100, and add them together. Next limit is 1000, and so on". Because the naked singularity black hole slowly eats away accretion disk around it, its blue "star" formation rate slowly drops. At this point, there is a gigantic nebula of unknown matter that glows in various spectrum is formed around a black hole.

Eventually, dimension of cube around black hole reaches number of blue "stars" that were formed and destroyed inside accretion disk. When that happens, whole structure of cube ruptures from the inside, because there are no more dimensional energy coming from the black hole and stars around that counteracts dimensional instability of cube, and sustains its form. Energy keeps accumulating inside the cube, until the outermost layer ruptures and tremendous energy of dimensional instability collapse and destroys the black hole completely. Shockwave freaks probabilistic field (inflation field, which is responsible for the formation of universe, just refuses to work under this condition), which means countless boxes will collide with each other, untimately causing the formation of dimensional gas nebula, with no remnant leftover (the meganova).

⌬Collisions of ultraboxes []


Left image shows nebula of dimensional gas caused by ultrabox collision. Very energetic objects are shown as white glowy balls.

Collisions of Ultraboxes cause dimensions around it to collapse, that it creates countless cloud of particles (each one with dimension between 0 or 34↑↑↑↑6832) which explosively collapses and spreads unstable boxes everywhere (the ultranova). After spreading a lot (and by a lot, I MEAN IT) of boxes and few megaboxes, the ultranova releases gigantic energy shockwave that is infinite degree Celsius when measured in 3rd dimension. This leads to bending of probabilistic field, and creates a gigantic white hole. It also occasionally releases weaker shockwave of dimensional gas. After some time, energy being released from white hole will create visible blue dodecahedron around it, with megaboxes at each corners of dodecahedron. Just like the cube formed in collision of megaboxes, the dodecahedron keeps getting additional dimensions.

However, in this case, hyperdimensional dodecahedron keeps overloading from energy flowing from corner megaboxes (reminder: as the dodecahedron gets new corners each time it goes into higher dimensions, it also gets more megaboxes for each corner) and white hole. When dodecahedron is holding maximum energy capacity, it loses one megabox corner (megabox collapses into black hole with cube around it). Twice the maximum energy capacity, one more black hole corner. This continues until dodecahedron's all corner megaboxes collapse into black hole. Because white hole releases tremendous amount of material, it creates a blue "star". It constantly forms, and destroyed by material shockwave. But if the star hits one corner of cube around the corner black hole, the cube shatters, disintegrating the corner black hole into gigantic meganova. Constant formation of "star" inside the dodecahedron eventually destroys all corner, and when all of dodecahedron's corner is ruptured, the dimensional force keeping white hole sustain its shape is gone, and the white hole explodes.

⌬Collision of higher level boxes []

Collision of higher boxes also generate tremendous white hole just like ultrabox collisions, but collision of higher level boxes also generate very dense dimensional gas cloud around the white hole. The gas cloud collapses violently, before ultranova releases a shockwave. Gas cloud begins fusion, and becomes a star, just much bigger than ones in The Box (oh, and stars inside the box exists outside of it in probabilistic box supercluster, and builds most common structures of probabilistic box supercluster). When white hole is formed at center of gas cloud, it becomes like a Quasi-star, except that this star gets its energy to sustain itself from shattering and repairing of blue dodecahedron's corners.

⌬Collision of three or more boxes[]

Collision of three or more The Box, Megabox, or Ultraboxes leads to total collapse of local region. Everything possible becomes impossible, and every impossible becomes possible, (combined side length of collided multiple boxes) x (combined side length of collided multiple boxes) around the collision site. This creates effect like anti-matter and matter, and completely wipes out everything existing, not existing, and negative-existing things in possible-impossible conversion region. Event creates a void, one of the most catastrophic place in the supercluster.

The reason why the explosion is so powerful, is that third box does not allow the polyhedron field to be activated, thus releasing pure energy of explosion. To make explosion even worse, it creates effect like feeding material of whole box to product of two box collision. And you know what happens when you feed the whole mass and dimensional energy of entire box to black hole, white hole, or gigantic white hole star?

These kind of multi collision creates a void, that I explained in detail

⌬Collision of two black holes, white holes, or white hole star[]

It is simple: when two or more objects collide, hyperdimensional polyhedrons' corners shatter all at once, releasing all energy of polyhedron, but objects itself does not get destroyed. two black holes just collide together naturally, white holes too. Even collision of black holes or white holes with no polyhedrons enveloping them is not that different: shockwave from collision instantly creates polyhedron around the collided body, and formed polyhedron instantly shatters. Collision of white-hole core star is very calm, until two white hole core gets close together.

The collision between two polyhedron-enveloped white hole is ok, but the shockwave compresses the dimensional gas around the core of a star. The core fusion violently starts overload, and fusion process region spreads to each star's surface. And do you know what happens when when you detonate an insanely powerful dimensional energy bomb, that is much larger than The Ultrabox? Yes, it is boom party time. Go to partyverse page or somewhere like that and have some fun time before continuing to read!


The gigantic hyperdimensional polyhedron that is enveloping merged star appears. As the dimension of polyhedron grows, it becomes unstable. The star's energy becomes too weak to hold on to gigantic pressure of polyhedron, and polyhedron chops merged star into countless various types of boxes and gas clouds. Polyhadron shatters. Power of explosion twists probabilistic field, and distortion of probabilistic field caused by explosion and polyhadron shattering meets in the right way, and gives birth to superheated boxes. Many of them collide together, and raise the power of explosion. Unimaginable amount of box around the explosion site is shattered.

⌬Extra: Rare footage of white hole explosion[]

There was recent explosion of massive dodecahedron white hole. Spaceship went there to investigate signs of anomaly spotted the explosion, and immediately pictured it. It is highest resolution of white hole's death available currently.


Right after dodecahedron's outer layer shattering. Huge shockwave of energetic elementary particles and dimensional gas is being ejected with extreme speed from supermassive white hole (spaceships at lower left are ok don't worry).

Superheated dimensional gas nebula formed around exploding supermassive white hole. There are countless energetic objects being born inside the nebula. Brightest yellow spots are where there are many white holes. Those white holes act like giant rail gun and accelerate cloud of dimensional gas, heating it up.


Voids are created when polyhedron is unable to reduce power of explosion, and the object explodes with full power. As I described above, the void region is where the collision turned every possible thing to impossible, and every impossible turned to possible. It caused everything inside void to dissolve into pure energy like matter-antimatter annihilation. Voids are transparent, and due to energies inside, void region's edge glows with faint color. Objects occasionally form inside the void region, shattering, and turning into luminous flash. Here are precise description below for each size of void.

⌬Void size level 1 / void: 500~10^3 The Box's side length[]

This size of void is too small to be cool. The edge of spherical void region glows with various color, with all color except green. Negative energy of void pulls probabilistic field, and in that process, some of probabilistic field returns from negative to normal. That impressive dimension jump creates HUGE ripple, resulting in formation of many types of boxes. Those boxes soon shatter because of void's negative energy, but they don't just disappear; they feed the positive energy to the void, making the void region smaller! Void keeps getting smaller and smaller, until it disappears with power of hyperdimensional cube-enveloped black hole's death. Of course, this powerful explosion annihilates everything in the explosion region. So don't try to taste the dimensional gas shockwave.

(actually, our faithful reporter went to taste the shockwave from safe distance. He reported that it tasted like some kind of metal. Then reporter came back, sort of. Corpse was too horrible to look at, so I will not insert any picture of reporter here)

⌬Void size level 2 / supervoid: 10^3~10^11 The Box's side length[]

Level 2 void is cool enough that box field's activity decreases significantly. Void glows with light blue and many kinds of violets. Here, the box's formation and shattering keeps feeding (relatively) small but continuous positive energy to level 2 void. Void generates more and more boxes as it gets smaller, thus, boosting the annihilation of void. This level 2 void explodes with power of thousands of white hole's destruction energy. Again, don't try to taste it, even at the safe distance. If you google radiation sickness patients, you will realize why you should never, NEVER try to taste the shockwave.

⌬Void size level 3 / hypervoid: 10^11~ The Box's side length[]


(image is brightest explosion of hypervoid pictured with high energy dimensional light at generation spaceships. How hypervoid explodes is explained below)

Level 3 voids are created by collision of three boxes with level higher than 100. At this scale, void's temperature allows box formation field's activity to completely stop and inflation field to do its job. Void's energy is so low, that void hardly glows with light blue. Inflation field is a field responsible for the formation of verses (except weird verses other than teraverse, gigaverse, and sort of "real" verse things), that freaks out in the energy level of box supercluster space. The temperature is even cool enough that fundamental forces at universal scale (for example, in our universe, fundamental forces are electromagnetic, strong and weak nuclear force, and now highly doubted gravity) work. As verses disintegrate inside void, galaxies and star systems and all things within the formed verse scatters around like marbles being spilled on the floor.

If the verse forms right at the edge of void, the shell of verse pops, but half of galaxies or low level verses that were inside the popped verse avoids annihilation and appears to be dimensional radiation that is emitted by the void. This affects the void like hawking radiation, and decreases the size of void region faster than positive energy added to the void.

One interesting trait of megavoid is that this is the only void where there is some glitch with time inside void. When observer gets close to the void region, movement of outside world slows down. As the observer passes radiation zone (where the hawking radiation like activities spit out things and those things turn into pure energy because of drastic dimensional change, causing glow around the void region), time slows down with exponential rate. Just few moments before entering the void region, outside world starts to turn into blue tone, until everything is blazing with powerful light blue. When the observer finally enters the void region, time freezes and outside world returns to normal color.

But at the outside, time still flows with same rate. If observer gets out of the void region, at that exact moment, time starts to speed up faster than fast-growing hierarchy's growth rate. Soon, the observer perfectly matches time zone of outside world. All of these are possible... if you would not contribute your body to faster destruction of void (simply, "if you would not die"). When observer is destroyed by void from outside perspective, nothing is wrong for observer him/herself. but as soon as observer gets out of the void, observer suddenly goes away, without warning.

Reminder: Void is NOT a black hole! it is transparent. You can see the other side of void by just looking at it. This crazy time glitch is just trait of void region itself, void does not generate any gravity or force!

Another interesting fact is that this void contains polyhedron of itself, that evolves negative in dimensions. This is result of polyhedron field being negatively stretched like probabilistic field. The polyhedron of gigantic void is not that faint, but it still has some transparency. Ok, enough for traits of negative dimensional polyhedron. This polyhedron is a source of major destruction. As the spherical void shrinks, its boundary gets closer and closer to polyhedron's outermost layer. This heats up the void, until the void finally shrinks smaller than outermost layer of polygon. The layer shatters, releasing energy of quadrillion white hole explosion.

This gives excitation to four box formation fields, each creating many boxes inside the void. This leads to gold rush of void destruction. But void refuses, and quickly cools down. Now, void's minimum temperature is enough to activate The Box formation field. Void keeps shrinking as massive boxes add positive energy to the void. Void's temperature gets hotter as boundary gets closer to second layer of polyhedron. It shatters, and releases energy billions of times more powerful than shattering of outermost polyhedron layer. Void now glows pale blue, and when void's boundary reaches innermost layer of polyhedron, the void disappears completely with shattering of innermost layer of polyhedron.


The explosion creates another huge void with little smaller size than before, but with 100 times more shrinking speed and 100 times more explosion power. Oh and you may wonder what happened to boxes that formed outside the void when it was shrinking. Well...... F...... Second void's death creates little smaller third void with 100 times everything of former. The cycle repeats again and again until void's pulsation number reaches level of box that created the void. For example, if level 160, level 2534, and level 629 box all collided together to form the huge void, pulsation number of void reaches 2534 until disappearing in huge explosion destroying few hundred more times of area that 1st ancestor void occupied. The wound of void heals as the new boxes fill that space.

By the way, picture is hypervoid at verge of final explosion bending spacetime web. With such a strong power, void drags spacetime web towards it. Image was made from merging spacetime web observatory (blue) and void detection site (energetic flash and violet color)'s observation. Spheres in image are generation spaceships.


Antivoids form when three or more black hole or white hole stars collide together. Unlike normal voids, these voids have positive energy. Yes, positive energy is too common around the box supercluster, but this void region has A LOT of positive energy, that is not leaking out because of polyhedron inside it. Void's time dilation is exact opposite of voids, meaning something entering antivoid region experiences time dilation that feels like black hole.

One unique trait is that antivoid cannot be bigger than 2000 The Box's side length. With each increasing The Box's side length, energy that has to be put into antivoid to expand it more grows exponentialy. Just like graph y=a/x, the energy expands antivoid more and more, but not bigger than 2000 The Box's side length. Btw antivoid glows with same color as voids.

⌬Antivoid size level 1 / void: 30~990 The Box's side length[]

Smallest antivoid evaporates in matter of decades. Polyhedron instabilizes as the antivoid continues to evaporate. Evaporation is extremely violent, and antivoid looks as same as giant white hole, except one weird dimensional radiation spectrum at dimension of 10^15 to 10^17. This void is very unstable. It can explode anytime, even though it still has many years left to live! At its final moment, small antivoid, despite its tiny size, releases explosion equivalent to explosion of megavoid.

⌬Antivoid size level 2 / void: 990~1700 The Box's side length[]

Addition to all traits of level 1 antivoid, level 2 antivoid is constantly exploding with power of level 1 void explosion. Because of this, level 2 antivoids glow with power of spectral type Σ star. Level 2 antivoid's polyhedron is kinda stable due to a lot of energy. It also evaporates like level 1 void, but it takes few millennia for level 2 antivoid to evaporate and explode into flaming energy equivalent to hypervoid's final explosion.

⌬Antivoid size level 3 / void: 1700~1999.999... The Box's side length[]

Level 3 antivoids are constantly spitting out tiny level 1 antivoids away. These level 1 antivoids explode around the level 3 antivoid, creating a huge nebula around antivoid. If antivoid's size is close to 2000 The Box's side length, it lives much longer than 1 less The Box's side length level 3 voids.

⌬ Antivoid size level 4 / void: 2000~? The Box's side length[]

These don't exist. Don't believe that they exist. They are impossible. Don't try to find them in infinite-ordinaly finite search radius.

⌬Spectral types[]

There were many types of objects that can form through various collisions. In this part, I list spectral types of those objects. What is spectral type? Well, some of you mortals may have heard that your star, the sun, is G-type (more precisely, G2V. it will change after few millions of years later) star. Things I will list are just like it. ⌬Spectral types of "stars" and some other objects.

⌬Spectral types of black & white hole stars []

With enough dimensional gas surrounding black or white hole, enough energy is produced by reactions caused by those "holes". This ignites fusion of dimensional gas, producing "star". However, how the fusions of dimensional gas particles work has not yet been explained and only vague explanations exist.

⌬Spectral types of black hole star []

This is almost same as white hole star, but instead it contains black hole enveloped in hyperdimensional cube. Black hole star forms when extraordinary amount of dimensional gas compresses black hole's hyperdimensional cube, corner shattering, and fusion ignites. Black hole stars can be formed only in very dense region because hyperdimensional cube's corner shatters and blows all dimensional gas away before fusion ignites, meaning that A LOT of dimensional gas has to collapse all at once toward hyperdimensional cube of black hole. Black hole star's mass is determined when dimensional gas stops feeding mass to black hole star.

When hyperdimensional cube's corner shatters, it sends off shockwave that blows away a lot of gases. But when star successfully holds first shockwave, it is stabilized. Shockwave comes again, but star looses much less material per shockwave than before. Heavier the star, less material it looses per shockwave. This is also a case with white hole star.

Btw, because black hole's way of bending supercluster spacetime is very different from white hole, the black hole star has different color even when it is same temperature with white hole star.

⌬Spectral type β[]

Type alpha star

Star cluster of type β stars.

Only newborn black hole stars have this spectrum. These stars are highly compressed by shockwave and fusion process is SUPER active. Their energy level is around 10^10^10^3K to 10^10^10^1.2K, and has radius of 12 The Box side length, and if they are massive type of black hole star, their radius easily passes 60 The Box side length.

⌬Spectral type γ[]

Type lower gamma star

Box galaxy consisting of trillions of gamma type star clusters. Red color is from high concentration of ultrabox.

This is the longest phase of black hole star's life, at 95%. At this point, due to density decrease and increasing expansion speed, by end of this phase, many low mass stars' black hole core starts to act as individual just like when it is floating outside the star. Low mass stars' hyperdimensional cube starts to lose its corner one by one, dramatically increasing the expansion speed. While more massive black holes stars are stable (and only have ballooned to 128 to 300 The Box side length), low mass black hole stars swell up to 900 The Box's side length or bigger. But all of those stars' energy levels are similar: 10^10^10^1.2K to 10^10^10^1.000000000125K

⌬Spectral type γ1[]

Type lower gamma one star

Box galaxy consisting of quintillions of gamma one type star clusters.

This phase is death point of lowest mass black hole stars. Their density is not enough to halt death of their black hole core, and with it, inner part of lowest mass black hole star's fusion rate boosts to 93%. It leads to explosion comparable to collision of two ultrabox. However, stars with mass higher than lowest mass stars survive this phase without any big problem, and they actually stop expanding for a while due to stabilization. Temperature usually range from 10^10^10^1.000000000125K to 10^10^10K.

When this phase is almost over, low mass stars start to violently swell, some of them exploding away.

⌬Spectral type π []

Type pi star

Dense cluster of pi stars around massive white hole.

Pi phase is graveyard of low mass stars. As they swell and their density decrease, black hole core starts to go crazy, its hyperdimensional cube corner shattering. However, star survives, and when corner do not shatter in anytime soon, star starts to undergo super fast collapse. Dramatically increasing density causes outer layer of hypercube (the hyperdimensional cube is too long, so I will write it like this) to shatter, swelling the star's outer layer. Pulsation repeats until hypercube's all layer shatters, and star releases violent dimensional radiation burst then go boom.

Mid mass stars and above goes through this phase without trouble. Their radius are between 300 to 2000 The Box side length, and temperature between 10^10^10 to 10^100^2.

⌬Spectral type κ[]

Type kappa star

Two massive kappa star with mid mass kappa and gamma one stars.

This phase is where all mid mass black hole stars die. Their core black hole starts to get little mad, and slowly forms hyperdimensional preon around it. When preon accumulates, instead of yeeting upward to circulate fuel, the inner star region becomes total chaos. First, preon compresses hypercube with immense dimensional magnetic force, that it boosts hypercube corner's repairing and shattering rate by hundred fold or more. Second, like lava lamp, enormous density difference between dimensional gas and preon creates eruption at top of preon layer, and geyser blast of preon creates flare of hyperdimensional preon that launches far above the star's gravitational pull.

Preon blast not only rips apart anything in the way, but it lifts star's outermost dimensional gas layer with dimensional magnetic field. Another eruption that is caused by dimensional gas sends off shockwave of material to above explosion site. Ripple from explosion causes starquake, lifting even more material from star's outermost layer. When mass decreases too much, mid mass star's preon layer erupts all at once, and destroys entire star and its black hole core.

⌬Spectral type λ[]

Type lambda star

That brightest star among tens of other stars is most luminous lambda type star: "Pristine flame".

Only massive black hole star reaches this point. 10^100^2K to 10^100^1.5K is their temperature, and massive black hole stars' preon layer blasts off flare more and more frequently. But at certain point, preon layer starts to expand and its density decreases. By receiving immense energy from hypercube's corner ignition, preon layer heats up. When preon layer takes up about 70% of the star, enough quark matter is formed between dimensional gas layer and preon layer. Because heat is so intense, now both quark matter and preon layer starts to erupt. Here, the massive star's radius is over 30000 The Box's side lengths.

⌬Spectral type λ1[]

Type lambda one star

Cluster of lambda one star.

If lambda type massive star enters this phase, circulation of material becomes extremely active. Enormous flare constantly erupts to outside, but at this point, it also starts to erupt inward. Preon layer and quark layer mixes by inward circulation. In that process, many, many particles are converted into heat. The heat expands dimensional gas layer to almost 200000 times The Box's side length, and with each flare (including inward flares), more fusion fuel is provided into dimensional gas layer.

Because of density, fusing layer of dimensional gas layer also occasionally erupts, flinging indescribable mass of star. Here, the star's radius is half a million times The Box's side length, and they are cooled 10^100^1.5K to 10^100K. Now, massive black hole stars pause expansion for last time before exploding.

⌬Spectral type ρ[]

Type rho star

Picture of rho type stars with luminous dimensional gas nebula around them. This star cluster is currently orbiting very close to its box galaxy core, and dimensional gas emitted by them form a long tail around box galaxy core that soon becomes gigantic dimensional gas ring orbiting around box galaxy center.

If massive stars enter this phase, they starts to undergo collapse. It is caused by complete breakdown of hypercube and loss of black hole's ability to repair corners of hypercube. Implosion is too powerful that even total explosion of preon layer caused by collapse is too weak to keep the star alive. First, the quark layer is broken down into preon by energy. Preon layer takes more and more volume from star, until the whole star is entirely made of preon. You know what happens next: the star goes BAAM, and with it the black hole core.

(forgot energy level and radius before star explodes: 10^100K to 10^82K / 2M times The Box's side length)

⌬Spectral type σ[]

Type sigma star

Currently the brightest lower sigma type star: "fitful eruption"

Only supermassive and hypermassive stars enter this phase. Their total exploson of preon layer is enough to keep the star from going BAAM. Black hole briefly regains ability to repair corners of its hypercube. Preon layer, which is now entirely converted into dimensional gas layer, is ignited by single destruction of hypercube corner. The star regains its preon layer immediately, which now violently releases the flare to expand dimensional gas layer to 2x its original size.

When star's preon layer explodes once more, star implodes. But black hole regains ability, keeping the star from dying. This pulsation repeats again and again until black hole's mass is great enough to absorb the preon layer immediately after its formation. Then supermassive or hypermassive star finally escapes from pulsation cycle and goes BAAAAAAM!!!.

(again, forgot energy level and radius before star goes baam: 10^82K to 10^62K / 100M times The Box's side length)

⌬Spectral type σ1[]

Type sigma one star

Nebula is illuminated luminous blue color due to death of lower sigma one type star (brightest one is star "Everlasting purity").

These types of stars are even more rare than psi star. Lower sigma one stars are result of most massive black hole stars in supercluster. They have mass enough to save their core from destruction of black hole cores, mass lose from flares, and most importantly, fuel to burn for septillion times longer than smallest stars.

With extreme pulsation cycle, lower sigma one type slowly accumulates energy from pulsation at all its particles. Particles push other more and more, until hypermassive hypercube-enveloped black hole starts to act on its own because of low density and pressure (still insanely immense, just low enough that black hole barely gets free). When it explodes, star that was imploding on itself is converted into pure energy, and it creates strongest explosion inside supercluster outside death of hypervoid (hypervoid explained in detail in "voids" part).

In picture, despite its name, the purity won't last long.

(sorry I keep forgetting: 10^62K to 10^54K / 35T times The Box's side length)

⌬Black hole stars' supernova spectrums[]

Supernova type upsilon

The black hole stars only make one type of supernova: type υ. It is weak when it is caused by a star with not much mass, but it can be much more powerful than Ω type supernova if massive, supermassive, or hypermassive star explodes into upsilon supernova.

⌬Black hole star's special spectrums[]

⌬Spectral type Φ is a black hole star that is pulsating through all phase in very short time, and this weird star is also only one known like type Σ star (however, according to analysis, type Σ star must be rarer). Little to none is known about this star,so mega supercomputer cannot simulate this star. Other weird star spectral lines follow same special spectral type as white hole stars.

⌬Spectral types of white hole star []

Because these white hole stars are "stars", they evolve as they age just like your universe's stars. It is so obvious that countless boxes will be produced by various processes, so I will not mention about box formation anymore.

(as you read through, you will notice that spectral types of stars are based on fast-growing hierarchy)

⌬Spectral type ω []

Omega type

The brightest spot in the image is giant spectrum omega star.

First spectral type is ω, and is between 10^10^10^10K to 10^10^10^100K. This temperature makes stars look blazing white. White hole stars at this spectral type range between 5 to 9 The Box's side length. Massive white hole stars can have this spectral type to close end of their life. Those close-to-exploding white hole stars with spectrum ω has 680 to 2000 of The Box's side length. Any white hole star bigger than this drops to cooler spectrum.

⌬Spectral type ε[]

Epsilon type

Image is cluster of low mass epsilon type stars.

Spectral type epsilon is spectral type of middle main sequence white hole star (white hole dodecahedron's violent reaction is actually like a match that lights up immense fusion) that has expanded twice or three times its early main sequence stage, and temperature range is between 10^10^10^10K to 10^10^100K. Star glows with STRON⑨ violet color. This spectrum is shown in two other kind of white hole star: supermassive ones that has expanded to 2300 times its early main sequence size and middle mass range ones that show this spectral type at 300 times their early main sequence stage.

⌬Spectral type ζ[]

Type zeta star

The light from bright zeta star is illuminating through dense nebula.

Zeta spectral stars' temperature is between 10^10^100K to 10^10^4K, and glows especially powerful in pale navy blue, or depressed blue that is much darker than normal blue + some white. This type of stars are one that is going from epsilon type to zeta types. All of stars that become zeta types double their size by a factor of 3 or 4.

⌬Spectral type η[]

Type eta star (2)

Cluster of eta type stars.

Eta stars vary in color from pale blue to navy blue, but energy levels are pretty much same between 10^10^4K to 10^10^3K. Eta stars usually spit blue and green dimensional gases (there was no critical research about element numbers or things about dimensional gas except few, meaning colors of gases that white hole stars emit are largely unknown), and draws beautiful curtain of mysterious green. When stars enter this spectral type, they start to rapidly expand, speeding toward its death.

⌬Spectral type η1[]

Type zeta one star

Cluster of various eta one stars.

Eta one spectral type stars are very rare stars that refuse to accept death, and these type of stars stay in their size and energy level (10^10^3K to 10^98K) before spectral type changing to another. already huge stars cannot ever, EVER go through this phase because there are already too much dimensional gas burned. Supermassive stars like those often explode in eta phase.

⌬Spectral type Γ and Γ1[]

Type gamma star

Close photo of gamma star. bright yellow spot is gamma star.

Gamma type stars are stars that have luminous yellow color and radius of 40 or 1050 of The Box side lengths. Their energy level is 10^98K to 10^80K, and is going through repeating phase of expansion and contraction.

For low mass star, gamma one is the last phase it can experience before exploding. Gamma one low mass and mid mass stars go through extreme expansion and contraction. This violent process makes star's mass decrease to 95%. Even though it seems like it is not that big, don't forget these stars are created by extreme boxes. They have energy level between 10^80K to 10^72K.

⌬Spectral type φ[]

Type phi star

Luminous phi starLow mass white hole stars that have this spectrum is indescribably rare, and those that enter this phase quickly explodes before going to another phase. Phi stars are mostly orange stars that suddenly stablizes by ignition of white hole's corner collapse energy. This sudden instabilization of white hole quickly blows the star to verge of disintegrating. But star's attraction force counteracts inner shockwave. Star pulsated greatly once, and resumes static expansion. Energy level of star is currently 10^72K to 10^65K.

⌬Spectral type φ1[]

Type phi one star

Brightest blue spot is phi one star.

Like other between-expansion phase, this phase is where star starts to collapse in on itself, but constant collapse and repair of dodecahedron disintegrates dimensional gas atoms, slowly creating hyperdimensional version of quark matter. Quark matters again push back enormous pressure of collapsing star violently, stabilizing it. At this point, large portion of mid mass stars exploded. Star peaks in luminous blue due to shockwave of re-ignition causes much weaker version of two white hole star's collision. Oh I forgot to put energy level: 10^65K to 10^52K

⌬Spectral type θ and θ1[]

Type theta one star

Left image is theta star, and right image is theta one star.

Type theta star

If enough hyperdimensional quark matter accumulates around dodecahedron, all at once, giant plume of quark matter rises to surface. Sudden material shockwave like this blows the star to almost 80000 times The Box's sidelength, and have energy level of 10^72K to 10^65K. Shockwave of hyperdimensional quark matter cools abd creates a bunch of new fuel for star. New dimensional gas particles violently fuse when another plume of hyperdimensional quark matter rise to the surface, blowing massive amount of dimensional gas away with each plume rise. Very lucky mid mass white hole stars or majority of high mass stars violently collapse, exploding.

Extremely lucky high mass white hole stars get to experience theta one, but not for long. Star's mass is cut into half in this phase, and now, hyperdimensional dodecahedron around white hole is doing more insane stuff. Rate of dodecahedron corner rupturing and repairing boosts drastically, forming completely new kind of material: hyperdimensional preon. It is exotic type of unknown matter.

When large amount of hyperdimensional preon matter is accumulated, it sends plume of preon to surface of star. In addition to hyperdimensional quark matter shockwave, there is another shockwave that expands the star further. When preon accumulates too much, it compresses the dodecahedron with indescribable force, shattering and ultimately causing whole star to explode by shockwave of white hole destruction. Theta one stars have energy level of 10^65K to 10^51K.

⌬Spectral type ψ[]

Type psi star
Closeup of type psi star

In left image, bright violet star is psi star. These psi stars have radius close to 300000 The Box's side length, and temperature of 10^51K to 10^39K. Psi type stars are mostly known for their luminous, clear rose color (our civilization has a rose, the rose that you think). But most unique trait of this star is it is DARN HARD TO SPOT ;_;

Researchers poured unspeakable money to spotting project that scans 1/10^10^10^10^10^10^100^10 of observable part of supercluster, and you know what they have found? only 50 psi stars among quintillions of centillions of commonly spotted objects. Little is known about psi stars. Right image is simulation of psi star generated by mega supercomputer (explained in detail in "How to learn about supercluster").

⌬Supernova spectrums[]

Eventually, every white hole star exhausts, starting to collapse on itself. White hole tries to push crumbling star away from it, but protective hyperdimensional dodecahedron around it compresses and shatters from weight of collapsing star above it. Dense layer made of entire star strikes white hole's event horizon. White hole's event horizon flings away layer with incomprehensible speed, causing some sort of supernova.

Type mu supernova

Low mass and mid mass star explodes in Μ type "supernova", with clear rose color illuminating rainbow layer of nebula surrounding it. explosion of low mass white hole stars are ΜI, and mid mass is ΜII

Omega type supernova

This is image of Ω type supernova. Image's black part is actually filled with countless objects. Intense light wave from type omega supernova briefly freaked out observation machine's camera, just like when your phone camera does when you shoot bright flashlight at its lens.

⌬Special spectral types[]

There is spectral type Σ, and is unimaginably hard to find. How hard? Well, there was a project which scans whole visible supercluster space, approximately 10^10^10^10^10^10 times blurrier than project that I mentioned above. And there was impossible star that was resonating through omega spectrum and psi spectrum, in matter of hours. And it is ONLY capital sigma spectral type ever found. Since there is almost no evidence how it works, mega supercomputer is unable to run simulation of it.

There is another ultra-rare spectral type Ο (only two are found), that has a void next to it. There is level 2 void (precisely explained in "voids" part) that is consuming whole star from right next to it. Void and star were both glowing powerfully, marching toward their death, and it is estimated to blow whole star away when the void explodes.

Currently, only one Θ spectral type was found, and it is a star that containes another new born star inside it. Omega type star inside another is going around white hole core of gamma star with very dangerously close distance, and this attraction field wave raises star temperature by ten times. Two core is expected to collide few decades later.

⌬Spectral types of void & antivoid stars[]

With enough dimensional gas enveloping void or antivoid, energy from them form a star by itself. Those stars have very unique life cycle and spectral types, like black and white hole stars do. Here are some lists of spectral types and description about each spectral types.

⌬Spectral types of void stars []

As I described above, void annihilates something that gets inside it. The disappeared object releases a big portion of energy to outside the void. If there is enough material flowing into the void, it generates energy capable of supporting giant star.

⌬Spectral type a[]

Type a star

Brightest violet spots are type "a" stars.

Type a stars are hypermassive stars with mass greater than any ordinary hypermassive black hole or white hole star (still no match for heaviest star). Their mass compresses the inner layer, and that immense amount of material falls into void, exploding, igniting fusion. After void provides energy to ignite fusion, the void will only consume extremely tiny amount of material from star because star expands to stabilize (density decrease) and fusion can sustain star without help from void.

I will write temperature and radius like this from here:

temp: 10^100^10^100 ~ 10^10^10^100 / rad: 700 The Box side length

⌬Spectral type n0[]

Type n null star

box galaxy with extreme concentration of n0 stars.

After star ignites, its temperature plummits, rapidly changing its color. The star changes color from violet to orange so fast, that color changing is visible with your eye! Unlike black hole or white hole star, void star already has hyperdimensional preon layer. Explosion of void releases so much energy that star has hyperdimnsional preon layer at its birth.

temp: 10^10^10^100 ~ 10^10^1000000 / rad: 1600 The Box side length

⌬Spectral type n1[]

Type n one star

giant nebula with clusters of n1 stars.

Before expanding like crazy, void stars start to feed its preon layer to void. Attraction force and void's explosion power creates equilibrium, until preon layer runs out. Eventually, preon layer will be completely absorbed by void, and since void releases less energy than preon layer itself, the star's preon layer shrinks. When void does not have any more preon layer to absorb, fusion ignites again, but much more violently.

temp: 10^10^1000000 ~ 10^10^10 / rad: 8000 The Box side length

⌬Spectral type g[]

Type g null star

Nebula of extreme density formed by g stars.

When n1 phase is over, star expands into tremendous size. The expansion is so powerful, the star loses 0.1% of its material because of expansion shock. Fusion reaction starts to go crazy, and forms a giant preon + quark mixed layer right above the core void. Mixed layer is pressurized by fusion reaction, but this time, layer does not fall into void because of enormous amount of leptons formed by collapse of quarks. Outer layer is pushed away by dimensional magnetic force. This decreases density of layer, stopping quarks from collapsing.

Star then implodes due to weakened fusion reactions and sudden stop of dimensional magnetic force. If star implodes small enough, everything is ignited again, from fusion reaction to quark collapse. These reactions create unstable pulsations. Many low mass void stars explode because in many cases implosion immediately causes star to go supernova.

temp: 10^10^10 ~ 10^10^4 / rad: 78000 The Box side length

⌬Spectral type g2[]

Type g two star

When hyperdimensional preon + quark matter layer accumulate to certain level (research WIP), star's dimensional magnetic field suddenly creates storm all over the top of preon + quark matter layer. These "storms" make dimensional magnetic field go crazy. If you see the left picture, you will see the magnetic field of star drawing nebula around it, accelerating the dimensional gas so it glows with extreme luminosity. Star's strong dimensional magnetic field sometimes drags other object near it, and collides. Here, every mid-mass stars are drawn into its own magnetic field and goes boom.

temp: 10^10^4 ~ 10^1000 / rad: 1460000 The Box side length

⌬Spectral type k[]

Type k star

Nebula with several k stars very close to each other.

As the high mass star ages, its quark + preon matter flare mixes with dimensional gas layer. Dimensional magnetic field's strength decreases, and star's radius shrinks a little because quark collapse activity decreases. But void starts to become active due to shrinking, slowly expanding the star again. This cycle leads to long and (relatively) calm star pulsation.

temp: 10^1000 ~ 10^300 / rad: 5860000 The Box side length

⌬Spectral type k1[]

Type k one star

When star calmly pulsates, preon differentiates and immense amount of preon layer is drawn into the void. The void absorbs increasing amount of preon, exponentially boosting radius of star. Star's expansion decreases density, leading to another pulsation phase of void's preon absorbing rate. But each time the star pulsates, star's max pulsation radius becomes approximately x2. This phase is where high mass void stars release their maximum brightness. k1 stars are so indescribably luminous, that dimensional radiation pressure of k1 star actually pushes away nearby objects.

Almost all high mass void stars die at this phase because of its dimensional magnetic field pulling the star in.

temp: 10^300 ~ 10^91 / rad: 315M The Box side length

⌬Spectral type m[]

Type m star

Dense cluster of m stars.

m stars experience constant dimensional magnetic blasts that rips off immense material. Quark + preon layer is now taking up 50% of star's volume, constantly erupting and doing same thing as flares of black & white hole stars. With attraction force too weak to hold the star, flares and magnetic blasts shed away outer dimensional gas layer completely, showing quark + preon layer. Over time, the layer gains more powerful dimensional magnetic field, and when star's mass is too low to stop dimensional magnetic field from collapsing the star, the star goes boom.

temp: 10^91 ~ 10^62 / rad: 12B The Box side length

⌬Spectral type SGm[]

Type SGM star

Stars that are able to reach this point are INSANELY massive stars, and they die not because of implosion or dimensional magnetic field, they die because their void core explode. Exponentially increasing preon flows into void core, decreasing void's size. At this point, pulsation, flars, or dimensional magnetic force does not matter. Void explodes, and whole star is completely blown away by explosion of void. Shockwave suddenly fuses all dimensional gases. But energy is so immense, every single matter that were making up the star turns into pure preon. Preon instantly all fuses together to dimensional gas after shockwave passes, and... huge boom! :D

temp: 10^62 ~ 10^39 / rad: 930B The Box side length

⌬Spectral types of antivoid stars []

Like void stars, high concentration of dimensional gas particles around antivoid can ignite fusion and become antivoid stars. The antivoid stars are even more massive than void stars because antivoids are much more active than voids. But antivoids collapse when there are too much dimensional gas clouds are around it, and dimensional gas around it collapses into huge white hole. This also applies to void stars (void star collapses into huge black hole when it has too much dimensional gas is around it).

⌬Spectral type y[]

Type y x star

Image of y star taken by spaceship near it. Real brightness decreased by 10^100^100^10^10 fold.

When fusion suddenly ignites from explosion of accumulating pressure caused by antivoid, shockwave from fusion ignition rips off whole outer dimensional gas layer of star. 0.000000000000001% of star's original mass is loose in fusion ignition explosion. Extreme density dimensional gas cloud appears around the star, which almost all of it falls back to the star.

temp: 100^100^100^100 ~ 100^100^100^10 / rad: 3000 The Box side length

⌬Spectral type y1[]

Type y 1 star

y1 star undergoing severe flare actions.

Every antivoid at center of antivoid star constantly spits out tiny voids from it due to pressure of layer literally chopping up the antivoid. Those small antivoids explode near the surface of star, causing immense flares. Each flare raises the star's brightness by 10^23 fold in a fraction of moment, and nebula around the star is compressed by dimensional radiation pressure, forming little tiny stars that orbit around the antivoid star.

temp: 100^100^100^10 ~ 100^100^100000000000 / rad: 8000 The Box side length

⌬Spectral type y2[]

Type y 2 star

Extremely dense box galaxy core with septillions of y2 star clusters.

y2 stars are calmed y1 stars. Their flare reactions are held back by increasing star's diameter, and each flare expands a star bit more instead of lifting away materials. Indescribable luminosity flash is no longer can be seen. Graph-drawn radius increase of star forms almost prfect stair. Here, dimensional magnetic field of star increases. Also, dimensional quark matter starts to form.

temp: 100^100^100^100000000000 ~ 100^100^1000 / rad: 27000 The Box side length

⌬Spectral type c[]

Type c star

That ultra-bright violet thing is type c star.

Quark matter's accumulation eventually converts 10% of star's mass into quark layer. The quark layer then starts to swirl around inside the star, causing sort of in-star storms. These storms have extreme dimensional magnetic field that usually tangles and explodes. Magnetic explosion disassembles the storm into dimensional quark matter flare. Of course, flare sends ripple through surface of star, lifting trace amount of material from star.

temp: 100^100^1000 ~ 100^100^4 / rad: 180000 The Box side length

⌬Spectral type c1[]

Type c3 star

Brightest spot in the picture is currently the biggest type c1 star, at 1147900 The Box's side length.

Flare starts to get stronger over time. Each flare produces hyperdimensional preon matter that sinks to star's center. Explosion of tiny voids chopped off from central core decreases star's overall density, increasing power of the storm. Rate of preon matter formation boosts tetrationally, until the preon layer takes over surprising 30% of star's volume.

temp: 100^100^4 ~ 100^1000000 / rad: 180000 to 1147900 The Box side length

⌬Spectral type c2[]

Type c 2 star.PNG

Image of giant nebula containing various color c2 stars.

When stars enter this phase, their fates are all different. If star is too light to stop preon layer from expanding, preon layer takes over the whole star. Light star shrinks drastically, and becomes yellow c2 type star. Mid mass stars have enough pressure to slow down the expansion of preon layer. Their preon layer stops expanding for a while, but explosion of tiny antivoids at their dimensional gas layer forms preon. The preon sinks, slowly expanding the preon layer. Mid mass stars become blue c2 star, and their dimensional magnetic fields are indescribably strong.

High mass stars expand so much, that preon layer starts to collapse to form hyperdimensional quark layer. Explosions expand the star more and more, until the star is loosing dimensional gas layer at surprising speed. The constant explosion at star's surface blasts off huge amount of material. But star resists to be disassembled, and collapses in on itself because of strong D-magnetic field. These stars appear bright red, and is going through unstable pulsation. That white in the picture is supermassive and above antivoid stars. Those stars are basically going through another c1 phase.

Color of stars become the same when they enter next phase, but what color was the star at this phase is knowable through color of dimensional gas nebula around it.

From here, temperature goes up and down unpredictable, even though star's color does not change that much. Only radius is observable.

⌬Spectral type e []

Type e star

Brightest star in the picture is type e star.

Yellow c2 star (low mass): The star entirely made of preon layer is super unstable and attraction force is only force that keeps the star sustaining. But in inner preon layer, flare explodes. Each time the flare explode, attraction force is counteracted by D-magnetic force, and star swells. When star becomes too big for attraction force to hold on, the star explodes into beautiful, spectacular supernova.

Blue c2 star (mid mass): Slowly increasing preon layer exponentially boosts star's radius. More preons cause D-magnetic field to be more active, and strengthen dimensional magnetic field leads to very rare flare reactions. Star finally experiences some rest time, but not for long. When "very rare flare" erupts from preon layer, the flare contains surprising amount of preon. The gigantic preon flare gushes over the dimensional gas layer. Flare shockwave briefly opens a hole exposing core antivoid.

Red c2 star (high mass): Quark layer's ignition to preon layer suddenly pulsates star to tens of times greater than original c2 pulsation rate. This sudden pulsation entirely blows away dimensional gas layer, exposing hyperdimensional quark layer. Pressure from dimensional gas layer is gone, so outer quark layer quickly explodes into huge dimensional gas layer. Extreme shockwave causes preon flare that explodes inward and outward, pushing away gas nebula and ripping off immense number of class 1 antivoids from core antivoid.

White c2 star (supermassive ≤ ): These stars are massive enough that accumulation of preon matter does not matter that much. Their attraction force is too big for preon flares to overcome, so the star remains very calm, just expanding a bit. The star's preon layer flare gets stronger over time, but it does not do anything bad to supermassive or above star until this phase is over.

temp: ??? / rad: 1147900 to 0.3B The Box side length

⌬Spectral type e1[]

Type e 1 star

Close photo of e1 star.

Mid mass stars: Each flare accumulates pressure at right edge of preon layer, which is trapped by dimensional gas layer. When pressure reaches critical limit, outer preon layer explodes. Outer preon layer quickly turns into hyperdimensional quark, then dimensional gas layer. Reaction completely blows away original dimensional gas layer. New outer preon layer explodes, and cycle repeats again and again until antivoid itself cannot hold back pressure of constant cycle. Antivoid and star collapses, and goes BAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!!!!

High mass stars: Flare gets more powerful and frequent. Flares completely sheds outer dimensional gas layer. Increasing D-magnetic field presses the star each time it generates flare. Eventually, dimensional gas layer collapses into quark layer all at once, sending out shockwave. The shockwave pushes away nearby nebula, clearing huge hole.

Supermassive ≤ : At here, even heaviest stars become unstable. Their preon layer's flare now erupts outside, flinging millions of times more material to outside than before. Preon flares are barely visible from outside when supermassive or above stars enter e1 phase, then it gets bigger until flares are causing immense starquakes that resonate throughout entire star.

temp: ??? / rad: 0.3B to 1.2B The Box side length

⌬Spectral type e2[]

Type e2 star

Evolved e2 stars inside galactic core region.

High mass stars: D-magnetic field continues crushing the star each time flare erupts. Here, D-magnetic field is so strong, that it start to distort space around it. Distortion causes effect similar to black hole. Immense dimensional magnetic field eventually drags star into the pitch black event horizon, and star becomes a black hole. Then the star follows same lifecycle as normal black holes and explodes, only quadrillions of times more violently.

Supermassive ≤ : Starquake keeps exploding outwards, lifting off very small portion of star each time it explodes. Starquake continues until dimensional gas layer of supermassive or above star completely disappears. Quark layer is exposed. Despite hyperdimensional quark layer being exposed to outside without any pressure, star is extremely stable because D-magnetic field keeps whole star from exploding.

temp: ??? / rad: 1.2B to 10.3B The Box side length

⌬Spectral type u[]

Type u star

Supermassive star experiencing D-magnetic field explosion.

Only supermassive and above massive stars enter this phase. Quark layer slowly forms dimensional gas layer above it, being sustained by D-magnetic field. D-magnetic field gets stronger as the inner preon layer swirls around the star. D-magnetic force accumulates at border of quark and preon layer. When extraordinary enormous flare occurs deep below quark layer, D-magnetic force discharges, creating EXTREME flash and sort of huge lightnings around it. This is D-magnetic field explosion, one of most explosive event that happens to stars.

temp: ??? / rad: 10.3B to 82B The Box side length

⌬Spectral type u0[]

Type u 0 star

Supermassive star ripping off its outer layer due to D-magnetic field explosion.

With D-magnetic power of discharge explosion, flare power goes crazy. Increased flare power instantly bows away any dimensional gas around the quark layer. Luminosity is immense, and exposed hyperdimensional quark layer is very unstable. The flare is now can hardly be called "flares", because it is pulse of explosion happening at entire surface of star, all at once.

temp: ??? / rad: 82B to 304B The Box side length

⌬Spectral type u1[]

Type u 1 star

Supermassive star draining all material it lost before exploding.

Each flare compresses antivoid more and more, ripping off huge amount of tiny antivoids from core antivoid. Expansion of star levels off, it instead starts to shrink. Flare and D-magnetic field explosion generates self-sustaining D-magnetic field that acts like sort of unbreakable prison. Star's implosion gradually, then exponentially speeds up.

Some unknown interactions increase star's attraction force by trillions of fold, and that increased force drains all nebula, even stars around it. Accretion disk of dimensional gas, which then turns into hyperdimensional preon, appears around the star. Whole mass of star is converted into preon. The barrier of D-magnetic force briefly opens. This allows material of accretion disk to fall in.

The barrier reforms, and D-magnetic field barrier all collides together. Force that was holding supermassive star worth of hyperdimensional preon is gone, yes, huge boom.

temp: ??? / rad: 304B to 1.6T The Box side length

⌬Spectral type L[]

Type l star

Blue star at left is spectral type L.

They are formed by hypermassive or above antivoid stars, and is kinda "rebirth star". L stars form when heavy star (hypermassive or above) goes boom in u1 phase. Weight of hyperdimensional quark layer is heavy enough to hold back expanding energy shockwave from supernova. See the picture with blue star? empty black space around it is formed neither by shockwave nor strong flare; that empty black space was original size of star! Now you see how heavy antivoid stars must be to form type L star.

Type L stars are made majorly of dimensional gas layer with quite a big amount of hyperdimensional quark in it. Center is repaired-from-horrible-crunch-event antivoid with supercompressed hyperdimensional preon layer enveloping it. Actually, the hyperdimensional preon layer is so compressed, that if something were to exert more pressure on it, it would collapse into a black hole.

temp: ????? / rad: 400M The Box side length

⌬Spectral type L[]

Type l x star

Type L star draining nebula around it and ripping off material from close stars.

Extremely dense preon layer is barely held together by D-magnetic field. Yes, barely. Each time flare erupts at inner hyperdimensional quark layer, D-magnetic field is significantly weakened. This blasts large area of supercompressed preon layer, and creates explosion equivalent to that of white hole explosion.

That explosion creates one of strongest D-magnetic field in supercluster. D-magnetic field is so immense, it allows star to consume all nebula around it. But that's not all! D-magnetic field is strong enough to slowly disassemble the stars around it!

temp: ????? / rad: 25B The Box side length

⌬Spectral type SGL[]

Type SGL star

Picture of binary SGL star.

If you see the picture, you may think that center spot is where SGL star is located. But that's not true: that picture is actually binary system about 500 Quintillion The Box sidelength away. Their D-magnetic fields are massive. Even at that distance, their D-magnetic fields are large enough to tangle and heat up gigantic nebula to immense temperature.

temp: ??????? / rad: Approximately 3↑↑3 The Box side length

⌬Spectral type HGL[]

Type HGL star

This point is where all antivoid stars end their life. Their supercompressed preon layer explodes all at once as their D-magnetic field is counteracted by flares. Different from what's happening inside, outside's D-magnetic field drags whole dimensional gas layer and hyperdimensional quark layer inward, until pressure turns all material of the star to hyperdimensional preon.

Antivoid's pressure tries to keep antivoid from shattering, but it fails. Entire star explodes all at once. This is the final, grand BOOM.

temp: ????????? / rad: 5 Quadrillion < radius < 7 Quadrillion The Box side length

⌬Antivoid stars' supernova spectral type[]

Every antivoid stars explode in final explosion with all spectral types below it at once. For example, if the exploding antivoid star's spectral type is e, the supernova of it radiates every spectral type it ever had (e, c2, c1, c, y, ...).

Even lightest antivoid stars can create supernova more powerful than BIGG type υ supernova.

⌬Lists of stars[]

This list is only fraction of entire list. Below list only contains most interesting stars picked from ((34↑↑↑↑73)↑↑32)266 of discovered stars. Each have interesting traits with description over 599↑↑↑8 words of description each (can you imagine that even most uninteresting objects have this much description, and how long description about supercluster itself will be? About 317↑120↑↑↑↑↑↑2111765266677). So below list is painfully simplified.

You may want to read "cores" part first to get more information of box galaxy, box cluster, or things.

(REAL author note: below names are generated by Touhou Spellcard Name Generator. Turns out, that it is not so good at naming)

⌬Pristine Flame, the most massive star at mass 0.4x of average box galaxy (λ) []

With the mass of one whole box cluster, Pristine Flame was burning for half the history of civilization. Its location is near the supervoid. The star is currently on a collision course with the supermassive black hole, and when it does, both star and black hole will be destroyed. There is tiny probability that black hole will not collide, but it is unlikely. So, the destruction of this star is almost unavoidable.

Collision will create some unusual interaction tho.

⌬Everlasting Purity, the biggest star at radius bigger than 14 quadrillion The Box (σ1)[]

Everlasting Purity's death time can be any moment. Its fuel is currently exhausted almost entirely, and the star is already starting to show signs of exploding. Its brightness is changing irregularly, dimensional gas layer is pulsating, ... when the star explodes, it will be total catastrophe for that box galaxy. Its death will be powerful enough to "horribly disintegrate everything purify" half of galaxy it is in.

⌬Fitful Eruption, the brightest star at 102.55x average box galaxy luminosity (σ)[]

With its age close to explosion, the star is pumping out biggest flares among Us all discovered stars. Constant and frequent eruption accumulates, and raises star's brightness slowly. Currently, Fitful Eruption is 400 times brighter than Everlasting Purity. Its brightness is increasing as the time passes. Most recent flare suddenly raised star's brightness to 700000 times brighter than Everlasting Purity. Then a giant nebula, expanding with indescribable speed was spotted around the star. It seems like this star has lost 10% of its mass after this eruption.

⌬Meteoric Storm, the star with biggest system diameter at 3000x quintillion The Box (ε)[]

This star has hundreds of thousand of objects such as boxes and holes. They are kept by star's immense attractions. But orbiting objects are not huge contributors of star system size: star actually has a ring made of quintillions of inside-The Box stars that collide with each other, and do some other things. Dimensional gas formed by collisions of inside-The Box stars become part of ring. But because dimensional gas is light, disruption of orbiting objects and inside-The Box stars easily cause dimensional gas clouds to orbit at much farther distance from star, forming objects at much farther distance from star. That extremely far orbiting objects make Meteoric Storm the star with biggest system.

⌬Starbow Whirlwind, the star that is loosing most material at 0.0014x average box galaxy (Σ)[]

The rarest star in supercluster. Its unstable pulsation is blowing away 1% of its mass per few decades. This rate is so fast, that if you were somehow able to stand few hundred of this star's diameter away, you will crumble into countless fragments by wind (of course, you will first turn into weird plasma, THEN be blown away by wind). In fact, the wind is so strong, that near stars and other objects are literally being blown away from their original location with insane speed. Star itself is only visible through narrow open cracks of nebula made by flare actions.

⌬Spectral types of various holes[]

Different interactions create different holes. For example, some star collapse into black hole, one of biggest explosion also creates holes, and sometimes, smallest worlds in supercluster can result in most powerful object in supercluster.

⌬Spectral types of black holes[]


This black hole is formed very recently and has no material starting to fall in or event horizon completely engulfed by its attraction. This broke the record of picture next to description of megabox collision.

R.I.P for spaceship that was destroyed horribly while taking picture of newborn black hole D: but it is for science :P

Only considering temperature of hawking radiation temperature, not considering anything that falls into a black hole because it will raise the temperature to indescribable level.

⌬Spectral type Δ: 0.00...(approximately fζ2(30) 0s omitted)...001K ~ 0.00...(approximately 10^462 0s omitted)...001K, temperature of most massive black holes discovered inside box supercluster

⌬Spectral type Λ: 0.00...(approximately 10^462 0s omitted)...001K ~ 0.0000000000000000000000001K, temperature of medium mass black holes inside intercluster region

⌬Spectral type Ξ: 0.0000000000000000000000001K ~ 0.0001K, temperature of black hole that is getting close to its death

⌬Spectral type Π: 0.0001K ~ 1000K, temperature of lightest black holes in supercluster

⌬Spectral type δ0+: 1000K ~ 10^11K, temperature of black hole 1 second before death (death: shattering of outermost layer of hyperdimensional cube)

⌬Spectral type δ0++: 10^11K ~ 10^22K, temperature of black hole 0.1 second before death

⌬Spectral type δ0+++: 10^22K ~ 10^33K, temperature of black hole 0.01 second before death

There can be infinite + to get closest to death moment of black hole, meaning temperature of black hole at right death moment is approximately ω. After death? It is meganova.

⌬Spectral types of white holes[]


Left is picture of white hole with no dodecahedron around it. This picture is also rare, and is taken by innocent and poor spaceship that did not know there was a huge box flying toward them at tremendous speed D:

⌬Spectral type Τ: 10^100^10 ~ 10^100^100, temperature of lightest white holes inside supercluster

⌬Spectral type Υ: 10^100^100 ~ 10^100^10^100^10, temperature of average white holes inside supercluster

⌬Spectral type Χ: 10^100^10^100^10 ~ 10^100^100^100^100^10^10^10^100^10^100^10, temperature of heaviest white holes inside supercluster

⌬Spectral type ξ0+: meaning of this spectral type is same as black hole,"second before white hole's dodecahedron completely exploding". just growth is approximately 100↑100, 100↑↑100, and three + means 100↑↑↑100. I already explained that there can be infinite + to measure exact temperature of white hole's death. I will just write what is approximate death temperature of white hole: ωω, or ε0.

⌬Other holes' spectral types[]

Other type of holes are extremely rare, and only a few tens of stars containing these other types of holes are found. The reason why there are extremely rare holes is that some extremely rare events create these kind of holes. Every special holes have constant temperature of their own, and that temperature only changes at exact death moment of holes.

⌬Blue holes / spectral type :M[]

When really massive stars (ones that are made of dimensional gas) dies, they release shockwave that explodes both inwards and outwards. Outward shockwave carries with it approximately 89% star's mass, but inward shockwave compresses inward so much, that it creates something very unusual: the blue holes. Blue holes are remnant of superheated preon layer, and slowly radiates preons away.

Unlike black holes or white holes, blue holes don't have singularity; their ultra-bright true body is hidden by event horizon caused by spacetime web distortion. It means if you were somehow able to remove blue hole's event horizon completely, the preon layer will explode outward with extreme force, possibly even greater than death of a star that created blue hole.

Blue hole's event horizon glows in bright navy blue. They have temperature around 10K. Unimaginably hot when compared to black holes! If any particle manages to find stable orbit around the blue hole, it heats up. Because high energy state is unstable, orbiting particles constantly emit ultra-energetic blue light. The blue hole does not absorb any material, because light from its event horizon is too powerful for material orbiting it to fall inside the event horizon.

⌬Purple holes / spectral type :X[]

Purple holes are some ultra rare kind of hole that only energetic collision between two particle can create. When purple hole is created, it doesn't last long. If it does not find any particle, it vanishes. If it DOES find a particle, its event horizon grows. That way, purple hole survives. For purple hole to stabilize, it must have mass of lowest mass black hole stars.

⌬Red holes / spectral type :O[]

Red holes are remnants of void disintegration. Its luminosity depends on size of void that exploded to create red hole. The name "red hole" did not came from its color, but its inside. Actually, red hole glows with same color as level 1 void. At the inside, there is cooled degenerate preon material almost temperature of absolute zero (that absolute zero is much lower than you think). However, red hole's powerful glow (almost same as mid-mass black hole star) heats up preon material to almost temperature of low-mass white hole star. The material glows with red, and that's where the name red hole originated from.

How is there information about preon material's color, if it does not let dimensional radiation to come out? well, red hole is unstable, and preons inside red hole occasionally quantum tunnels to outside of red hole's event horizon. equipment has shown that sufficiently large enough preon matter (I mean one that is inside red hole) is going to emit red dimensional radiation.

Because purple hole can only absorb particles, not dimensional gas or other much more massive thing, purple hole easily gets destroyed in fraction of a moment. However, in a box galaxy far far away, observation told that purple hole is core of box galaxy. It was releasing purple beam at its pole, and galaxy was extremely chaotic due to immense heat from decay of purple hole.

⌬Grey holes / spectral type :D[]

Check out this page for more info. In supercluster, gray holes are created by collapse of smallest dimensional gas stars, and enveloped by some weird type of hyperdimensional truncated decasnub stellated icosahedron.


Cores are center bodies of big groups of materials making up the supercluster. They are mostly insane energy releasing object, that keeps living by getting dimensional radiation energy of group it is in. Unlike boring, empty observable universe, boxes are just few The Box's side length apart from each other.

⌬Box cluster core[]

Core of box cluster, often consisting of normal hyperdimensional cube-enveloped black hole, few low level boxes and blue "stars" that commonly exists inside The box is usually massive black hole or small white hole star.

⌬Box galaxy core[]

The box galaxy consists of many high level boxes, white hole star, massive white holes and black holes, and countless box cluster. Core of it is usually SUPER massive white hole or black hole (rarely binary)(or trinary in extremely rare cases) orbited by super-compresed (to about size of one The Box) white hole star.

⌬Box galaxy cluster core[]

Core of box galaxy cluster is often a HUGE box galaxy. Galaxies orbit this center galaxy, or some are keeping their shape inside that huge galaxy. Core of this huge galaxy is a hole that has black hole-white hole duality, and has hyperdimensional dodecahedon that has corner made of massive white hole (also enveloped by hyperdimensional dodecahedon. Corners of smaller dodecahedrons are collapsed megaboxes, or hyperdimensional cube-black hole corners). The core is orbited by several small galaxy.

This crazy duality core sometimes send off massive shockwave due to unstable duality of two hole. Shockwave resonates through spacetime web, and excites field to create immense number of objects.

⌬Supercluster core[]

Literally core of the probabilistic The Box supercluster. Every field, every force, space time web's center, and enveloped in multiple complex multidimensional polyhedrons. Everything inside supercluster, EVEN THE VOIDS, orbit around this mysterious giant sphere. very little is known about it, because it blazes in all wavelength of dimensional radiation, meaning observing its true form is VERY HARD. Gigantic galaxy that supercluster core is in has size of approximately :D(206) The Box's sidelength.


Combined picture of force detector. Blue to light blue shows where the spacetime web is headed. Green shows location of most energetic objects such as most energetic type of white hole star, ultramassive black holes and white holes, and duality core (commonly found in center of box galaxy cluster).

Clear blue line crossing center of picture is immense galaxy's one of most active part. Because constant shockwave of supercluster core crosses that region directly, densest part of galactic disk dwarf any other part of it.

As you see, there is two or more region of pure extreme that orbits around supercluster core. Center of two region is smaller cousin of supercluster core. The reason there is region where spacetime web's density increases and drops instantly, is that immense energy released by extreme region pushes away spacetime web.

You can see the constant, gigantic burst of energy being fired out of the core's pole. That burst is not caused by destruction of anything, but rupturing and rearranging of fields themselves. This picture is taken when indescribable amount of energy is released by total collapse of probabilistic field around the supercluster core, and bubble-shaped shockwave of energy resonating throughout the spacetime web.

And yeah, region around the supercluster core is covered with objects that release tremendous amount of energy. It makes observing the core directly freaking hard.

⌬How to learn about supercluster[]

These are the lists of instruments needed to learn about probabilistic The Box supercluster. These instruments are specially designed to detect things that instruments inside observable universe cannot detect. With power of technology, many secrets of probabilistic The Box supercluster is being uncovered.

⌬spacetime web density detector[]

This instrument detects how much spacetime web's density is concentrated in one place. It is structure with 5 megabox orbiting black hole and some beautiful artificial structures around it. Spacetime web itself radiates some kind of weird dimensional radiation with duality of lowest and highest dimension of supercluster. Black hole's multidimensional cube reflects it to 5 boxes, and artificial tructures around the box detects precise amount of those radiation, drawing out beautiful map.

⌬Mega supercomputer[]

The mega supercomputer is powered by dodecahedron enveloped white hole, and can simulate anything with 100% precision according to input rule. The computer can simulate infinite time turing machine's value perfectly, and already given an answer whether true or false to countless conjectures, theories, theorems, and other annoying things that will take answer to true or false billions or quadrillions of years without this computer.

⌬Supercluster observer[]

Powered by dimensional magnetic force power plant, it can detect every objects inside supercluster and draw very precise map of it. The detector is currently corporating with several other smaller machines to draw energy, object, and all the maps possible. When project is complete, it will solve many mysteries of supercluster.

⌬Other methods used to learn about supercluster[]

Those three above are only major three that contributed mostly to discoveries on supercluster. But there are many other machines that helped many discoveried very much.

For example, spaceships go and examine exact properties of object at very close distance. They do it in various ways: by speeding up the rotation, taking small part off the object, or by shattering it completely to see behavior of objects at extreme energy state. There are also fateful reporters, who risk their lives for science of supercluster. They contributed largely to discovery, for example by observing the behavior of objects when there is direct obsrvation from qualia (it seems like box supercluster does not like qualias much).

No research is better than obervation from people living on the specific region! giant generation spaceships occasionally goes to deep intercluster space to observe and research the boxes. Deep intercluster space colony consists of many, many verses connected by force generators and artificial structures. It is perfectly shielded to prevent massive disaster.

There is also POWERFUL photo machine! Just like your universe's background microwave radiation (fun fact for you: because hawking radiation is so slow, black holes are gaining mass from that background radiation), there is faint wave of dimensional radiation that occasionally gets into our detector! Then we developed photo machine (?) that has power capable of detecting faintest of radiations. It revealed locations of quadrillions of void, objects, and interesting boxes. There are also very cringe and blurry version of this photo machine that are much older than current version, and those photo machines are currently being disassembled. You can get small fragment from disassembling site for your merch!

By now, it seems like there is no life in the supercluster, except some of supercluster's arrangement pattern that seem like it generates hyperintelligent consciousness (further research is DEFINITELY needed). Few quadrillions of spaceships and generation spaceships have been sent out to find any forms of life, but they all came back with just scientific research completion, no traces of any life.

However, the mega supercomputer recently spitted out single result upon fG(G(G(ω)))(:D(345)) of simulation going on. The result said that if current discovery rules applies to supercluster, there might be hyperintelligent lifeforms, at the end of evolutionary progress, ruler of quantumverse. No research shows evidence of that lifeform, except single remnant in box galaxy cluster far, far away...
