Not to be confused with proto-verses.
Protoverses are infinitely small verses, which are the beginning of every single Verse in our local Omniverse. They can be found everywhere, and can be moved anywhere through everything. It is also one of elementary building blocks of existence.
Nearly every verse there, regardless of its degree of alienness, has the Protoverse as its starting seed. When they get collided by invisible Chaos Particles, they go Big Bang to form new Universes with their unique laws. (dependent on which Multiverse it is located in) The highest probability of these collisions is at the center of a gravitational singularity.
Protoverses aren't normal Verses in the same fashion as Verses are Verses, but rather because it adheres to many conditions that verses fall under. They have a force field as its surface, with which it interacts with other Protoverses, and has its own set of laws, which are few numbered. Even phenomena such as internal energy in any verse is partially or entirely made out of highly excited Protoverses of strange and extreme properties.
Protoverses seem to be constructed with a icosahedron shape consisting with Blueprint Particles from those points, connecting with a single, white Existence-1 Blueprint Particle at the center. It is one of the 2 primary protospatial particle types, only residing with the nonexistence variant, Nulliroto.