Puffish is an old, ancient and quite complicated language created by the Puffians, it also has an alphabet to go with it, called 'Puff-Glyph'. The language itself is genderless (Because Puffians do not have gender either). Puffish when spoken by Puffians sounds nothing like human phonemes, so a romanisation was made to be used for anthropic sounds, all below information about that language is referring to that transcription.
Language Rules[]
Each word has to be of a single syllable, with a few exceptions (E.G Boogl)
first a selection of 0, 1 or 2 consonant words, 'θ' (th) will not make the normal sound, instead, use 'C' as a replacement, same goes for 'ʃ' (sh), 'tʃ' (tsh) and 'ŋ' (ng), for those, use Q, X, and Ŋ (in that order) as replacements.
next, either 1 or 2 vowel sounds (They must be the same vowels if it is 2).
Lastly, another 0, 1 or 2 consonant words.
An apostrophe or dash can be added to a word to fuse it, this can be done any many times as needed.
Other vowel rules:
a = /a/, aa = /æ/, e = /ɛ/, ee = /e/, i = /ɪ/, ii = /i/ o = /o/, oo = /u/, u = /ʌ/, uu = /ɔ/
For translating names or to spell words, use letters to make something that will sound the same/ very similar, put it in quote marks.
Ethan = 'Iic-An',
Jonathan = 'Jon-Ac-An',
Hello = 'Hel-Oh',
Earth = 'Erc'
- (haat)-bood/bool/book-NOUN/VERB bliiy-(tense) (haat)-bood/bool/book-NOUN/VERB (namb...)
- bood/bool/book-NOUN cyuum-(tense) (haat)-VERB (namb...)
- (haat)-VERB cyuut-(tense) bood/bool/book-NOUN (namb...)
Basic Words:[]
Bood = the, Bool = a/an, Book = This / That, Fo = at, Bliiy = is/are/equal, Perg = But, Haat = Of/by/for/in/from, Goobl = Or, Pev/Piirl (formal version) = and / plus / with / keep, Tev/Puurk (formal version) = minus / without, Geel = I, Geev = You, Kov = He / She / It, Tuup = In, Traam = way, Juhm = out, Ay = Hello, Oom = Bye, Kan = Yes, Qirr = no/not, Jop = If, Pok = Question / What, Namb = Because, Wuuj = Thing, Bef = Big, Def = Small
Cyuum = Do / Action, Cyuut = Done by, Xuuf = Comparing, Zelm = Create, Valt = Destroy, Yoolt = Want, Cool = Love, Toh = Trick, Boogl = Fool, Tuul = See, Faa = Help, Klut = Fight / Battle, Jaŋ = Know / Remember, Jan = Idea, Kaat = Come, Qirr-Cyuum = Stop, Kan-Cyuum = Allow, Xes = Hard, Xiik = Easy, Zoc-Cyuum = Think, Zoc-Jii = Like, Zoc-Jes = Hate, Vah = Speak / Talk / Language / Call, Fac = Write, Tyut = Use
Zii = Light, Oo = Sky, Ee = Sun, Uu = Moon, Ii = Body/Person, Vav = God, Xii = ???, Xak = Demigod, Zov = Life, Row = Death / Kill, Voof = Mortal, Idd = World / place / planet, Jav = All / Every(thing) / Embodiment, Jac = Infinite / Infinity, Toh-Em = Tricker, Glit = Chaos, Zul = Order (Opposite of Chaos type), Sal = Angel, Kuuc = Demon, Zluu = Space, Zlaa = Time, Pruc = Realm, Greek = Hell, Galt = Heaven Colk = List / Collection, Ziit = Matter, Zoc = Soul, Ziit-Ahk = Particle, Zoc-Qahk = Mind, Zaac = Friend, Zaac-hu = Group, Ahk-zoy = Species, Ahk-ii-an = Civilisation, [Adjective]-ii-an = [Specific civilisation], Low = Judgement, Bduul = Shape, Qoolt = Teleport
Row-ec = Dead, Zoy = Alive, Ptiig = Crazy, Jes = Evil, Jii = Good, Vood = Dark, Bal = Young, Tal = Elder, Jaj = Divine, Puf = Cute, An = Smart, Ak = Dumb, Yuulp = First, Yuuft = Last, Mac = in, Ŋalc = out, Karr = Fake, Kanc = Real
Pec = Then / Past, Pol = Now / Present, Pac = Soon / Future
(BASE 7 SYSTEM) Kah = 0 / None, Ahk = 1, Yun = 2, Yot = 3, Haa = 4, Fal = 5, Kac = 6, Akh-Iq-Kah = 7, Akh-Iq-Akh = 8, Akh-Iq-Yun = 9, Akh-Iq-Yot = 10, Qahk = Many
So on...
Kac-Iq-Kac = 36, Ahk-Da-Kah-Iq-Kah = 37,
Iq, Da, Jol, Tin, Yit, Hik, Pikh, Jooc = Place Values: x6, x36, x216, x1296, x7776, x46656, x279936, x1679616
Puurk-[NUMBER] = Negative [NUMBER]
Pan = Math / Number
Ŋo = Equation
Bliiy = "="
Ŋo-Piirl = "+"
Ŋo-Puurk = "-"
Ŋo-Piirl-Yun = "*"
Ŋo-Puurk-Yun = "/"
Ŋo-Piirl-Yot = "^"
Ŋo-Puurk-Yot = "√"
Ŋo-Piirl-Haa = Tetration
Ŋo-Puurk-Haa = Anti-Tetration (Super Root)
Question Words[]
(Pok = what)
Pok-Zluu = Where
Pok-Zlaa = When
Pok-Zoc = Why
Pok-Ii = Who
Pok-Cyuum = How
Jav-Ziit = Primordium Delta
Zii-Ziit = Primordium Alpha
Low-Ziit = Primordium Sigma
Vood-Ziit = Primordium Omega
Dec = Red
Rhoov = Yellow
Juul = Green
Ced = Cyan
Voohr = Blue
Luuj = Purple
Sii = White
Voot = Black
[COLOUR]-Sii = Light [COLOUR]
[COLOUR]-Voot = Dark [COLOUR]
...-em = Agent
...-ut = Patient
...-gu = ...ing
...-ec = (Past tense),
...-ac = (Future tense),
...-la = (Formalized),
...-lo = (Informalised),
...-hu = (Majorly),
...-ul = (Minorly),
...-ma = (Ownership)
...-oj = (Participle former)