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The Puiettabvere is a verse that rests on the bottom of the Absoverse. The immense gravitational pull

generated by the surface of the Absoverse is great enough to make the Puiettabverse seem "stuck" to the floor.

It becomes unstuck once the Blaychamaverse rings, then, it begins to roll in a circular motion, powered by soundwaves generated by the vibrations of the echoing bell and rattling Absoverse. It takes an entire OYC for the verse to end its motion, upon which, it will abruptly haste to the rock bottom and rest until the next calling.

The rolling sound is interpreted as a call for attack, then, all major life in the Absoverse will seek refuge in so-called "pocket-dimensions", the order in which they hide in these random forgotten dimensions is uninterpretable and impossible to comprehend to the primitive mechanical beings who attempt to annihiliate everything in their path.

The major life will take all of its "children verses", aka, verses that it contains or are smaller than itself, into with them, usually for an entire OYC, due to the attacker foolishly scouring the Absoverse to find even the slightest resemblance of life.
