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Qōq is a Haate deity of the planet Shataran. Qōq's gender pronouns are qe/qem/qems/qemself/qes.



Qōq is the main deity of the Haate civilization. Qe is believed to be responsible for the creation of the planet's life. No Haate ever actually saw Qōq, as such qes existence is disputed, however they felt a need to represent qem. The black lines in the illustrations are so to highlight the deeper carvings.


The prayer to Qōq consists of a chant.

Qōq Xý Qōq Rùu

Qōq Xý Qōq Bôl

Pŷx Lòo Bū Púr

Ró Qōq Lŷy Qûb

To perform it, sixteen chanters must stand in a circle, with the others use ritual drum-like instruments. Each chanter will be numbered clockwise from 1 to 16. Chanter 16 starts the chant with "Qōq", and once that is said, chanters 4, 8 and 12 repeat the prayer syllable simultaneously. Next, chanter 1 chants the second syllable, "Xý" in this case, repeated by chanters 5, 9 and 13. They are followed by chanter 2, whose syllable is repeated by chanters 6, 10 and 14. The chanters keep going clockwise until the final syllable, "Qûb", is reached and said by chanter 15 (accompanied by chanters 3, 7 and 11).
