All dimensions Wiki

Rules for what it contains[]

see size, its self explanitory

Kardashev Scale[]


Cause for blue-ness[]

The cause for blue-ness is because when matter is zoomed out (like, alot) it causes the matter to turn blue. (reason is unknown)


These holes are actually wormholes to a diffrerent hole, so you can travel around it quickly

Mapping program[]

1 OYC[]

people discover its existance

10 OYC[]

people map the entire multiverse by using special rays that can travel longer than a light

Ωφ(ω,ω,ω,ω,ω)(10010100) OYC[]

People map an entire genericaverse!

Ωφ(ω,ω,ω,ω,ω)(θ) OYC[]

People manage to Map An entire hole!


They mapped The entire Quadboboverse!!!!
