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"Phew! Thank god someone made some bridges to help us traverse this sea of cosmic teraplasma! How convenient!"

A Rintaverse is a universe that contains Sortaverses and Kindaverses.

Rintaverse Matter & Fields[]

Rintaverse Matter or Stem Matter is almost like an infinite matter source. It feeds off the energy from the Kindaverses. When Stem Matter is at a high enough concentration in a Sortaverse, it creates shooting ‘tendrils’ of Sortaverse matter and Rintaverse matter. These tendrils spawn more Sortaverses on their edges, eventually creating a beautiful fractal of Sortaverses. As well as this, the Rintavers absorbs the dark fields from the giant Kindaverses and converts it into Rintaverse fields, which feed the Sortaverses. The Rintaverse isn’t that much of a hazard in of itself, as the Kindaverses absorb the excess gravity. You would really only be gravitationally attracted to the tendrils, however, if you are going long distance, it is generally advised to avoid the numerous dangerous structures like sinkholes and portals in the Rintaverse.

! WARNING ! Avoid the "spirals" and "oceans" in the Rintaverse. It's extremely unstable, and pretty much a Udekaplasma (equivalent of undecillions of degrees Kelvin). YOU WILL DIE IMMEDIATELY.

Rintaversian Technology[]

Rintaversians have created many-a-technology to aid them in expanding. Rintaversians have full freedom to reroute the fractal tendrils. This causes them to regrow incredibly quickly. While this takes alot of energy, they can harvest the energy from the Sortaverses to obtain Stem matter and Sortaverse Matter. This is one of the most effective ways to obtain both of these materials. There have been instances of Rintaversians consuming whole Sortaverses. This usually leads to all the contents of the Sortaverse being expelled. Tredaverses may bloat in size and escape, the eviler ones wreaking havoc, as they may even turn into Sortaverses. This usually creates a host of problems with the Kindaverses mixing with the Sortaverses and self-destructing. This, let’s just say, is not good.

Fish was here. Fish is everywhere. -Fish
